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button resolution different


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At each resolution the button is in a different place

local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize ( ) 
local pX, pY = ( sx / 2 - 620 / 2 ), ( sy /1 - 550 / 2 ) 
local button = guiCreateButton(pX, pY,200,40,"",false); 

I want to stay in the same place in all resolutions

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local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize ( ) 
local sizeX, sizeY = 620, 550 -- define your size here 
local pX, pY = ( sx / 2 - sizeX / 2 ), ( sy / 2 - sizeY / 2 ) -- first half of your code was correct, so why did you divide 'sy' by 1? should be 2 like the 'sx' 
local button = guiCreateButton(pX, pY,sizeX,sizeY,"",false); 

Note: It is not going to be the same size for every resolution, its just gonna be at the some position. If you want it to be the same size, you should use 'relative' values instead of 'absolute'.

Edited by Guest
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Try this:

local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize ( ) 
local x = (11.25*sx) /100 
local y = (54.16*sy) /100 
local button = guiCreateButton(x, y, 200, 40, "", false); 

If it's not the right position, show the x and y positions you've created the button.

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Note that you cant actually make it with one value for all resolutions: i did this and its still not perfect.. so deal with it like that.. (What most varies on a text drawing is scale)

if x >= 1025 and y >= 720 then 
dxDrawText(health, x/1.135, y/1.322, x/1, y/1, tocolor(255,255,255,180), 0.43, PodiumFont2, center, center, false,false,true,true) 
elseif x == 1024 and y == 768 then 
dxDrawText(health, x/1.135, y/1.322, x/1, y/1, tocolor(255,255,255,180), 0.4, PodiumFont2, center, center, false,false,true,true) 
elseif x == 800 and y == 600 then 
dxDrawText(health, x/1.135, y/1.322, x/1, y/1, tocolor(255,255,255,180), 0.3, PodiumFont2, center, center, false,false,true,true) 
elseif x == 640 and y == 480 then 
dxDrawText(health, x/1.135, y/1.321, x/1, y/1, tocolor(255,255,255,180), 0.25, PodiumFont2, center, center, false,false,true,true) 

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Ok, give me the resolution in which the button is placed correctly.

is already in the script 800x600x32 fixed <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<,,

Wasn't in the script at all lol. Try this then:

local button = guiCreateButton(0.1125, 0.542, 0.25, 0.0667, "", true) 

And voila, it's will be exactly at the same place in all resolutions (and exactly the same place where your code was actually positioning it)

If it's not what you wanted, then please provide screenshot(s).

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