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It's not an image. That progress bar is most likely made out of rectangles only. Basically it's 2 rectangles inside a bigger rectangle. And then to increase the progress, you increase the width of the inner coloured rectangle, not the black one.

Alright..what i understand from you now is..it's not an image...so can you give me the functions to edit the progress bar like that?

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Alright..what i understand from you now is..it's not an image...so can you give me the functions to edit the progress bar like that?



I made a quick image to try to explain it to you visually.


You increase or decrease the width of Rectangle 3 to make it look like it's progressing.

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Alright..what i understand from you now is..it's not an image...so can you give me the functions to edit the progress bar like that?



I made a quick image to try to explain it to you visually.


You increase or decrease the width of Rectangle 3 to make it look like it's progressing.

ِAlright but...how to +1 the Progress? or even -1

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Say the longest length of rectangle 3 is 100 pixels, this is the length it will be when full.

local progress = 1 
x, y = guiGetScreenSize() 
dxDrawRectangle((x/2)-50, y/2, 100, 5, tocolor(0, 255, 0, 100)) 
dxDrawRectangle((x/2)-50, y/2, progress, 5, tocolor(0, 255, 0, 255)) 

So you just need to set the progress to whatever number between 0-100 you want it to be. Bear in mind that if your bar is not 100 pixels then you will need to convert the progress into a percentage of whatever the bars full length will be.

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Say the longest length of rectangle 3 is 100 pixels, this is the length it will be when full.
local progress = 1 
x, y = guiGetScreenSize() 
dxDrawRectangle((x/2)-50, y/2, 100, 5, tocolor(0, 255, 0, 100)) 
dxDrawRectangle((x/2)-50, y/2, progress, 5, tocolor(0, 255, 0, 255)) 

So you just need to set the progress to whatever number between 0-100 you want it to be. Bear in mind that if your bar is not 100 pixels then you will need to convert the progress into a percentage of whatever the bars full length will be.

In this one...the Full Progress is 608!! :/ Much!

local progress = 608 
addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, 
        dxDrawRectangle(316, 649, 615, 38, tocolor(13, 115, 0, 255), true) 
        dxDrawRectangle(320, 653, 605, 29, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), true) 
        dxDrawRectangle(320, 653, progress, 30, tocolor(229, 0, 0, 200), true) 

I don't need the 608 i want it to be like 100 then full

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local progress = 100 
addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, 
        dxDrawRectangle(316, 649, 615, 38, tocolor(13, 115, 0, 255), true) 
        dxDrawRectangle(320, 653, 605, 29, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), true) 
        dxDrawRectangle(320, 653, progress*6.08, 30, tocolor(229, 0, 0, 200), true) 

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You increase or decrease the width of Rectangle 3 to make it look like it's progressing.

ِAlright but...how to +1 the Progress? or even -1


To simulate there effect that it is increasing or decreasing in progress, you simply increase or decrease the width of the rectangle. Driggero and TAPL gave you good examples. :)

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Bear in mind that if your bar is not 100 pixels then you will need to convert the progress into a percentage of whatever the bars full length will be.

Try something like this:

local progress = 100 
local newProgress = progress*6.08 
addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, 
        dxDrawRectangle(316, 649, 615, 38, tocolor(13, 115, 0, 255), true) 
        dxDrawRectangle(320, 653, 605, 29, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), true) 
        dxDrawRectangle(320, 653, newprogress, 30, tocolor(229, 0, 0, 200), true) 

EDIT: Just now noticed TAPL's post which is essentially doing the exact same thing, feel free to ignore this

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