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trainer, trainer, trainer

Guest anhtuan

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I know it's stupid question, but I have to ask.

Is it possible to make into a server a selection to allow or deny trainers.

I ask because I would like to make a server in my LAN so I could use trainers aswell.

Can it be done ?

P.S. using the server with trainer MUST of course inform all users that trainers are allowed so if you want to play without you seek another server and so on...

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This is covered all over the place including the eula that you agreed to when you loaded the game

Trainers do not work with MTA and are not supported. Anyone who looks for ways around that is cheating and will have problems with the game in any case.

Do a search it might be the biggest subject on this forum

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the team has a moddable mta in mind but not atm, first there must be a stable core so plz just be patient

and i dont think there will ever be a LAN only version, mta supports online and lan gameplay and thats enough in one version...too much effort

:arrow: closed

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