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[HELP] Cant get script to work onClientVehicleDamage


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Line 14, 16, 17, 18, 19: getLocalPlayer is a function, use one of these instead:

getLocalPlayer() -- Function to get local player  
localPlayer  -- Predefined variable of local player 

The source element of onClientVehicleDamage is the vehicle that has been damaged so you don't need line 13 unless if you want to compare it with the source element. Use /debugscript 3 and check the server console for more information about these issues.

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Thanks it works kinda. But it's not perfect. Now both players get text."Your car received damage! Do not log out in 10 seconds or you will die!"

I'd like to only have ped in car.

EDIT: Actually it's better that way. I just changed text to "You are in combat! Don't log out or you will die!

if i change player's damage from source to local player does it work same way then ?.

Sorry i can't test right now only 2 plaeyers in my server.

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Only the client version can get this information. Also this event can be cancelled.


local lastDamageTime = 0 
function VehicleGetDamageDayZ ( attacker, weapon, loss, x, y, z, tyre ) 
    local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle( localPlayer ) 
    local timeNow = getTickCount() 
    if timeNow > lastDamageTime and source == vehicle and not getElementData ( localPlayer, "tempodosexo" ) then 
        if weapon and weapon > 1 and attacker and getElementType(attacker) == "player" then 
            lastDamageTime = timeNow+300 -- can only be executed every 300 ms. 
            setTimer (deslogger, 10000, 1, localPlayer) 
            setTimer ( setElementData, 10000, 1, localPlayer, "tempodosexo", false ) 
            setElementData ( localPlayer, "tempodosexo", true ) 
            outputChatBox ( "Your car received damage! Do not log out in 10 seconds or you will die!", localPlayer, 255, 5, 0 ) 

You used getLocalPlayer instead of getLocalPlayer() or localPlayer.

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outputChatBox ( "Your car received damage! Do not log out in 10 seconds or you will die!", [color=#FF0000]localPlayer[/color], 255, 5, 0 ) 

outputChatBox ( "Your car received damage! Do not log out in 10 seconds or you will die!", 255, 5, 0 ) 

You don't have to send it to anybody at clientside, since you are the client.

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Still nothing, I tryed to remove if weapon and weapon stuff still wont work.

Debug your code with outputDebugString, if nobody can see why it doesn't work, you should make it visible.


also in my experience, redefine localPlayer = getLocalPlayer() just in case.

You will make more trouble then fixing it, by redefine predefined variables.

and if you aren't sure they do work well, you can compare them with the function that returns that value.

if localPlayer == getLocalPlayer() then 

and you will be fine.


I hope you can do that next time by yourself, instead of saying that you can't find your problem.

local lastDamageTime = 0 
function VehicleGetDamageDayZ ( attacker, weapon, loss, x, y, z, tyre ) 
    outputDebugString("addEventHandler works") 
    local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle( localPlayer ) 
    local timeNow = getTickCount() 
    if timeNow > lastDamageTime and source == vehicle and not getElementData ( localPlayer, "tempodosexo" ) then 
        outputDebugString("tickCount system works, vehicle check works, elementdata check works") 
        outputDebugString("weapon: " .. tostring(weapon) .. ", attacker: "  .. tostring(attacker).. ", element type " .. tostring(attacker and getElementType(attacker))) 
        if weapon and weapon > 1 and attacker and getElementType(attacker) == "player" then 
            outputDebugString("weapon check works,attacker exist, element type is a player.") 
            lastDamageTime = timeNow+300 -- can only be executed every 300 ms. 
            setTimer (deslogger, 10000, 1, localPlayer) 
            setTimer ( setElementData, 10000, 1, localPlayer, "tempodosexo", false ) 
            setElementData ( localPlayer, "tempodosexo", true ) 
            outputChatBox ( "Your car received damage! Do not log out in 10 seconds or you will die!", localPlayer, 255, 5, 0 ) 
addEventHandler ( "onClientVehicleDamage", root, VehicleGetDamageDayZ ) 
 outputDebugString("code loaded!") 

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