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Open gate, getDistanceBetweenPoints3D, help


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Hello, I am thinking of creating a small gatesystem. When the players position is, let´s say less than 10 from the gate, it should move up or down. I can decide that later. And if no one is that, it should be closed. I have already done a part of it. But it complains in debug.

1.bad argument at getElementPosition

2.bad argument at getDistanceBetweenPoints3D

3.a nil value somewhere, didn´t say where.

I am using it server side, should it be client side?

but this is the script:

gate1 = createObject(980, -23, 1423, -23, 0, 0, 94, false) 
function openclose() 
if ( "source" == "player" ) then 
local x, y, z = getElementPosition(source) 
if ( getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x, y, z, -23, 1423, -23) <= "20" ) then 
moveObject(gate1, 2000, -23, 1423, -23 - 4, 0, 0, 94) 

Anyone got any ideas of why this doesn´t work or how I can make it work. I appreciate if someone helps me.

And does anyone know why objects in "moveObject" are turning and twisting when they are being moved? I know that since another script i had with a command instead.

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Serverside is for everybody visible, client only for the pc that executed it.

- For client, BieHDC sample.


- For server

if isElement(source) then  
--[[ or when you are to foolish to send a vehicle/object/ped instead of player then:]] 
if isElement(source) and getElementType(source) == "player" then 


if ( getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x, y, z, -23, 1423, -23) <= "20" ) then 
if ( getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x, y, z, -23, 1423, -23) <= 20 ) then 

Also addCommandHandler doesn't give a player as source, if you did that!

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