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Please, someone knows where to download the script to save this for DayZ? Please awful you please or if anyone was willing to create the script, and yet it could not be done this so that when I will restart the server so save all the cars that I have through this script spawn this is the script https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=8860 it's not the only reproduce this bug in the script as the patriots that I corrected myself .. so you please help me.

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Last Help Me !

Stop saying it's your last help request, you are creating 2 new topics a day. It's just ridiculous. Please stop your current project for at least 1 months and learn:


Otherwise you will keep asking on this forum forever.

Functions you need:

getElementsByType --to get all vehicles on the map 
for k, veh in ipairs ( vehicleTableHere ) do --the lua loop to iterate over the list of the cars 
getElementModel --to get the modelID of the vehicle 
getElementPosition --to get the position of the vehicle 
getElementRotation --to get the rotation of the vehicle 
(optional) getVehicleColor --to get the color of the vehicle 
xmlCreateFile --to create an xml file 
xmlOpenFile --to load the file if it already exist 
xmlCreateChild --to create a new entry in the list (1 entry per vehicle) 
xmlNodeSetAttribute --to add an attribute to the entry with its value 
xmlSaveFile --to save the modifications 
xmlUnloadFile --to release the opened xml file (important) 
xmlNodeGetChildren --to get all the entries (must be called on the root node returned by xmlCreateFile or xmlOpenFile 
for k, node in ipairs ( entriesTableHere ) do --the lua loop to iterate over the list of the entries (1 entry = 1 xml node) 
xmlNodeGetAttribute -- to get the value (as a string) for a specific attribute on a node 
createVehicle --to create a vehicle 

As you can imagine, no one will do it for you for free.

(And yeah all these functions are needed to make your save system.)

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