game-buy Posted February 16, 2014 Share Posted February 16, 2014 يمديني اعدل على البيس مود واخليه ف عالم وهمي 2 ؟؟ : Link to comment
game-buy Posted February 16, 2014 Author Share Posted February 16, 2014 طيب وش هي الفنكشات لآهنت Link to comment
Mr.T9 Posted February 16, 2014 Share Posted February 16, 2014 بتستخدم setElementDimension Link to comment
Mr.T9 Posted February 16, 2014 Share Posted February 16, 2014 يمكن فيه زيادة مثل guiSetVisible Link to comment
game-buy Posted February 16, 2014 Author Share Posted February 16, 2014 طيب انا ابي الفنكشات كاملةة لاهنت Link to comment
game-buy Posted February 16, 2014 Author Share Posted February 16, 2014 وش الي جيمر قصدك جامر& بعدين اناALKING[Q.4]SLOOM بس غيرت حسابي نكي خايس Link to comment
shwaeki Posted February 16, 2014 Share Posted February 16, 2014 علا حد علمي ما تقدر لانو مشفر Link to comment
game-buy Posted February 16, 2014 Author Share Posted February 16, 2014 عادي المهم الكود Link to comment
shwaeki Posted February 16, 2014 Share Posted February 16, 2014 (edited) . Edited February 16, 2014 by Guest Link to comment
game-buy Posted February 16, 2014 Author Share Posted February 16, 2014 -) local replace_t = {} local MapRootElement = nil ElementData = {} local results_d = {} local WepSelGui = {} local WeaponsPack, WeaponsPackIds = nil, nil game_settings = {} local Bron_c = getTickCount() local Selectors = {} Selectors[1] = false Selectors[2] = false local PlayerInChoosing = true sett = getElementByID("settings") local he_use_rsp = false local obj = {} local wtf = nil TableTeams = {} local w_sound = nil local mnoznik = screenWidth / 100 mnoznik = math.round(mnoznik, 0) local size1 = math.round(0.15 * mnoznik, 2) if size1 < 1 then size1 = 1 end local results = { cam = {0, 0, 0}} local logget_out, RpPed = nil, nil local selector_t = {team = 1} addEvent("StworzWyb", true) local player_selector = {team = 1, slot = 2, target = {}} createSelector = function() -- upvalues: player_selector , selector_t showCursor(true) showPlayerHudComponent("radar", false) local r, g, b = getTeamColor(TableTeams[]) player_selector.ped = createPed(0, 0, -2, 3) setElementModel(player_selector.ped, game_settings.skins[1]) updateAnimation() setSkyGradient(r, g, b, r / 25, g / 25, b / 25) fadeCamera(true, 1) local t_s = returnWyb_gSize() setTime(12, 0) unbindKey("enter", "down", skip_intro) player_selector.backga = guiCreateStaticImage(0, t_s.y, (1 - / t_s.b,, "img/backg.png", true) player_selector.backgb = guiCreateStaticImage(1 - (1 - / t_s.b, t_s.y, (1 - / t_s.b,, "img/backg.png", true) player_selector.backg = guiCreateStaticImage(t_s.x, t_s.y,,, "img/wyb_g.png", true) guiCreateStaticImage(0, 0, 0.5015625, 0.2125, "img/b_logo.png", true, player_selector.backg) guiCreateStaticImage(0.52734375, 0.046875, 0.40625, 0.15625, "img/add.png", true, player_selector.backg) selector_t.render = { team = {getScreenPositionByRelativeViaElement(0.2, 0.8725, player_selector.backg)}, click = {getScreenPositionByRelativeViaElement(0.59, 0.8725, player_selector.backg)}, info = {getScreenPositionByRelativeViaElement(0.55, 0.26, player_selector.backg)}, t_name = {getScreenPositionByRelativeViaElement(0.55, 0.34, player_selector.backg)}, t_type = {getScreenPositionByRelativeViaElement(0.55, 0.38, player_selector.backg)}, t_score = {getScreenPositionByRelativeViaElement(0.55, 0.42, player_selector.backg)}, t_players = {getScreenPositionByRelativeViaElement(0.55, 0.5, player_selector.backg)}, t_hp = {getScreenPositionByRelativeViaElement(0.55, 0.46, player_selector.backg)}, t_list = {getScreenPositionByRelativeViaElement(0.75, 0.34, player_selector.backg)}, t_list_p = {getScreenPositionByRelativeViaElement(0.74, 0.3575, player_selector.backg)}} addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", player_selector.backg, w_onMouseClick) player_selector.left = guiCreateStaticImage(0.066, 0.865, 0.05, 0.05, "img/white.png", true, player_selector.backg) player_selector.right = guiCreateStaticImage(0.426, 0.865, 0.05, 0.05, "img/white.png", true, player_selector.backg) player_selector.spawn = guiCreateStaticImage(0.527, 0.865, 0.41, 0.05, "img/white.png", true, player_selector.backg) fadeCamera(true, 1) setElementInterior(player_selector.ped, 7) local cam = { {PobierzPozycjeKamery(-2, 0, 3.8, 360, 5.5)}, {PobierzPozycjeKamery(-2, 0, 3.8, 360, 5)}} setCamera(cam[1][1], cam[1][2], cam[1][3], cam[2][1], cam[2][2], cam[2][3]) showCursor(true) loadTeamData(TableTeams[]) addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), renderWybG) player_selector.timer = setTimer(updateAnimation, 400, 0) end renderWybG = function() -- upvalues: selector_t dxDrawText(,[1],[2], screenWidth, screenHeight,, 1, "bankgothic", "left", "top", false, false, true) dxDrawText("Click here to spawn!",[1],[2], screenWidth, screenHeight,, 1, "bankgothic", "left", "top", false, false, true) dxDrawText("Team informations:",[1],[2], screenWidth, screenHeight,, 1, "bankgothic", "left", "top", false, false, true) dxDrawTexts_gui(selector_t.render.t_name[1], selector_t.render.t_name[2], 1.3, "default-bold", "Name: ", colors_g.lblue,, colors_g.lgray) dxDrawTexts_gui(selector_t.render.t_type[1], selector_t.render.t_type[2], 1.3, "default-bold", "Type: ", colors_g.lblue, selector_t.type, colors_g.lgray) dxDrawTexts_gui(selector_t.render.t_score[1], selector_t.render.t_score[2], 1.3, "default-bold", "Score: ", colors_g.lblue, selector_t.score, colors_g.lgray) dxDrawTexts_gui(selector_t.render.t_players[1], selector_t.render.t_players[2], 1.3, "default-bold", "Players: ", colors_g.lblue, selector_t.players, colors_g.lgray) dxDrawTexts_gui(selector_t.render.t_hp[1], selector_t.render.t_hp[2], 1.3, "default-bold", "Health: ", colors_g.lblue,, colors_g.lgray) dxDrawText("Players List:", selector_t.render.t_list[1], selector_t.render.t_list[2], screenWidth, screenHeight, colors_g.lblue, 1.3, "default-bold", "left", "top", false, false, true) dxDrawText(selector_t.players_text, selector_t.render.t_list_p[1], selector_t.render.t_list_p[2], screenWidth, screenHeight, colors_g.lgray, 1, "sans", "left", "top", false, false, true) end loadTeamData = function(team) -- upvalues: selector_t = getTeamName(team) selector_t.color = {getTeamColor(team)} selector_t.players = tostring(countPlayersInTeam(team)) selector_t.type = tostring(getElementData(team, "t_type")) if selector_t.type == "false" then selector_t.type = "Spectator" end = tostring(getElementData(team, "Health") or 0) selector_t.score = tostring(getElementData(team, "Score")) selector_t.players_text = "" local tex_t = "" local players = getPlayersInTeam(team) for playerKey,playerValue in ipairs(players) do if playerKey == 15 then return end tex_t = tex_t .. "\n" .. getPlayerName(playerValue) end selector_t.players_text = tex_t end returnWyb_gSize = function() local aspect = tonumber(string.sub(screenWidth / screenHeight, 1, 3)) local r_t = {x = 0, y = 0, sx = 1, sy = 1, b = 0} if aspect == 1.6 then r_t = {x = 0.083, y = 0, sx = 0.834, sy = 1, b = 1.25} elseif aspect == 1.7 then r_t = {x = 0.122, y = 0, sx = 0.756, sy = 1, b = 2} end return r_t end w_onMouseClick = function(button) -- upvalues: player_selector , wtf , PlayerInChoosing if source == player_selector.left then = math.max(0, - 1) if not string.gsub(, 0, 3) then = else end end if source == player_selector.right then = math.min(4, + 1) if not string.gsub(, 4, 1) then = else end end if source == player_selector.spawn then showCursor(false) fadeCamera(false, 0) resetSkyGradient() setPedControlState(player_selector.ped, "fire", false) removeEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", player_selector.backg, w_onMouseClick) removeEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), renderWybG) destroyElement(player_selector.backg) destroyElement(player_selector.backga) destroyElement(player_selector.backgb) callServerFunction("DolaczDoDruzyny", getLocalPlayer(), TableTeams[]) addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), bm_onClientPreRender_4) addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), bm_onClientPreRender_WaitText) killTimer(player_selector.timer) destroyElement(player_selector.ped) player_selector = {} stopSound(wtf) PlayerInChoosing = false showPlayerHudComponent("radar", true) return false end = tonumber( setElementPosition(player_selector.ped, 0, -2, 3) setElementModel(player_selector.ped, game_settings.skins[]) local r, g, b = getTeamColor(TableTeams[]) setSkyGradient(r, g, b, r / 25, g / 25, b / 25) loadTeamData(TableTeams[]) end updateAnimation = function() -- upvalues: player_selector setElementPosition(player_selector.ped, 0, -2, 3) local ran = math.random(1, 2) if ran == 1 then local a = {"B", "C", "D"} local anim = a[math.random(1, 3)] setPedAnimation(player_selector.ped, "FIGHT_" .. tostring(anim), "Fight" .. tostring(anim) .. "_" .. tostring(math.random(1, 3)), 0, true, false) else local a = {"FightKick", "FightKick_B"} local anim = a[math.random(1, 2)] setPedAnimation(player_selector.ped, "FIGHT_E", anim, 0, true, false) end end gui = function(cmd, n, x, y, sx, sy) -- upvalues: player_selector outputChatBox(tostring(sy)) guiSetPosition(player_selector[n], tonumber(x), tonumber(y), true) local t = guiSetSize(player_selector[n], tonumber(sx), tonumber(sy), true) outputChatBox(tostring(t)) end addEventHandler("StworzWyb", getRootElement(), createSelector) bm_onClientPlayerSpawn = function() -- upvalues: he_use_rsp , Bron_c setCameraTarget(getLocalPlayer()) setPedVoice(getLocalPlayer(), "PED_TYPE_PLAYER", "VOICE_PLY_CR") if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "IsSpawned") == 1 then if he_use_rsp == false then if getElementData(sett, "Round") == 1 and getPlayerTeam(getLocalPlayer()) == getTeamByType("Attack") then pojazd() end else createHudManufacture(getTeamByType("Attack"), getTeamByType("Defense")) Bron_c = getTickCount() CreateWeponMenu() end else he_use_rsp = false end end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerSpawn", getLocalPlayer(), bm_onClientPlayerSpawn) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerVehicleEnter", getLocalPlayer(), function() setRadioChannel(0) end ) yhy2 = function(h, s) local mn = s / h return tonumber(string.format("%.1f", screenHeight * mn)) end local ILoveMyselft = {txt1s = yhy2(768, 0.-- s8) -->, txt2s = yhy2(768, 1), txt2 = {getScreenPositionByRelative(0.025, 0.925)}, txt1 = {getScreenPositionByRelative(0.265, 0.53)}, tc = getTickCount(), alpha = 0, pos = {getScreenPositionByRelative(0.239, 0.3865)}, size = {getScreenPositionByRelative(0.522, 0.227)}} skip_intro = function() -- upvalues: ILoveMyselft unbindKey("enter", "down", skip_intro) setTimer(createSelector, 300, 1) removeEventHandler("onClientPreRender", getRootElement(), ILoveMyself) ILoveMyselft = nil end ILoveMyself = function() -- upvalues: ILoveMyselft if getTickCount() - > 7850 then removeEventHandler("onClientPreRender", getRootElement(), ILoveMyself) ILoveMyselft = nil unbindKey("enter", "down", skip_intro) createSelector() end if ILoveMyselft.alpha < 255 then ILoveMyselft.alpha = ILoveMyselft.alpha + 1.5 end local rand = math.random(-35, 35) local rand2 = math.random(-35, 35) dxDrawImage(ILoveMyselft.pos[1] + rand, ILoveMyselft.pos[2] + rand2, ILoveMyselft.size[1], ILoveMyselft.size[2], "img/bs_logo.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, math.random(20, 65))) Link to comment
-#Saimon Posted February 16, 2014 Share Posted February 16, 2014 ماتقدر لان لو حطيته بعالم وهمي 2 وشغلت مابات بتشتغل للكل ! Link to comment
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