AlFA# Posted April 28, 2014 Share Posted April 28, 2014 Bueno, como dice el titulo, tengo un problema con un login que funciona vía DB (Database). 1- Cuando entro a mi servidor hosteado en Server V3, me sale el login y todo, pero me dice que tengo que crear cuenta en la página del antiguo servidor del Gamemode (WTF) Es un multigamemode, tiene Shooter, Trials, Hunter, DM, de todo como FFS. Pero tengo el problema de que no puedo acceder a él por culpa de la DB ¿Alguno me podría decir como desactivar ese login y yo añadir uno mio? Por favor, necesito ese Gamemode para intentar abrir un servidor como FFS Script -------------------- -- autor: Hizard -- -- date: 28/10/13 -- -------------------- server = {} server.__index = server server.connection = dbConnect( "mysql", "dbname=wtf;host=localhost", "root", "" ) if ( server.connection ) then outputDebugString("Connection to database successful") else outputDebugString("Connection to database failed") end server.maps = { ["Deathmatch"] = {}, ["Destruction"] = {}, ["Hunter"] = {}, ["Shooter"] = {} } function server.refreshMaps() --// Clear Map Lists server.maps["Deathmatch"] = {} server.maps["Destruction"] = {} server.maps["Hunter"] = {} server.maps["Shooter"] = {} --// Fill Map Lists for index, resource in ipairs ( getResources() ) do local name = getResourceName( resource ) if ( string.find( name, "[DM]", 1, true ) ) then local real = getResourceInfo( resource, "name" ) table.insert( server.maps["Deathmatch"], { name, real } ) elseif ( string.find( name, "[DD]", 1, true ) ) then local real = getResourceInfo( resource, "name" ) table.insert( server.maps["Destruction"], { name, real } ) elseif ( string.find( name, "[Hunter]", 1, true ) ) then local real = getResourceInfo( resource, "name" ) table.insert( server.maps["Hunter"], { name, real } ) elseif ( string.find( name, "[shooter]", 1, true ) ) then local real = getResourceInfo( resource, "name" ) table.insert( server.maps["Shooter"], { name, real } ) end end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getRootElement( getThisResource() ), server.refreshMaps) function server.randomMap( List ) --// Return a random Map local map if ( List ~= "" ) then local id = math.random( #server.maps[List] ) if ( id > 0 ) then map = id end return map end end function server.getMapName( List, id, Version ) --// Return Mapname local name = "N/A" if ( List ~= "" and id > 0 and #server.maps[List] >= id ) then name = server.maps[List][id][Version] --// Version: 1 = Resourcename | 2 = Meta Name end return name end function server.login( thePlayer, Username, Password ) --// Login the Player if ( thePlayer ~= "" and Username ~= "" and Password ~= "" ) then if ( getElementData( thePlayer, "Connection" ) ~= 1 ) then local accounts = dbQuery( server.connection, "SELECT * FROM wtf_accounts WHERE Accountname = '" .. Username .. "'" ) local result, rows, errormessage = dbPoll( accounts, -1 ) if ( rows == 1 ) then for i, row in pairs( result ) do local pass = string.upper( row['Password'] ) local salt = row['Salt'] local gens = md5( md5( salt .. pass .. salt ) ) local ePass = md5( Password ) local salted = md5( md5( salt .. ePass .. salt ) ) if ( gens == salted ) then setElementData( thePlayer, "Connection", 1 ) -- 0 = Guest | 1 = Logged in setElementData( thePlayer, "Arena", "Lobby" ) -- Set Player into Lobby setPlayerName( thePlayer, row['IngameName'] ) --// Deathmatch Info setElementData( thePlayer, "DM_Points", row['Deathmatch_Points'] ) setElementData( thePlayer, "DM_Rank", row['Deathmatch_Rank'] ) --// Destruction Info setElementData( thePlayer, "DD_Points", row['Destruction_Points'] ) setElementData( thePlayer, "DD_Rank", row['Destruction_Rank'] ) --// Hunter Info setElementData( thePlayer, "Hunter_Points", row['Hunter_Points'] ) setElementData( thePlayer, "Hunter_Rank", row['Hunter_Rank'] ) --// Shooter Info setElementData( thePlayer, "Shooter_Points", row['Shooter_Points'] ) setElementData( thePlayer, "Shooter_Rank", row['Shooter_Rank'] ) triggerClientEvent( thePlayer, "player:loginNotification", getRootElement(), true ) triggerClientEvent( thePlayer, "server:note", getRootElement(), "success", "You successfully logged in") return true else triggerClientEvent( thePlayer, "server:note", getRootElement(), "error", "You entered a wrong password") triggerClientEvent( thePlayer, "player:loginNotification", getRootElement(), false ) return false end end else triggerClientEvent( thePlayer, "server:note", getRootElement(), "error", "Account does not exists. Register at [url=][/url]") return false end dbFree( accounts ) else outputDebugString( getPlayerName( thePlayer ) .. " failed to login. - Already logged in. Serial: " .. getPlayerSerial( thePlayer ) ) end end end addEvent("player:login", true) addEventHandler("player:login", getRootElement(), server.login) function server.logout( thePlayer ) if ( thePlayer ~= "" ) then if ( getElementData( thePlayer, "Connection" ) == 1 ) then local save = dbQuery( server.connection, "UPDATE wtf_accounts SET `??` = ?", "IngameName", getPlayerName( thePlayer ), -- Current InGame Name --// Deathmatch Save "Deathmatch_Points", getElementData( thePlayer, "DM_Points" ), --// Current Deathmatch Points "Deathmatch_Rank", getElementData( thePlayer, "DM_Rank" ), --// Current Deathmatch Rank --// Destruction Save "Destruction_Points", getElementData( thePlayer, "DD_Points" ), --// Current Destruction Points "Destruction_Rank", getElementData( thePlayer, "DD_Rank" ), --// Current Destruction Rank --// Hunter Save "Hunter_Kills", getElementData( thePlayer, "Hunter_Kills" ), --// Current Hunter Kills "Hunter_Deaths", getElementData( thePlayer, "Hunter_Deaths" ), --// Current Hunter Deaths "Hunter_Rank", getElementData( thePlayer, "Hunter_Rank" ), --// Current Hunter Rank --// Shooter Save "Shooter_Kills", getElementData( thePlayer, "Shooter_Kills" ), --// Current Shooter Kills "Shooter_Deaths", getElementData( thePlayer, "Shooter_Deaths" ), --// Current Shooter Deaths "Shooter_Rank", getElementData( thePlayer, "Shooter_Rank" ) --// Current Shooter Rank ) dbFree( save ) end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), function() server.logout( source ) end ) addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), function() setElementData( source, "Connection", false ) end ) addCommandHandler("log", function( player, cmd, username, password ) server.login( player, username, password ) end ) Luego en otra carpeta hay otra cosas del login, si me piden lo paso Espero que me ayuden con este problema. Muchas gracias por atender Link to comment
AlFA# Posted April 28, 2014 Author Share Posted April 28, 2014 Perdon por el doble-post pero acabo de ver un erro, pero no se si tiene que ver con la DB. Cuando le doy a (Join Guest) no hace nada ,., suena cuando doy click, pero parece que no tienen ninguna función ya tiene permiso de adm y todo .-. Si alguno me puede ayudar a instarlo estaría muy agradecido Mi skype es : esparta1500 Link to comment
Castillo Posted April 28, 2014 Share Posted April 28, 2014 De quien es el script ese? Link to comment
AlFA# Posted April 28, 2014 Author Share Posted April 28, 2014 El creador del GM es -- autor: Hizard -- -- date: 28/10/13 -- -------------------- Y fue usado en el servidor WTF Link to comment
Castillo Posted April 28, 2014 Share Posted April 28, 2014 Y vos tenes permiso para usarlo? Link to comment
AlFA# Posted April 28, 2014 Author Share Posted April 28, 2014 Están para descargar en una comunidad llamada mta-sa o algo así. Si quieres te paso el link de descargar y el foro. que yo sepa si esta para descargar esta para uso público ¿no? si no es así lo siento y no lo uso. Link to comment
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