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A small question

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Greetings , i was wondering how to use :


with a 2 parts command. Normally , i'd use

addCommandHandler ("commandname" ,Handlerfucntion ) 

But i want to do a command like /goto [iD] , It consists on two parts which are the basic command and the Player's ID. So what's the appropriate use of that function in a similar case ?

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Handler function parameters

These are the parameters for the handler function that is called when the command is used.


player playerSource, string commandName, [string arg1, string arg2, ...]

playerSource: The player who triggered the command. If not triggered by a player (e.g. by admin), this will be false.

commandName: The name of the command triggered. This is useful if multiple commands go through one function.

arg1, arg2, ...: Each word after command name in the original command is passed here in a seperate variable. If there is no value for an argument, its variable will contain nil. You can deal with a variable number of arguments using the vararg expression, as shown in Server Example 2 below.


string commandName, [string arg1, string arg2, ...]

commandName: The name of the command triggered. This is useful if multiple commands go through one function.

arg1, arg2, ...: Each word after command name in the original command is passed here in a seperate variable. If there is no value for an argument, its variable will contain nil. You can deal with a variable number of arguments using the vararg expression, as shown in Server Example 2 below.

That is why Solidsnake used function(thePlayer,command,id)

For example, if you use the command /goto 11 thePlayer will be the player element that requested the command, the command will be a string : "goto" and the id will be an argument specified by you, in this case 11.

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