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help radar


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I am using this radar community

as might make the map does not repeat

at the end of the entire map

help plis

local s = {guiGetScreenSize()} 
local icons = {} 
for k = 1,65 do 
icons[k] = dxCreateTexture("blips/"..k..".png") 
local blips = {} 
addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStart", getRootElement( ),function (res) 
    if res ~= getThisResource() then return end 
        radarTexture = dxCreateTexture("sattelite.png", 'dxt5', true, 'clamp' ) 
        currentZoomState = 0.8 
        local width, height = 1200,1200 
        radar = dxCreateRenderTarget( s[1]*width*3/1440, s[2]*height*3/900 )  
        mapRadar = dxCreateRenderTarget( s[1]*width*3/1440, s[2]*height*3/900,true )  
        radararea = dxCreateRenderTarget( s[1]*width*3/1440, s[2]*height*3/900,true )  
        pathmap = dxCreateRenderTarget( s[1]*width*3/1440, s[2]*height*3/900,true )  
     local MimgW,MimgH    = dxGetMaterialSize(mapRadar) 
     setTimer(function () 
                blips = {} 
                    for i, v in ipairs( getElementsByType('blip') ) do 
                            local icon = getBlipIcon(v) 
                        if icon > 3 then 
                            local px,py = getElementPosition(v) 
                            local blip_x = (3000+px)/6000*MimgW 
                            local blip_y = (3000-py)/6000*MimgH 
                            local rot = getPedCameraRotation( localPlayer ) 
                            table.insert(blips,{x = blip_x, y = blip_y,icon = icon}) 
    addEventHandler ("onClientPreRender",root, 
            function () 
                dxSetRenderTarget( mapRadar,true )      
                dxDrawImage (0,0,MimgW,MimgH, radarTexture)    
                    for i, v in ipairs( blips ) do 
                            local rot = getPedCameraRotation( localPlayer ) 
                            dxDrawImage(v.x-20/2, v.y-20/2, 20, 20,icons[v.icon],rot) 
                for i, v in ipairs(getElementsByType('player') ) do 
                    if v ~= localPlayer then  
                            local r,g,b = 20,200,20 or getPlayerNametagColor(v)  
                            local px,py = getElementPosition(v) 
                            local p_x = (3000+px)/6000*MimgW 
                            local p_y = (3000-py)/6000*MimgH 
                            local prot = getPedRotation( v ) 
                            local p_blipsize = 20-currentZoomState 
                            dxDrawImage (p_x-p_blipsize/2,p_y-p_blipsize/2,p_blipsize,p_blipsize, icons[3],-prot,0,0,tocolor(r,g,b))    
                dxSetRenderTarget(  )      
                dxSetRenderTarget( radararea,true )      
                    for i, v in ipairs( getElementsByType('radararea') ) do 
                            local r,g,b,a = getRadarAreaColor(v) 
                            local w,h = getRadarAreaSize(v) 
                            x,y = getElementPosition(v) 
                            x = x / (6000 / MimgW)  + MimgW/2  
                            y = y / (-6000/ MimgH) + MimgH/2  
                            dxDrawRectangle(x, (y-h) + 4 + (h/2), (w/2), (h/2), tocolor(r,g,b,a)) 
                dxSetRenderTarget(  )      
                dxSetRenderTarget( radar,true )            
                    local x,y,z = getElementPosition(localPlayer) 
                    local rot = getPedCameraRotation( localPlayer ) 
                    local mapx = x / (6000/MimgW) + MimgW/2 - width*currentZoomState/2 
                    local mapy = y / (-6000/MimgH) + MimgH/2 - height*currentZoomState/2 
                    dxDrawImageSection (0,0,width,height,mapx,mapy,width*currentZoomState,height*currentZoomState,mapRadar,-rot) 
                    dxDrawImageSection (0,0,width,height,mapx,mapy,width*currentZoomState,height*currentZoomState,radararea,-rot) 
                    dxDrawImageSection (0,0,width,height,mapx,mapy,width*currentZoomState,height*currentZoomState,pathmap,-rot) 
                    local px,py = getElementPosition(localPlayer) 
                    local prot = getPedRotation( localPlayer ) 
                    local pblipsize = 20 - currentZoomState 
                    dxDrawImage (width/2-pblipsize/2,height/2-pblipsize/2,pblipsize,pblipsize, icons[3],-rot-prot)    
    dxDrawImageSection(s[1]*50/1440, s[2]*650/900, s[1]*300/1440, s[2]*200/900, 450,490, 300, 200,radar, 0, -90, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255),true) 
    dxDrawRectangle(s[1]*50/1440, s[2]*650/900,s[1]*300/1440,s[2]*2/900,tocolor(0,0,0,255),true) 
    dxDrawRectangle(s[1]*50/1440, s[2]*850/900,s[1]*300/1440,s[2]*2/900,tocolor(0,0,0,255),true) 
    dxDrawRectangle(s[1]*350/1440, s[2]*650/900,s[1]*2/1440,s[2]*202/900,tocolor(0,0,0,255),true) 
    dxDrawRectangle(s[1]*50/1440, s[2]*650/900,s[1]*2/1440,s[2]*200/900,tocolor(0,0,0,255),true) 
    local x,y,z = getElementPosition(localPlayer) 
    local zone = getZoneName(x,y,z) 
    local textwidth = dxGetTextWidth(zone, 1.02,"default-bold") 
    dxDrawRectangle(s[1]*50/1440, s[2]*820/900,s[1]*(textwidth+25)/1440,s[2]*30/900,tocolor(0,0,0,120),true) 
    dxDrawText ( zone, s[1]*63/1440, s[2]*828/900,s[1]*(textwidth+25)/1440,s[2]*30/900, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), 1.02, "default-bold", "left", "top",false,false,true,false,true, 0,0,0) 
                if getKeyState("num_add") then 
                    if  currentZoomState - 0.01 < 0.5 then 
                        currentZoomState = currentZoomState - 0.03 
                elseif getKeyState("num_sub") then 
                    if  currentZoomState + 0.01 > 1.5 then 
                        currentZoomState = currentZoomState + 0.03 

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