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Checking if something happened in timer and then disabling

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Hello dear people of the MTA Forum,

This is my first post, should I have overlooked a sticky or something explaining rules of posting, please be kind.

I've been scripting for 12 days straight since I first started learning lua. Having some experience with other programming languages helped me a great deal and I've been able to figure everything out up until now.

I cannot for the life of me understand one thing:

Let's say I have a function that makes the player sit down and do some other stuff while sitting. I don't have a particular example on hand so I'll just make one up.

condition = false 
function sitAndDo(player) 
    theTimer = setTimer(function() 
            if condition == true then 

This doesn't seem particularly clean, also it doesn't work. I want to continuously check if something happened yet and then of course make the timer stop. How do I accomplish this? I've been searching for days. Should i trigger a custom event as soon as the condition is true that kills the timer? Can someone please give me an example on finding the cleanest way?

Also on an unrelated note: how do I check if the player/an element has moved. I cannot seem to find a suitable Event for that.

Edited by Guest
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First, welcome to the mta forums! :)

Btw, you forgot [ lua] [/lua] tags ;p (it's left from the spoiler and right from the "center" button )

Your code checks every 10 seconds if the variable called "condition" is true, but you don't have a variable called "condition" in your script, so you can't check it if it's true or not.

condition = false 
function sitAndDo(player) 
    theTimer = setTimer(function() 
            if condition == true then 
function toggleVariabale() 
condition = not condition -- this is the same as: 
if condition == true then 
condition = false 
elseif condition == false then 
condition = true 

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Thank you for the quick reply! I'll make sure to add lua tags in the future.

About the variable condition: i was aware of that, basically the "....blablabla...." part was where the variable would be initialized, however I cannot seem to address the timer from within itself.

[EDIT] I edited my original code to yours just to make clear what I'm trying to say, I hope that's ok.

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Actually you should be able to kill a timer in the function he was calling, but I've never tested that.

What about a timer that is only executed once starting a function that checks your stuff, if its false it starts another timer doing the same, until its finally true, or killed if it takes too long.

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