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[HELP] onClientClick!!


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string button, string state, int absoluteX, int absoluteY, float worldX, float worldY, float worldZ, element clickedWorld


button: This refers the button used to click on the mouse, can be left, right, or middle'

state: This can be used to tell if the user released or pressed the mouse button, where up is passed if the button is released, and down is passed if the button is pushed

absoluteX: This refers to the 2D x coordinate the user clicked on his screen, and is an absolute position in pixels.

absoluteY: This refers to the 2D y coordinate the user clicked on his screen, and is an absolute position in pixels.

worldX: This represents the 3D x coordinate the player clicked on the screen, and is relative to the GTA world.

worldY: This represents the 3D y coordinate the player clicked on the screen, and is relative to the GTA world.

worldZ: This represents the 3D z coordinate the player clicked on the screen, and is relative to the GTA world.

clickedWorld: This represents any physical entity elements that were clicked. If the player clicked on no MTA element, it's set to false.

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string button, string state, int absoluteX, int absoluteY, float worldX, float worldY, float worldZ, element clickedWorld


button: This refers the button used to click on the mouse, can be left, right, or middle'

state: This can be used to tell if the user released or pressed the mouse button, where up is passed if the button is released, and down is passed if the button is pushed

absoluteX: This refers to the 2D x coordinate the user clicked on his screen, and is an absolute position in pixels.

absoluteY: This refers to the 2D y coordinate the user clicked on his screen, and is an absolute position in pixels.

worldX: This represents the 3D x coordinate the player clicked on the screen, and is relative to the GTA world.

worldY: This represents the 3D y coordinate the player clicked on the screen, and is relative to the GTA world.

worldZ: This represents the 3D z coordinate the player clicked on the screen, and is relative to the GTA world.

clickedWorld: This represents any physical entity elements that were clicked. If the player clicked on no MTA element, it's set to false.

Well, I set as the left, but nothing was changed.

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Set it how? this is how you must do it:
addEventHandler ( "onClientClick", root, 
    function ( button ) 
        if ( button == "left" ) then 
            -- Code here 

Thanks, worked. I'm newbie in LUA.

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