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Or just search the wiki for the GUI tutorials.]

That's not even the slightest helpful since he wants to work with DX, not GUI. 2 very, very different things.

You can achieve what you want with interpolateBetween.

"ok i seen in a server it was a dx login and i was wondering how they done the top bit they made a rectangle i know how to do that but they had text in it moving any help?"

He only mentioned a dx login and moving text. Not a way how to create the moving text.

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local x,y = guiGetScreenSize() 
local textPosition = 0 -- Main counter. You can do the same with anything you want to move or change per frame. 
local text = "This text is moving right!" 
function renderText() 
   textPosition = textPosition + 1 -- Move by one pixel each frame 
   if textPosition > x then -- If the text is out of the screen 
      textPosition = 0 -- Make it come back to the default position 
   dxDrawText(text,textPosition,y/2,x,y) -- draw the text 

Should be a good example. Unstested though.

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nope, renderText is not an element but a function. You've gotta pause it somehow. You can either split functions like this:

local x,y = guiGetScreenSize() 
local textPosition = 0 -- Main counter. You can do the same with anything you want to move or change per frame. 
local text = "This text is moving right!" 
function renderText() 
   dxDrawText(text,textPosition,y/2,x,y) -- draw the text 
function renderAnimation() 
 textPosition = textPosition + 1 -- Move by one pixel each frame 
   if textPosition > x then -- If the text is out of the screen 
      textPosition = 0 -- Make it come back to the default position 
addEventHandler("onClientPreRender",getRootElement(),renderAnimation) -- Applying the animation before rendering the text to make animation work properly 
addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick",loginButton,function() 
   removeEventHandler("onClientPreRender",getRootElement(),renderAnimation) -- Removing the animation. You can also remove event handler for renderText if you want to remove the text completely 

Or this (use a variable to specify if it should animate more):

local x,y = guiGetScreenSize() 
local textPosition = 0 -- Main counter. You can do the same with anything you want to move or change per frame. 
local text = "This text is moving right!" 
local animate = true 
function renderText() 
   if animate == true then -- If we want to animate stuff 
      textPosition = textPosition + 1 
      if textPosition > x then 
         textPosition = 0 
   dxDrawText(text,textPosition,y/2,x,y) -- draw the text -- Add this into the "if" check if you don't want to draw it anymore 
addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick",loginButton,function() 
   animate = false -- Stop animating.  

Of course, the second way is nice when you have to animate the stuff often, but without a complete removal of the text.

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use this?

local x,y = guiGetScreenSize() 
local textPosition = 0 -- Main counter. You can do the same with anything you want to move or change per frame. 
local text = "This text is moving right!" 
function renderText() 
   dxDrawText(text,textPosition,y/2,x,y) -- draw the text 
function renderAnimation() 
 textPosition = textPosition + 1 -- Move by one pixel each frame 
   if textPosition > x then -- If the text is out of the screen 
      textPosition = 0 -- Make it come back to the default position 
addEventHandler("onClientPreRender",getRootElement(),renderAnimation) -- Applying the animation before rendering the text to make animation work properly 
addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick",loginButton,function() 
   removeEventHandler("onClientPreRender",getRootElement(),renderAnimation) -- Removing the animation. You can also remove event handler for renderText if you want to remove the text completely 

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