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dxDrawText wordBreak Broken?


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I'm updating my Radio resource, and am adding something new that utilizes DX Text - and I'd like to utilize wordBreak, in case it's too long to fit inside the bounding box. I remember using this back in 1.3.3 without any problems.

However, now with 1.3.4, I can't get this to work at all. It just outright refuses to work, no matter what. Does anyone else have this issue?

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Are you using the colorCoded argument?

No, clip and colorCoded are both set to false(Not to mention they are forced to false, even if set to true). As is everything else, just in case. I'm using a custom font but tried to set it back to "default", still doesn't work.

I just did a quick test where as I made a new drawing via the GUI Editor and toggled word-wrapping, entered a long sentence and then it worked. But as soon as I moved that into a resource to try it from there, it doesn't work.

I have absolutely no idea what is going on...

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dxDrawText("Artist: "..tostring(metaTable.artist), 914, 598, 1355, 653, tocolor(132, 31, 255, 255), 1.00, PDZFont, "left", "top", false, true, false, false, false) 

I've played around with the booleans but to no avail. Also tried changing the size of the bounding box so it's even bigger, still doesn't work. :shock:


Not entirely sure what I did, but it seems to have been fixed now. I think all I did was move it around a little bit. :roll:

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