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|Reuinted Roleplay| Fresh out of the compiler |


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Hi, my name is Marcus. I am 18 years old and i am going to try out something abit unusual. See, i dont realy like to spend my card on a server. So im gonna try to summon up donators which will help me to host a server. Now this server will as you can see by the subject's name be a Roleplay server. But there is more to it then just a normal Roleplay server. This server will be built up after your wishes. I will collect wishes from people mostly on this forum and give it my best shot to add it to the server. Now take this in mind while posting your idea, it has to have Roleplay related content, you need to find your own idea. And you cant post a idea more then once. Why is that you might think, Well it is to keep this topic away from spamming. If an idea gets posted more then once its going to be declined. Now ive rigged up a paypal account which you can donate to (Its in the info list under). And hopefully we can manage to make a good and powerfull Roleplaying server which will last long.

Thank you for taking your time to read this.

Sincerly Marcus HD

Paypal: [email protected]

Skype: marcus-davidsen

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