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Destroy Vehicles


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So hi, can someone help me with a script? if theres no player in a vehicle for 30 seconds, then the vehicle will destroy, and if the vehicle gets blown, then the blown car will be destroyed.. I really need this because it prevents lag.

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one example(just example):

local Vtimers = {} 
if not Vtimers[source] then 
Vtimers[source] = setTimer(destroyElement,30000,1,source) 
if Vtimers[source] and isTimer(Vtimers[source]) then 

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A complete vehicle system might also be a good solution: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=8338 This one let the players spawn or rent vehicles from markers with GUI's and destroys the vehicles when the player logs out, spawn another one or destroy it by themselves with a command, exploded vehicles are cleaned up as well so it's very performance effective.

Since it's also using pointers in a table it's easy to create an admin GUI for instance with a list over all existing vehicles where you as a staff can manage them or whatever, and of course it also includes some other interesting features like headlight control by pressing the L key, locking system etc. Luckily vehicles doesn't require very much performance in the first place and the whole idea of removing a vehicle after 30 seconds unused as you suggested may lead to complaints from your players since most players finds it annoying to loose a vehicle in this game.

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