ΞĪŚŚÀ Posted April 21, 2014 Share Posted April 21, 2014 ممكـن تـصحيح * xx, yy, zz, rr = 2232, -1333 , 23.98158, 90 xxx, yyy, zzz, rrr = 2495.3, -1688, 13.52, 0 xxxx, yyyy, zzzz, rrrr = 2288.1, -1105.2, 37.98, 170 xxxxx, yyyyy, zzzzz, rrrrr = 1778, -1902, 13.39, 270 xxxxxx, yyyyyy, zzzzzz, rrrrrr = 1568.6, -1691, 5.89, 180 xxxxxxx, yyyyyyy, zzzzzzz, rrrrrrr = 2007.32678, -1440.55554, 13.56250, 130 xxxxxxxx, yyyyyyy, zzzzzzzz, rrrrrrrr = 2549, -1281.5, 1061, 90 setElementModel(player, 105) function Skin() uR = createPed(model, 0, 0, 0) end bindKey("arrow_r", "down", Skin) bindKey("arrow_l", "down", Skin) bindKey("enter", "down", Skin) function Skin(Key) setCameraMatrix(3878.8999023438,-1613.0999755859,17.1, 3878.9900488281,-1607.4000244141,16.5) setElementPosition(Ur2, 3878.9900488281, -1608.4000244141, 16.4) setPedRotation(Ur2, 180) setPedRotation(uR, 180) if Key == "arrow_r" then Skinps = getNextSkinPos(Skinps) setElementModel(uR, skins[Skinps]) elseif Key == "arrow_l" then Skinps = getPrevSkinPos(Skinps) setElementModel(uR, skins[Skinps]) end model = getElementModel(uR) if model > 101 and model < 105 or model == 293 then setElementPosition(Ur2, xx, yy, zz) setPedRotation(uR, 90) setCameraMatrix(2229.3, -1332.8, 24, 2243, -1333.5, 23.5) elseif model > 104 and model < 108 or model > 268 and model < 272 or model == 301 or model == 311 then setElementPosition(Ur2, 3878.9900488281, -1608.4000244141, 16.4) setPedRotation(uR, 180) setCameraMatrix(3878.8999023438,-1613.0999755859,17.1, 3878.9900488281,-1607.4000244141,16.5) setCameraMatrix(xx, -1685, zz, xx, yy, zz) elseif model > 107 and model < 111 then setElementPosition(Ur2, xxx, yyy, zzz) setPedRotation(uR, 170) setCameraMatrix(2287.8, -1108, zzz, xxx, yyy, zzz) elseif model > 113 and model < 117 or model == 292 then setElementPosition(Ur2, xxxx, yyyy, zzzz) setPedRotation(uR, 270) setCameraMatrix(1781, yyyy, zzzz, xxxx, yyyy, zzzz) elseif model > 279 and model < 289 or model == 71 or model > 162 and model < 167 or model > 264 and model < 268 or model == 312 then setElementPosition(Ur2, xxxxx, yyyyy, zzzzz) setPedRotation(uR, 180) setCameraMatrix(xxxxx, -1694, zzzzz, xxxxx, yyyyy, zzzzz) elseif model > 273 and model < 277 then setElementPosition(Ur2, xxxxxx, yyyyyy, zzzzzz) setPedRotation(uR, 130) setCameraMatrix(2004.85, -1443.2, 14.1, 2005.4, -1442.62, 13.91) else setElementPosition(Ur2, xxxxxx, yyyyyy, zzzzzzz) setPedRotation(uR, 180) setCameraMatrix(2549.181640625, -1285.0666503906, 1061.8857421875, 2549.1691894531, -1284.0704345703, 1061.7998046875) end if Key == "enter" then if model > 279 and model < 289 or model == 71 or model > 162 and model < 167 or model > 264 and model < 268 or model == 312 then end elseif model > 101 and model < 105 or model == 293 or model > 104 and model < 108 or model > 268 and model < 272 or model == 301 or model == 311 or model > 107 and model < 111 or model > 113 and model < 117 or model == 292 then end end bindKey("arrow_r", "down", Skin) bindKey("arrow_l", "down", Skin) bindKey("enter", "down", Skin) انسخه كامل افضل لك Link to comment
KING-_-HOHO Posted April 21, 2014 Share Posted April 21, 2014 شوف ذا المود يمكن يفيدك https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=9072 Link to comment
abu5lf Posted April 21, 2014 Share Posted April 21, 2014 والله حتى ابوسرحة ماسوى سواته ايام زمان! Link to comment
EH10 Posted April 21, 2014 Author Share Posted April 21, 2014 ممكـن تـصحيح * function Skin(Key) setCameraMatrix(0,0,0,0,0,0) if Key == "arrow_r" then destroyElement( Skins ) Skina = createPed(48, 0, 0, 0) setElementModel(Skina, 48) elseif Key == "arrow_l" then destroyElement( Skina ) Skins = createPed(48, 0, 0, 0) setElementModel(Skins, 48) if Key == "enter" then destroyElement( Skina ) destroyElement( Skins ) setElementPosition(source, x, y, z) end end end bindKey("arrow_r", "down", Skin) bindKey("arrow_l", "down", Skin) bindKey("enter", "down", Skin) Link to comment
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