G.KinG Posted April 19, 2014 Share Posted April 19, 2014 سلام عليكم معي مشكله في الـ killmessages انه لما مثلا اسوي له exports ولما اسويه يطلع بـ ذا الشكل #FF0000Text لا انا ابيه يطلع بـ اللون الاحمر يعني الزبده يقبل الوان الـ هكس #FF0000, #FFFFFF الخ اتمنى شويه مساعدهـ Link to comment
G.KinG Posted April 19, 2014 Author Share Posted April 19, 2014 ادري لازم اعدل عليه ض1 لكن في ايت ملف واي سطر Link to comment
#DRAGON!FIRE Posted April 19, 2014 Share Posted April 19, 2014 (edited) ( textlib.lua ) روح ملف روح لـ سطر 259 تلاحظ السطر طويل شوية ودي اكس استبدله بـ هذا dxDrawText(self.strText, l + offsetX, t + offsetY, r + offsetX, b + offsetY, tocolor(att2, att3, att4, att5), self.fScale, self.strFont, self.bHorizontalAlign, self.bVerticalAlign, self.bClip, self.bWordWrap, self.bPostGUI, true ) وروح سطر 270 واستبدله بـ هذا dxDrawText(self.strText, l + shadowDist, t + shadowDist, r + shadowDist, b + shadowDist, tocolor(att2, att3, att4, att5), self.fScale, self.strFont, self.bHorizontalAlign, self.bVerticalAlign, self.bClip, self.bWordWrap, self.bPostGUI, true ) وسطر 272 بـ هذا dxDrawText ( self.strText, l, t, r, b, tocolor(unpack(self.tColor)), self.fScale, self.strFont, self.bHorizontalAlign, self.bVerticalAlign, self.bClip, self.bWordWrap, self.bPostGUI, true ) Edited April 19, 2014 by Guest Link to comment
G.KinG Posted April 19, 2014 Author Share Posted April 19, 2014 يعني اضيف ,true بس ؟ وترى dxDrawText(self.strText, l + shadowDist, t + shadowDist, r + shadowDist, b + shadowDist, tocolor(att2, att3, att4, att5), self.fScale, self.strFont, self.bHorizontalAlign, self.bVerticalAlign, self.bClip, self.bWordWrap, self.bPostGUI, true نسيت قوس الزبده جربت ضفت true وزبط يعطيك العافيةة ي زاحف Link to comment
فاّرس Posted April 19, 2014 Share Posted April 19, 2014 لو تلاحظ بالسينتاكس , bool colorCoded=false يعني ما تقدر تحط الوان الهيكس , لو حطيت ترو تقدر مثلا حق الشات بالضبط Link to comment
#DRAGON!FIRE Posted April 19, 2014 Share Posted April 19, 2014 يعني اضيف ,true بس ؟ وترى dxDrawText(self.strText, l + shadowDist, t + shadowDist, r + shadowDist, b + shadowDist, tocolor(att2, att3, att4, att5), self.fScale, self.strFont, self.bHorizontalAlign, self.bVerticalAlign, self.bClip, self.bWordWrap, self.bPostGUI, true نسيت قوس الزبده جربت ضفت true وزبط يعطيك العافيةة ي زاحف اوه صحيح ناسي قوس .. عدلتها الله يعافيك . # Link to comment
G.KinG Posted April 19, 2014 Author Share Posted April 19, 2014 ياخي طلعت شطحه في المود لما اسوي exports لسكربت يطلع في اليسار شويه ولما ااغير النك يكون طبيعي مادري وين المشكله , :\ وذي صوره توضح لو تقول لي وين مكان اعددات الـ x , y عشان اعدلها يكون احسن الملف بعد التعديل , dxText = {} dxText_mt = { __index = dxText } local idAssign,idPrefix = 0,"c" local g_screenX,g_screenY = guiGetScreenSize() local visibleText = {} ------ local defaults = { fX = 0.5, fY = 0.5, bRelativePosition = true, strText = "", bVerticalAlign = "center", bHorizontalAlign = "center", tColor = {255,255,255,255}, fScale = 1, strFont = "default", strType = "normal", tAttributes = {}, bPostGUI = false, bClip = false, bWordWrap = true, bVisible = true, tBoundingBox = false, --If a bounding box is not set, it will not be used. bRelativeBoundingBox = true, } local validFonts = { default = true, ["default-bold"] = true, clear = true, arial = true, pricedown = true, bankgothic = true, diploma = true, beckett = true, } local validTypes = { normal = true, shadow = true, border = true, stroke = true, --Clone of border } local validAlignTypes = { center = true, left = true, right = true, } function dxText:create( text, x, y, relative ) assert(not self.fX, "attempt to call method 'create' (a nil value)") if ( type(text) ~= "string" ) or ( not tonumber(x) ) or ( not tonumber(y) ) then outputDebugString ( "dxText:create - Bad argument", 0, 112, 112, 112 ) return false end local new = {} setmetatable( new, dxText_mt ) --Add default settings for i,v in pairs(defaults) do new[i] = v end idAssign = idAssign + 1 new.id = idPrefix..idAssign new.strText = text or new.strText new.fX = x or new.fX new.fY = y or new.fY if type(relative) == "boolean" then new.bRelativePosition = relative end visibleText[new] = true return new end function dxText:text(text) if type(text) ~= "string" then return self.strText end self.strText = text return true end function dxText:position(x,y,relative) if not tonumber(x) then return self.fX, self.fY end self.fX = x self.fY = y if type(relative) == "boolean" then self.bRelativePosition = relative else self.bRelativePosition = true end return true end function dxText:color(r,g,b,a) if not tonumber(r) then return unpack(self.tColor) end g = g or self.tColor[2] b = b or self.tColor[3] a = a or self.tColor[4] self.tColor = { r,g,b,a } return true end function dxText:scale(scale) if not tonumber(scale) then return self.fScale end self.fScale = scale return true end function dxText:visible(bool) if type(bool) ~= "boolean" then return self.bVisible end self.bVisible = bool if bool then visibleText[self] = true else visibleText[self] = nil end return true end function dxText:destroy() self.bDestroyed = true setmetatable( self, self ) return true end function dxText:extent() local extent = dxGetTextWidth ( self.strText, self.fScale, self.strFont ) if self.strType == "stroke" or self.strType == "border" then extent = extent + self.tAttributes[1] end return extent end function dxText:height() local height = dxGetFontHeight ( self.fScale, self.strFont ) if self.strType == "stroke" or self.strType == "border" then height = height + self.tAttributes[1] end return height end function dxText:font(font) if not validFonts[font] then return self.strFont end self.strFont = font return true end function dxText:postGUI(bool) if type(bool) ~= "boolean" then return self.bPostGUI end self.bPostGUI = bool return true end function dxText:clip(bool) if type(bool) ~= "boolean" then return self.bClip end self.bClip = bool return true end function dxText:wordWrap(bool) if type(bool) ~= "boolean" then return self.bWordWrap end self.bWordWrap = bool return true end function dxText:type(type,...) if not validTypes[type] then return self.strType, unpack(self.tAttributes) end self.strType = type self.tAttributes = {...} return true end function dxText:align(horzA, vertA) if not validAlignTypes[horzA] then return self.bHorizontalAlign, self.bVerticalAlign end vertA = vertA or self.bVerticalAlign self.bHorizontalAlign, self.bVerticalAlign = horzA, vertA return true end function dxText:boundingBox(left,top,right,bottom,relative) if left == nil then if self.tBoundingBox then return unpack(boundingBox) else return false end elseif tonumber(left) and tonumber(right) and tonumber(top) and tonumber(bottom) then self.tBoundingBox = {left,top,right,bottom} if type(relative) == "boolean" then self.bRelativeBoundingBox = relative else self.bRelativeBoundingBox = true end else self.tBoundingBox = false end return true end addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", getRootElement(), function() for self,_ in pairs(visibleText) do while true do if self.bDestroyed then visibleText[self] = nil break end local l,t,r,b --If we arent using a bounding box if not self.tBoundingBox then --Decide if we use relative or absolute local p_screenX,p_screenY = 1,1 if self.bRelativePosition then p_screenX,p_screenY = g_screenX,g_screenY end local fX,fY = (self.fX)*p_screenX,(self.fY)*p_screenY if self.bHorizontalAlign == "left" then l = fX r = fX + g_screenX elseif self.bHorizontalAlign == "right" then l = fX - g_screenX r = fX else l = fX - g_screenX r = fX + g_screenX end if self.bVerticalAlign == "top" then t = fY b = fY + g_screenY elseif self.bVerticalAlign == "bottom" then t = fY - g_screenY b = fY else t = fY - g_screenY b = fY + g_screenY end elseif type(self.tBoundingBox) == "table" then local b_screenX,b_screenY = 1,1 if self.bRelativeBoundingBox then b_screenX,b_screenY = g_screenX,g_screenY end l,t,r,b = self.tBoundingBox[1],self.tBoundingBox[2],self.tBoundingBox[3],self.tBoundingBox[4] l = l*b_screenX t = t*b_screenY r = r*b_screenX b = b*b_screenY end local type,att1,att2,att3,att4,att5 = self:type() if type == "border" or type == "stroke" then att2 = att2 or 0 att3 = att3 or 0 att4 = att4 or 0 att5 = att5 Link to comment
KING-_-HOHO Posted April 19, 2014 Share Posted April 19, 2014 اتوقع كذا تمام exports.killmessages:outputMessage("#FF6464[shop] #00FF00"..name .." Has Bought #FF0000( Health )", source, 255, 255, 0, true) او احذف : اللي بعد killmessages Link to comment
فاّرس Posted April 19, 2014 Share Posted April 19, 2014 ^ تحذفها ؟ -__- وبعدين كذا صحيح اصلا . G.KinG @ عدل الي قالك زاحف فقط لا تعدل هذا exports['killmessages']:outputMessage... Link to comment
KING-_-HOHO Posted April 19, 2014 Share Posted April 19, 2014 لا لاني انا عنددي مود نفس الي فوق اللي هي كذا exports.killmessages:outputMessage شفت كودك استغربت ض١ Link to comment
G.KinG Posted April 19, 2014 Author Share Posted April 19, 2014 @KING-_-HOHO ترى ما فيها فرق Link to comment
فاّرس Posted April 19, 2014 Share Posted April 19, 2014 سويه كذا , dxText = {} dxText_mt = { __index = dxText } local idAssign,idPrefix = 0,"c" local g_screenX,g_screenY = guiGetScreenSize() local visibleText = {} ------ local defaults = { fX = 0.5, fY = 0.5, bRelativePosition = true, strText = "", bVerticalAlign = "center", bHorizontalAlign = "center", tColor = {255,255,255,255}, fScale = 1, strFont = "default", strType = "normal", tAttributes = {}, bPostGUI = false, bClip = false, bWordWrap = true, bVisible = true, tBoundingBox = false, --If a bounding box is not set, it will not be used. bRelativeBoundingBox = true, } local validFonts = { default = true, ["default-bold"] = true, clear = true, arial = true, pricedown = true, bankgothic = true, diploma = true, beckett = true, } local validTypes = { normal = true, shadow = true, border = true, stroke = true, --Clone of border } local validAlignTypes = { center = true, left = true, right = true, } function dxText:create( text, x, y, relative ) assert(not self.fX, "attempt to call method 'create' (a nil value)") if ( type(text) ~= "string" ) or ( not tonumber(x) ) or ( not tonumber(y) ) then outputDebugString ( "dxText:create - Bad argument", 0, 112, 112, 112 ) return false end local new = {} setmetatable( new, dxText_mt ) --Add default settings for i,v in pairs(defaults) do new[i] = v end idAssign = idAssign + 1 new.id = idPrefix..idAssign new.strText = text or new.strText new.fX = x or new.fX new.fY = y or new.fY if type(relative) == "boolean" then new.bRelativePosition = relative end visibleText[new] = true return new end function dxText:text(text) if type(text) ~= "string" then return self.strText end self.strText = text return true end function dxText:position(x,y,relative) if not tonumber(x) then return self.fX, self.fY end self.fX = x self.fY = y if type(relative) == "boolean" then self.bRelativePosition = relative else self.bRelativePosition = true end return true end function dxText:color(r,g,b,a) if not tonumber(r) then return unpack(self.tColor) end g = g or self.tColor[2] b = b or self.tColor[3] a = a or self.tColor[4] self.tColor = { r,g,b,a } return true end function dxText:scale(scale) if not tonumber(scale) then return self.fScale end self.fScale = scale return true end function dxText:visible(bool) if type(bool) ~= "boolean" then return self.bVisible end self.bVisible = bool if bool then visibleText[self] = true else visibleText[self] = nil end return true end function dxText:destroy() self.bDestroyed = true setmetatable( self, self ) return true end function dxText:extent() local extent = dxGetTextWidth ( self.strText, self.fScale, self.strFont ) if self.strType == "stroke" or self.strType == "border" then extent = extent + self.tAttributes[1] end return extent end function dxText:height() local height = dxGetFontHeight ( self.fScale, self.strFont ) if self.strType == "stroke" or self.strType == "border" then height = height + self.tAttributes[1] end return height end function dxText:font(font) if not validFonts[font] then return self.strFont end self.strFont = font return true end function dxText:postGUI(bool) if type(bool) ~= "boolean" then return self.bPostGUI end self.bPostGUI = bool return true end function dxText:clip(bool) if type(bool) ~= "boolean" then return self.bClip end self.bClip = bool return true end function dxText:wordWrap(bool) if type(bool) ~= "boolean" then return self.bWordWrap end self.bWordWrap = bool return true end function dxText:type(type,...) if not validTypes[type] then return self.strType, unpack(self.tAttributes) end self.strType = type self.tAttributes = {...} return true end function dxText:align(horzA, vertA) if not validAlignTypes[horzA] then return self.bHorizontalAlign, self.bVerticalAlign end vertA = vertA or self.bVerticalAlign self.bHorizontalAlign, self.bVerticalAlign = horzA, vertA return true end function dxText:boundingBox(left,top,right,bottom,relative) if left == nil then if self.tBoundingBox then return unpack(boundingBox) else return false end elseif tonumber(left) and tonumber(right) and tonumber(top) and tonumber(bottom) then self.tBoundingBox = {left,top,right,bottom} if type(relative) == "boolean" then self.bRelativeBoundingBox = relative else self.bRelativeBoundingBox = true end else self.tBoundingBox = false end return true end addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", getRootElement(), function() for self,_ in pairs(visibleText) do while true do if self.bDestroyed then visibleText[self] = nil break end local l,t,r,b --If we arent using a bounding box if not self.tBoundingBox then --Decide if we use relative or absolute local p_screenX,p_screenY = 1,1 if self.bRelativePosition then p_screenX,p_screenY = g_screenX,g_screenY end local fX,fY = (self.fX)*p_screenX,(self.fY)*p_screenY if self.bHorizontalAlign == "left" then l = fX r = fX + g_screenX elseif self.bHorizontalAlign == "right" then l = fX - g_screenX r = fX else l = fX - g_screenX r = fX + g_screenX end if self.bVerticalAlign == "top" then t = fY b = fY + g_screenY elseif self.bVerticalAlign == "bottom" then t = fY - g_screenY b = fY else t = fY - g_screenY b = fY + g_screenY end elseif type(self.tBoundingBox) == "table" then local b_screenX,b_screenY = 1,1 if self.bRelativeBoundingBox then b_screenX,b_screenY = g_screenX,g_screenY end l,t,r,b = self.tBoundingBox[1],self.tBoundingBox[2],self.tBoundingBox[3],self.tBoundingBox[4] l = l*b_screenX t = t*b_screenY r = r*b_screenX b = b*b_screenY end local type,att1,att2,att3,att4,att5 = self:type() if type == "border" or type == "stroke" then att2 = att2 or 0 att3 = att3 or 0 att4 = att4 or 0 att5 = att5 Link to comment
KING-_-HOHO Posted April 19, 2014 Share Posted April 19, 2014 توعرفت ان للكيل مسج كودات ثانيه. ذذ Link to comment
G.KinG Posted April 19, 2014 Author Share Posted April 19, 2014 خلاص حليت المشكله يغلق من اقرب مشرف لا هنتو Link to comment
AboShanab Posted April 20, 2014 Share Posted April 20, 2014 طيب قول الحل عشان غيرك يستفيد Link to comment
G.KinG Posted April 20, 2014 Author Share Posted April 20, 2014 https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... ls&id=6760 Link to comment
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