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[Linux] MTA resolution issues




After a long battle with fonts, I finally got to open MTA on Ubuntu 13.10 64-bit.

Issues include:

- Running at fullscreen causes a frame rate drop from 80 FPS (standard for my specifications) to around 10 - 20, and that's only at the main menu (not connected to a server).

- When I run in windowed mode, I am only able to access part of the screen. My mouse cursor is unable to go further than X to the right on my screen. When it goes there, it stops as if part of the screen has some sort of collision.

- When opening at fullscreen, I am still able to see the side and top bars. I'm not sure if it's meant to be like that, but it annoys me. Regarding this, it changes my screen resolution to whatever setting it is in gta_sa.set.

- Even using changing the fullscreen options in MTA advanced settings has no effect whatsoever.

I have tried on multiple resolutions, and there is no difference. Any help would be appreciated.

Note: I cannot run MTADiag on Wine.

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The cursor problems seems to me that your system is trying to start GTA SA in a fullscreen mode on a smaller resolution. You aren't able to go to one of the sides of the screen because your system tells the cursor; the full screen stops here. Can you try to start MTA in fullscreen and then window it to something like, 800 x 600?

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