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Dx HUD problem

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Uhh. Can you explain it more please? I'm not as professional scripter as others or as you. Or can you write me a lua example with random numbers? I will position and color it and anything, but I don't really know the setElementData thing and the timers. :/ Could you help me with this? I mean this part of the script.

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Uhh. Can you explain it more please?

If I explain more that I already did, the code will be done and you won't learn anything.

I wrote everything in english (each steps and things you have to write in this script), you just have to translate these lines in Lua.

So no, I won't explain more.

can you write me a lua example with random numbers?

No, for the same reasons that above and you already have examples on the wiki for each function. For example, read the wiki page of setElementData, and the example if you scroll a bit down on that page. Examples from the wiki are good enough to let everybody understand how the function should be used.

So try yourself. If you do a fake try (I mean: "I'll just write some bullshit and Citizen will fix it") I'll just tell you to try harder.

By the way, I didn't wrote the dx part since it's 95% the same as the armor and hp bar.

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