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Ped follows u and try to kill u

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Hello ladies and gentleman 8)

As the title says, i want that when a player types a command...hmm.. lets say :shock: /killmadafaca :shock::shock:

nah, we are not some psycho so lets say :roll: /killtime .

yea, sounds stupid and dumb, but its time to kill :twisted:

lets get back to the topic plz !!

or, instead of a command, i could also use a colshape and and when the player enters in it, a GUI will appear. yes there will be a button for the player to accept whether he wants to fight or not, and when the player press tit :D he or she will be spawn in a specific place.

and at that specific moment, some peds will be spawn near him, or in the specific place, and all the player will have to do is smash all these poolooolooots :lol: (poolooolooots mean idk some gay peds, its still an unknown word :shock: )

no, i dont want u to do the script 4 me cause im learning, not downloadin scripts and put it in my game!!!

Well, now that im thinkin, its a pretty idea to make this into a job ---- the punisher :o

sounds great 8)

the player will have to kill some stupid peds, yeah the peds will attack him too, and if the player has successfully killed all the ped, another ped will come to him :shock::shock::shock:

the most powerful ped ever existed


and if the player succeeds to kill him, he becomes a fuckin millionaire :P

or, he unlock another stage, where he will have to kill another bunch of noobs again and get his money.

end of story


now my friends,all i want to ask u is how to proceed, cause i really want to make this, im determined to do that.

you are pros, and im still a beginner.

thats y i need ur advice

wat functions should i use for the ped to follow u and attack u

how to unlock another killin mission, by usin a sort of experience. if the player succeeds in the first mission, he receives some money and most important, a number of experience that he will need to unlock another mission!! ?

and if yes for the experience, how to save it so that when the player quits and come back into game, he gets back his experience ?

Thank u soo much my friends,have a nice journey


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Vanlot, i understand u bro, thnk u :)

but bro

my problem with slothbot is that its not me who created that, and my aim is to create all my resources even if it will take lots of time. Bro, if whenever i want to make a script and anyone tells me to use this and that resource, then i will never be able to script :((( i want to make my own. Slothbot resource is great, i like it very much, but if i use this resource, i will never learn then :/ this is a challenge, and i want to face it !!!!

Vanlot, thnks for trying to help me bro :)

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  • 8 years later...

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