StanMarsh Posted December 11, 2013 Share Posted December 11, 2013 Hola como recien me descargo el Day Z Tengo muchas dudas, bueno esta es la primera pregunta: Pickups Bueno quiero hacer aparecer unos Pickups en mi base pero el problema es que solo salen las posiciones y no salen los objeto osea yo pense que saldrian las posiciones y el objeto que es asi que hay necesito una ayudita 2da Pregunta: Esta es Como puedo hacer o donde puedo encontrar un panel que solo sea para admins o vip que te haga aparecer objetos como armas Comida Medic Kits Agua etc. por que si son armas y te la das del panel admin y reconnectas desaparecen. 3era y final: Skins Unicos Bueno son los skins unicos osea que vienen en otro script como hago para que no se me quiten al ponermelos osea yo me los pongo con el panel admin y al rato se me quita y no se que hacer para que se quede asi o tendre que poner un item extra que no se encuentre solo sea para los admin que contenga ese skin y como podria hacerlo bueno espero con ansias su respuestas PD:Aun quedan varias pero talves la publique en otro post Link to comment
Alexs Posted December 11, 2013 Share Posted December 11, 2013 Para lo primero puedes utilizar 'createPickup', 'setElementData' y 'onPickUpHit', para lo segundo se puede utilizar 'setElementData'. Link to comment
Dentos Posted October 15, 2014 Share Posted October 15, 2014 Buenas..!! Amigos Quiero que me ayuden con esto porfavor, quiero Saber Como Hago para poner un punto amarillo o letra en el mapa identificando que es una zona de luteo (Lots) Porfavor Ayudenme Tengo mi Sv Aca se los Dejos mtasa:// 64 slot Porfavor Espero Que me Ayuden Muchas Gracias...!! Link to comment
Aruna Posted October 15, 2014 Share Posted October 15, 2014 @StanMarsh Hola, el primero no se de los pickups 2)_ Para givearte cosas es el addon_give recuerda usar el comando /give con tu cuenta de Administrador para poder givearte cosas. Server Side addEvent("onGIPGive", true) local aclGroup -- // Minimum group in order to access give GUI. local isConfigOkay = true -- // Checking if script works correctly. -- // Adding required information in order to make the addon work correctly. -- addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() call (getResourceFromName("DayZ"), "addAddonInfo", "LuxorDayZ", "Panel de Give") aclGroup = get("aclMinimumGroup") if string.find(aclGroup, ",") then aclGroup = split(aclGroup, ',') end if type(aclGroup) == "string" then if not aclGetGroup(aclGroup) then outputError("Error config meta.xml. Bad ACL Group. Resource will not work") isConfigOkay = false return end else for i, val in ipairs(aclGroup) do if not aclGetGroup(aclGroup[i]) then outputError("Error config meta.xml. Bad ACL Group. Resource will not work") isConfigOkay = false return end end end end ) -- // Handling /give command. -- addCommandHandler("give", function(pSource) if not isConfigOkay then return end if type(aclGroup) == "string" then if not isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(pSource)), aclGetGroup(aclGroup)) then return end triggerClientEvent(pSource, "onGIPOpened", pSource) else for i, _ in ipairs(aclGroup) do if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(pSource)), aclGetGroup(aclGroup[i])) then triggerClientEvent(pSource, "onGIPOpened", pSource) break end end end end ) -- // Function to inform. -- function outputError(msg) outputDebugString(msg, 1) outputChatBox(msg, root, 128, 0, 255, true) end -- // Give handler. -- addEventHandler("onGIPGive", root, function(pName, item, quantity) name = getPlayerName ( source ) setElementData(getPlayerFromName(pName), item, quantity) outputChatBox("El Administrador" " le ha dado " ..quantity.." "..item.. " para " ..pName, getRootElement(), 0, 137, 255) outputChatBox("Un Administrador Le Ha Dado:"..quantity.." "..item, getPlayerFromName(pName), 128, 0, 255) end ) Client Side addEvent("onGIPOpened", true) local sW, sH = guiGetScreenSize() -- // Variables needed to know the width and height. local w = { gridList = {}, label = {}, editBox = {}, button = {}, comboBox = {} } local items = { ["Armas"] = { "M4", "CZ 550", "Heat-Seeking RPG", "M136 Rocket Launcher", "Winchester 1866", "SPAZ-12 Combat Shotgun", "M79", "AKS-47", "Lee Enfield", "M1911", "M9 SD", "PDW", "MP5A5", "Desert Eagle", "Hunting Knife", "Hatchet", "Crowbar", "Golf Club", "Parachute", "Tear Gas", "Grenade", "Binoculars", }, ["Muriciones"] = { "M4 Mag", "AK Mag", "CZ 550 Mag", "Winchester 1866 Mag", "SPAZ-12 Pellet", "PDW Mag", "MP5A5 Mag", "1866 Slug", "2Rnd. Slug", "M79 Granada", "M9 SD Mag", "M1911 Mag", "Desert Eagle Mag", "Lee Enfield Mag", }, ["Comidas & Bebidas"] = { "Water Bottle", "Pasta Can", "Beans Can", "Burger", "Pizza", "Soda Bottle", "Empty Water Bottle", "Empty Soda Cans", "Scruffy Burgers", "Milk", "Raw Meat", "Cooked Meat" }, ["Mochilas"] = { "Czech Vest Pouch", "Patrol Pack", "Assault Pack (ACU)", "Survival (ACU)", "Alice Pack", "British Assault Pack", "Czech Backpack", "Coyote Backpack", "Origem Backpack", }, ["herramientas"] = { "Box of Matches", "Infrared Goggles", "Night Vision Goggles", "GPS", "Map", "Toolbox", "Watch", "Radio Device" }, ["Equipo Medico"] = { "Bandage", "Morphine", "Medic Kit", "Heat Pack", "Blood Bag", "Painkiller", }, ["Partes De Autos"] = { "Tire", "Engine", "Tank Parts" }, ["Ropa"] = { "Camouflage Clothing", "Ghillie Suit", "Civilian Clothing", "Civilian[F] Clothing", "Survivor Clothing", "Survivor[F] Clothing", "Camouflage Zombie Clothing", "Survivor[F] Clothing", "Ghillie[F] Suit", "Ghillie Suit Desert", "Camouflage[F] Clothing", }, ["Editar Status"] = { "murders", "zombieskilled", "headshots", "banditskilled", "blood", "humanity", "thirst", "food", "alivetime", "bandit", }, ["Otros"] = { "Wood Pile", "Empty Gas Canister", "Full Gas Canister", "Roadflare", "Wire Fence", "Mine", "Tent" } } local isItemSelected = false -- // Window creation code -- addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() w.main = guiCreateWindow(sW/2 - 179, sH/2 - 165, 358, 330, "Panel Give Objetos LuxorDayZ", false) guiWindowSetSizable(w.main, false) guiSetAlpha(w.main, 1.00) w.gridList.main = guiCreateGridList(10, 26, 151, 291, false, w.main) w.gridList.column = guiGridListAddColumn( w.gridList.main, "Player", 0.85 ) w.label.desc = guiCreateLabel(176, 26, 178, 22, "Elegir Jugador", false, w.main) guiSetFont(w.label.desc, "default-bold-small") w.label.desc2 = guiCreateLabel(233, 210, 60, 22, "Cantidad", false, w.main) guiSetFont(w.label.desc2, "default-bold-small") w.comboBox.category = guiCreateComboBox(171, 65, 266, 160, "-- Elija una categoría--", false, w.main) w.comboBox.itemList = guiCreateComboBox(171, 145, 266, 50, "-- Seleccionar elemento --", false, w.main) w.editBox.quantity = guiCreateEdit(231, 234, 55, 26, "", false, w.main) w.button.give = guiCreateButton(176, 280, 77, 37, "Dar", false, w.main) w.button.close = guiCreateButton(263, 280, 77, 37, "Cerrar", false, w.main) guiSetFont(w.button.give, "default-bold-small") guiSetProperty(w.button.give, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") guiSetFont(w.button.close, "default-bold-small") guiSetProperty(w.button.close, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") guiSetVisible(w.main, false) guiSetEnabled(w.button.give, false) for key, value in pairs (items) do if type(value) == "table" then guiComboBoxAddItem(w.comboBox.category, key) end end -- // Making quantity be only edited by numbers -- addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", w.editBox.quantity, function() guiSetText(source, guiGetText(source):gsub("[^0-9]","")) -- // We remove everything which is not a number check() end) -- // Changing second combobox items when first one changes -- addEventHandler("onClientGUIComboBoxAccepted", w.comboBox.category, function() local text = guiComboBoxGetItemText(w.comboBox.category, guiComboBoxGetSelected(w.comboBox.category)) guiComboBoxClear(w.comboBox.itemList) for i, st in ipairs(items[text]) do guiComboBoxAddItem(w.comboBox.itemList, st) end guiComboBoxAdjustHeight(w.comboBox.itemList, #items[text]) end ) -- // Showing item when second one was accepted. -- addEventHandler("onClientGUIComboBoxAccepted", w.comboBox.itemList, function() isItemSelected = true check() end ) -- // Handling button that closes. -- addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", w.button.close, function() guiSetVisible(w.main, false) showCursor(false) end, false ) -- // Handling give button. -- addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", w.button.give, function() local playerName = guiGridListGetItemText(w.gridList.main, guiGridListGetSelectedItem(w.gridList.main), 1) local item = guiComboBoxGetItemText(w.comboBox.itemList, guiComboBoxGetSelected(w.comboBox.itemList)) if (getPlayerFromName(playerName)) then triggerServerEvent("onGIPGive", localPlayer, playerName, item, tonumber(guiGetText(w.editBox.quantity))) else outputChatBox("Jugador Desconectado ou Nick Errado", 255, 0, 0) end guiSetVisible(w.main, true) showCursor(true) end, false ) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", w.gridList.main, check) end ) -- // Remi-X function. Sets height depending on item quantity -- function guiComboBoxAdjustHeight ( combobox, itemcount ) local width = guiGetSize ( combobox, false ) return guiSetSize ( combobox, width, ( itemcount * 20 ) + 20, false ) end -- // Handling when the administrator opens the panel -- -- // Handling when the administrator opens the panel -- addEventHandler("onGIPOpened", root, function() guiGridListClear ( w.gridList.main ) guiSetEnabled(w.button.give, false) isItemSelected = false for id, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if player ~= localplayer then local row = guiGridListAddRow ( w.gridList.main ) guiGridListSetItemText ( w.gridList.main, row, w.gridList.column, getPlayerName ( player ), false, false ) end Link to comment
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