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GiveWeapon Failing?

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This is basically the spawning function, tell me what more you need about it (too long for posting it entirely)

The engineer class is not given teargas, the other weapons yes.

function SpawnPlayer(player) 
bindKey(source, "R", "down", "reloadgun") 
local player = source 
ProtectionTable[source] = source 
timer = setTimer(function()  
ProtectionTable[player] = nil  
end, 5000, 1) 
if getPlayerTeam(player) == ATeam then 
local Spawned = #ASpawn 
local mathed = math.random(Spawned) 
spawnPlayer(player, ASpawn[mathed].X, ASpawn[mathed].Y, ASpawn[mathed].Z) 
setElementModel(source, 287) 
fadeCamera(source, true) 
class = getElementData(source, "Class") 
if class == "Medic" then 
giveWeapon ( source, 22, 60 , false ) 
giveWeapon ( source, 29, 180 , true ) 
outputChatBox("#0077FF[bF3]: You have selected medic, Press 'G' to drop a MedKit", source,255,255,255,true) 
setElementData(source, "MediKits", 2) 
setElementData(source, "Damage", 1) 
elseif class == "Assault" then 
giveWeapon ( source, 24, 180 , false ) 
giveWeapon ( source, 31, 600 , true ) 
setElementData(source, "Damage", 1) 
elseif class == "Sniper" then 
giveWeapon ( source, 23, 60 , false ) 
giveWeapon ( source, 34, 30 , true ) 
setElementData(source, "Damage", 2) 
elseif class == "Engineer" then 
giveWeapon ( source, 17, 90) 
giveWeapon (source, 39, 2) 
giveWeapon ( source, 27, 80 , true ) 
setElementData(source, "Damage", 1) 
setCameraTarget (source, source) 
if isElementFrozen(source) then 
setElementFrozen(source, false) 
Blips[source] = createBlipAttachedTo( source, 0, 2, 0, 255, 0, 255, 0, 99999, getPlayersInTeam(ATeam) ) 
setElementVisibleTo ( Blips[source], getRootElement(),false) 
for i, v in ipairs(getPlayersInTeam(ATeam)) do 
setElementVisibleTo ( Blips[source], v,true) 
elseif getPlayerTeam(player) == BTeam then 
local Spawned = #BSpawn 
local mathed = math.random(Spawned) 
spawnPlayer(player, BSpawn[mathed].X, BSpawn[mathed].Y, BSpawn[mathed].Z) 
setElementModel(source, 285) 
Blips[source] = createBlipAttachedTo( source, 0, 2, 0, 255, 0, 255, 0, 99999, getPlayersInTeam(BTeam) ) 
setElementVisibleTo ( Blips[source], getRootElement(),false) 
for i, v in ipairs(getPlayersInTeam(BTeam)) do 
setElementVisibleTo ( Blips[source], v,true) 
fadeCamera(source, true) 
class = getElementData(source, "Class") 
if class == "Medic" then 
giveWeapon ( source, 22, 60 , false ) 
giveWeapon ( source, 29, 180 , true ) 
setElementData(source, "MediKits", 2) 
setElementData(source, "Damage", 1) 
elseif class == "Assault" then 
giveWeapon ( source, 24, 180 , false ) 
giveWeapon ( source, 31, 600 , true ) 
setElementData(source, "Damage", 1) 
elseif class == "Sniper" then 
giveWeapon ( source, 23, 60 , false ) 
giveWeapon ( source, 34, 30 , true ) 
setElementData(source, "Damage", 2) 
elseif class == "Engineer" then 
giveWeapon ( source, 17, 20 , false ) 
giveWeapon (source, 39, 2, false) 
giveWeapon ( source, 27, 80 , true ) 
setElementData(source, "Damage", 1) 
setCameraTarget (source, source) 
if isElementFrozen(source) then 
setElementFrozen(source, false) 
addEventHandler("SpawnPlayer", getRootElement(), SpawnPlayer) 

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Try adding this:
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerSpawn", root, 
    function ( ) 
        outputChatBox ( "SPAWNED" ) 

And an outputChatBox for when you give the weapon, then see which comes first.

Spawned it outputed before Press "G" thingy on the medic class.

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So, which is being triggered first? try setting a timer of like 0.5 seconds to give the weapons.

Spawn is given first, there should not be a problem with that, since it gives the other 2 weapons, of wich one is given before and the other is given after tearglass

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