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the truck (linerunner) atteches to the trailer and runs a check, if the company names are not the same, it detaches. As far as the code goes, everything is working as it should and it does detach.

The Issue:

As soon as the trailer detaches it immediately re-attaches.

How can I prevent the trailer from reattaching to the linerunner after it detaches?

I did try cancelEvent, but it didn't detach

NOTE: I'm asking for Experienced lua coders who know about GTA & MTA mechanics, you do not need any other code than the one that is currently listed.


    addEventHandler('onTrailerAttach', getRootElement(), 
                    if(isElement(truck) and getElementType(truck)=='vehicle') then 
                            trailer = getVehicleTowedByVehicle(truck) 
                            local compTruck = getElementData(truck, "vehicle:company") 
                            local compTrailer = getElementData(trailer, "vehicle:company") 
                            local x, y, z = getElementPosition(truck) 
                            if (compTruck~=compTrailer) then 
                                    outputChatBox("This trailer does not belong to your company.", ply, 255, 200, 0) 
                                    detachTrailerFromVehicle(truck, trailer) 

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Not entirely sure how trailers work, but it might be that it's detached properly but not moved away enough to stay detached - thus it automatically re-attaches again.

So one thing you could try would be to change the trailer's position slightly after it is detached. If that doesn't work, then it's something with the code for sure.

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