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Mapping Revolution - LS New Bank + Street | DOWNLOAD


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Mapping Revolution

- Presents their first map made by xEdward!

-About author: The author is playing MTA for 4 years. As we've been told, He is mapping for amazing 3 years! He has been mostly RP mapping. There were also some servers he was managing mappings on. (Won't mention)

xEdward is a 12 years old mapper from Slovenia. 12 years!? Another kid! No, No and No! He is a loyal and a respectful player. He is a good guy to roleplay with and his amazing English skills are really, not something you could see today at every kid whos native language isn't English. Alright,Let's go to the map.

The map was made mostly for RP servers and you can also use it for getting useful object names. You can edit it asmuch as you want just please mention my name as an author of the original version. Thanks!






Please give me suggestions on what to make next :)


The Palm mod: https://www.mediafire.com/?hj3i91sy63un6mv

The Map: https://www.mediafire.com/?qxc42i49dvnhzxb

Mapping Revolution =)

EDIT) When you /start play It will automaticly get started. Have fun :) The bus stop is made for the size of coach.

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