luck55 Posted April 25, 2014 Share Posted April 25, 2014 Bonjour, Je me permet de posté ici ma demande de soutien , j'ai trouvé il y a de ca un petit moment un script de Bonb Shop seul probléme il et bugé et je n'arrive a rien je débute en LUA , tous ce que je demande c'est de m'expliqué l'erreur que je puisse apprendre et par la méme occasion les réssoudre par la futur Voici donc le code : cost = 10000 --This is our global cost value, for how much a bomb costs bombshopCol = createColSphere ( 1945.15491, -1759.58777, 12.59090, 2.4 ) --we also make a col object to detect people entering it in the main body of the code so it can be used in event handlers. -- addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getRootElement(), bombshopLoad ) --when the resource is started function bombshopLoad ( name ) if name ~= getThisResource () then return else --add a check to make sure that its the current resource local marker = createMarker ( 1945.15491, -1759.58777, 12.59090, "cylinder", 3, 255, 0, 0, 200 ) --create a pretty marker for our bombshop bombshopMenu = textCreateDisplay () --create a menu text display --Create our text items. Displays instructions, the cost, and all possible bomb times. local menuText1 = textCreateTextItem ( "Press 1-5 to choose your bomb.", 0.15, 0.2, 2, 255, 255, 255, 255, 1.2 ) local menuText2 = textCreateTextItem ( "Cost: $"..cost, 0.15, 0.227, 2, 255, 255, 255, 255, 1.2 ) --note the cost variable is used to display the cost local menuText3 = textCreateTextItem ( "1) Time bomb", 0.15, 0.262, 2, 255, 255, 255, 255, 1.2 ) local menuText4 = textCreateTextItem ( "2) Detonator bomb", 0.15, 0.289, 2, 255, 255, 255, 255, 1.2 ) local menuText5 = textCreateTextItem ( "3) Engine start bomb", 0.15, 0.316, 2, 255, 255, 255, 255, 1.2 ) local menuText6 = textCreateTextItem ( "4) Weight bomb", 0.15, 0.37, 2, 255, 255, 255, 255, 1.2 ) --add all this text to our bombshopMenu display textDisplayAddText ( bombshopMenu, menuText1 ) textDisplayAddText ( bombshopMenu, menuText2 ) textDisplayAddText ( bombshopMenu, menuText3 ) textDisplayAddText ( bombshopMenu, menuText4 ) textDisplayAddText ( bombshopMenu, menuText5 ) textDisplayAddText ( bombshopMenu, menuText6 ) end end addEventHandler ( "onColShapeHit", bombshopCol, bombshopEnter ) --when someone hits the bombshopCol collision shape function bombshopEnter ( element, dim ) if ( getElementType ( element ) == "vehicle" ) then --check if the element is a vehicle local player = getVehicleOccupant ( element, 0 ) --if it is, get the player inside this vehicle if getElementData ( element, "bombType" ) == "0" then --if the bombtype is blank textDisplayAddObserver ( bombshopMenu, player ) --bind all the keys according to the menu. we dont provide any special arguments as we can differentiate using keys bindKey ( player, "1", "down", "fitBomb", element ) bindKey ( player, "2", "down", "fitBomb", element ) bindKey ( player, "3", "down", "fitBomb", element ) bindKey ( player, "4", "down", "fitBomb", element ) else outputChatBox ( "This car is already rigged!", player ) --if the bombtype is not blank, display a message that a bomb is already fitted. end end end function fitBomb ( player, key, keyState, vehicle ) --this is the custom fitBomb function if getPlayerMoney ( player ) >= cost then --first we check the player has enough money. setElementData ( vehicle, "bombType", key ) --flag the vehicle with the bombtype that is desired - according to the key pressed if key ~= "2" then --if the key does NOT == 2, in other words is not the detonator bomb --then it must be a bomb that is activated like normal. Tell them to press fire to arm the bomb, and bind the fire key to the "armBomb" function outputChatBox ( "Press fire to arm the bomb", player ) bindKey ( player, "vehicle_fire", "down", "armBomb", vehicle ) else --however, if it is the detonator bomb outputChatBox ( "Use the detonator to trigger the bomb", player ) --tell them to use the detonator giveWeapon ( player, 40 ) --give them a detonator setElementData ( player, "detonaterVehicle", vehicle ) --flag the player with the vehicle which the detonator blows up end --get rid of all our keybinds, and remove the text for the bombshop unbindKey ( player, "1", "down", "fitBomb" ) unbindKey ( player, "2", "down", "fitBomb" ) unbindKey ( player, "3", "down", "fitBomb" ) unbindKey ( player, "4", "down", "fitBomb" ) textDisplayRemoveObserver ( bombshopMenu, player ) --play an activation sound playSoundFrontEnd ( player, 46 ) --and remove money according to the cost takePlayerMoney ( player, math.abs(cost) ) else --if he doesnt have enough money, tell him he cant afford to fit one outputChatBox ( "You cannot afford to fit a bomb!", player ) end end addEventHandler ( "onColShapeLeave", bombshopCol, bombshopLeave)--when someone leaves the bombshopCol function bombshopLeave ( element, dim ) if getElementType ( element ) == "player" then --if the element is a player --unbind all the keys to buy a bomb, and remove the menu. unbindKey ( element, "1", "down", "fitBomb" ) unbindKey ( element, "2", "down", "fitBomb" ) unbindKey ( element, "3", "down", "fitBomb" ) unbindKey ( element, "4", "down", "fitBomb" ) textDisplayRemoveObserver ( bombshopMenu, element ) end end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleEnter", getRootElement(), bombshopVehicleEnter ) --when a vehicle is entered function bombshopVehicleEnter ( player, seat, jacked ) local type = getElementData ( source, "bombType" ) --get the bomb type if type == false then --if type returns false setElementData ( source, "bombType", "0" ) --set it to a blank type elseif type ~= "2" and getElementData ( source, "armed" ) == false then bindKey ( player, "vehicle_fire", "down", "armBomb", source ) --if its not type 2, and the vehicle is nor armed bind the vehicle fire button to armBomb elseif type ~= "2" and getElementData ( source, "armed" ) ~= false then --if it isnt type 2, but IS armed, then we initiate any bomb functions that might occur unbindKey ( player, "vehicle_fire", "down", "armBomb" ) --start off by getting rid of the keybind --ENGINE START BOMB. if type == "3" and getElementData ( source, "armed" ) ~= false then --if the type is a engine start bomb, i.e. 3, then we need to blow the vehicle when a driver enters a vehicle. if seat == 0 then --check if the seat the player got into was id 0 - i.e. driver seat blowVehicle ( source ) --if it was, toast him end end --WEIGHT BOMB if type == "4" then --if it is a weight bomb, i.e. type 4, we need to blow the vehicle accoring to weight local i = 0 --define a loop variable local totalPassengers = 0 --define a loop total passengers while i ~= 8 do --loop until i == 8 if ( getVehicleOccupant ( source, i ) ) then --check if the "i" id has a passenger inside totalPassengers = totalPassengers + 1 --if it does, add totalPassengers by one end i = i + 1 --add the loop variable by one end if totalPassengers > 1 then --if the total passengers in the vehicle, is indeed greater than one blowVehicle ( source ) --fry the vehicle. end end end end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleExit", getRootElement(), bombshopVehicleExit ) --when a vehicle is exited function bombshopVehicleExit ( player, seat, jacker ) unbindKey ( player, "vehicle_fire", "down", "armBomb" ) --get rid of any binds to activate the bomb. end --the arm bomb function - to activate it before the bomb can detonate function armBomb ( source, key, keyState, vehicle ) setElementData ( vehicle, "armed", true ) --flag the vehicle as armed outputChatBox ( "The bomb has been activated.", source ) --announce it playSoundFrontEnd ( source, 42 ) --play an activation sound unbindKey ( source, "vehicle_fire", "down", "armBomb" )--unbind the ability to activate it if getElementData ( vehicle, "bombType" ) == "1" then --if the bomb is a timebomb outputChatBox ( "10", source ) --start a chatbox countdown from 10 setTimer ( "timeBombCountDown", 1000, 1, 9, source, vehicle ) --set a timer to call the timbBombCountDown after 1 second, with arguements of 9 seconds remainging, the player and the vehicle end end function timeBombCountDown ( currentTime, source, vehicle ) if currentTime ~= 0 then --if the time is not 0 playSoundFrontEnd ( source, 5 ) --play a timer sound outputChatBox ( currentTime, source ) --announce the remaining time currentTime = currentTime - 1 --change to a new time setTimer ( "timeBombCountDown", 1000, 1, currentTime, source, vehicle ) --call the function again in one second with the new time else --otherwise, if the time remaining is 0 outputChatBox ( "BOOOOOM!" ) --announce that it has been exploded blowVehicle ( vehicle ) --blow it sky high. end end ------------------BOMB TWO - DETONATED --------------- --Possibly the most complex bomb. Requires a player to detonate it on foot addEventHandler ( "onPlayerWeaponSwitch", getRootElement(), bombshopWeaponSwitch ) --use the onPlayerWeaponSwitch function to detect when a player switches his weapon function bombshopWeaponSwitch ( previousWeaponID, currentWeaponID ) if currentWeaponID == 40 then --if he switches it to ID 40, i.e. the detonator bindKey ( source, "fire", "down", "detonateVehicle" ) --then bind his fire key to the detonateVehicle function else unbindKey ( source, "fire", "down", "detonateVehicle" ) --if it aint id 40, unbind it end end function detonateVehicle ( source, key, keyState ) --the detonateVehicle function the bind is bound do blowVehicle ( getElementData ( source, "detonaterVehicle" ) ) --find the vehicle that the detonator is attached to by looking up a flag on the player - then blow the crap out of it end addCommandHandler ( "money", "money" ) -------TEMP REMOVE FOR FINAL---- voici maintenant les erreurs : [2014-04-25 13:27:50] WARNING: test\bomb_s.lua:4: Bad argument @ 'addEventHandler' [Expected element at argument 2, got nil] [2014-04-25 13:27:50] WARNING: test\bomb_s.lua:26: Bad argument @ 'addEventHandler' [Expected function at argument 3, got nil] [2014-04-25 13:27:50] WARNING: test\bomb_s.lua:70: Bad argument @ 'addEventHandler' [Expected function at argument 3, got nil] [2014-04-25 13:27:50] WARNING: test\bomb_s.lua:82: Bad argument @ 'addEventHandler' [Expected function at argument 3, got nil] [2014-04-25 13:27:50] WARNING: test\bomb_s.lua:114: Bad argument @ 'addEventHandler' [Expected function at argument 3, got nil] [2014-04-25 13:27:50] WARNING: test\bomb_s.lua:145: Bad argument @ 'addEventHandler' [Expected function at argument 3, got nil] [2014-04-25 13:27:50] WARNING: test\bomb_s.lua:157: Bad argument @ 'addCommandHandler' [Expected function at argument 2, got string 'money'] Link to comment
=KoG=Rouche Posted April 28, 2014 Share Posted April 28, 2014 Je t'invite à consulter cette page addEventHandler tu pouras alors voir les arguments dont à besoin cette fonction pour que ça marche. WARNING: test\bomb_s.lua:145: Bad argument @ 'addEventHandler' [Expected function at argument 3, got nil] Link to comment
Moderators Citizen Posted April 28, 2014 Moderators Share Posted April 28, 2014 Je t'invite à consulter cette page addEventHandler tu pouras alors voir les arguments dont à besoin cette fonction pour que ça marche. WARNING: test\bomb_s.lua:145: Bad argument @ 'addEventHandler' [Expected function at argument 3, got nil] ça ne l'aidera absolument pas parce qu'il a bien donner les bons arguments ... Le seul problème c'est qu'il a appelé addEventHandler avant la déclaration de la fonction à appeler: addEventHandler ( "onColShapeHit", bombshopCol, bombshopEnter ) function bombshopEnter ( element, dim ) -- blablabla end Lors du chargement du script, les instructions sont exécutés dans l'ordre donc lorsqu'il passe sur cette ligne: addEventHandler ( "onColShapeHit", bombshopCol, bombshopEnter ) La fonction n'existe pas encore car elle est déclarée juste après. Il faut donc placer le addEventHandler après la déclaration de la fonction comme ceci: function bombshopEnter ( element, dim ) -- blablabla end addEventHandler ( "onColShapeHit", bombshopCol, bombshopEnter ) Dans ce cas, la fonction est bien chargée avant l'execution du addEventHandler qui l'utilise. Mais alors pourquoi le script était comme ça Et bah ce script n'était surement pas comme ça, car il devait surement utiliser des fonctions anonymes qu'il déclarait en même temps que le addEventHandler comme ceci: addEventHandler ( "onColShapeHit", bombshopCol, function ( element, dim ) -- blablabla end) --fermeture de la parenthèse du [b]addEventHandler[/b] Link to comment
luck55 Posted April 30, 2014 Author Share Posted April 30, 2014 Je vous remercie pour cette aide de plus , le probléme et donc résolue , si vous le souhaitez je peut posté le code avec les probléme résolue cordialement Link to comment
Moderators Citizen Posted April 30, 2014 Moderators Share Posted April 30, 2014 Pas de soucis, non pas la peine de poster le nouveau code. Bon codage ! Link to comment
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