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Attach Elements


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I wanted to make a panel for my battleship but I needed your help.

local carlines = createObject (10772, -1356.3,538,17.8,0,0,0) -- Carrier_Line 
local hangardoor = createObject (16775, -1420,551.2001,13.2) -- door_savhangar2 
local hangardoor2 = createObject(16775,-1411,551.2001,13.2) -- door_savhangar2 
local cardoor = createObject(3113,-1465,538.19921875,2) -- Carrier Door 
local carlift2 = createObject(3114,-1414.40002 ,553.40002,17.2) -- Carrier Lift2 
local carlift1 = createObject(3115,-1456.5,538.29999,17.5) -- Carrier Lift 1  
local carhangar = createObject(11146,-1366.69922,538.7998,12.5) -- Carrier Hangar 
local carlow = createObject(11145,-1420.59998,538.29999,4.5) -- Carrier Lowdeck 
local carbits = createObject (createObject(11237,-1354.69922,530.7998,39) -- Carrier Bits 
local carbridge = createObject(10770,-1354.39941,530.69922,38.9) -- Carrier Bridge 
local carhull = createObject(10771,-1357.69995,538.29999,6) -- Carrier Hull 
local corridor = createObject(11149,-1363.69995,533.09998,12.3) -- Corridor 
local carrierlift2 = createObject(3114,-1414.4000244141,527.90002441406,16.7,0,0,180) -- Carrier Lift2 

I needed to use " AttachElement " but I didn't understand how to do that

For example;

attachElements(hull3, hull1, -106.8, 8.05, 2) 

What are that numbers? Location x , y , z?

Thanks in advance

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They are optional arguments, so therefore not needed. But they will come in handy when you need to position things. For example, when you attachElements(a,b) they look like they are mixed together. So you can give the x,y,z a value so that the objects will part from eachother but still be attached to eachother. So basicly, adding a value of 10 to X, will make the objects be 10units from apart. It's hard to explain, if you still dont get it, leave another message.

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As glowdemon said, those values are for the offset between the elements.

X and Y are for horizontal offset and the Z value are for changing the height between the elements.

Google proudly presents.(dutch image> as = axes)


We can better call it the distance/offset in 3D.

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