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help with command


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i need when someone do /checkMoney then all players should have to wait 30 secs to use the command again

function checkMoney(thePlayer, command) 
    local money = getPlayerMoney(thePlayer)                                                                       
        outputChatBox(getPlayerName (thePlayer).. "has got :" .. tostring(money), root,0,255,0)                
addCommandHandler("checkMoney", checkMoney)   

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I saw this script by @Alexs_Steel

local commandSpam = {} 
function preventCommandSpam() 
    if (not commandSpam[source]) then 
        commandSpam[source] = 1 
        -- New person so add to table 
    elseif (commandSpam[source] == 5) then 
        outputChatBox("Please refrain from command spamming!", source, 255, 0, 0) 
        -- This person is command spamming! 
        commandSpam[source] = commandSpam[source] + 1 
        -- Add one to the table 
addEventHandler("onPlayerCommand", root, preventCommandSpam) 
setTimer(function() commandSpam = {} end, 1000, 0) -- Clear the table every second 

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local TableComand = {} 
local TableTimer = {} 
function checkMoney(thePlayer, command) 
if (TableComand[thePlayer] == false ) or not TableComand[thePlayer] then 
    local money = getPlayerMoney(thePlayer)                                                                       
        outputChatBox(getPlayerName (thePlayer).. "has got :" .. tostring(money), root,0,255,0)               
   TableComand[thePlayer] = true 
   TableTimer[thePlayer] = setTimer(function() TableComand[thePlayer] = false 
addCommandHandler("checkMoney", checkMoney)  

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  manawydan said:
local TableComand = {} 
local TableTimer = {} 
function checkMoney(thePlayer, command) 
if (TableComand[thePlayer] == false ) or not TableComand[thePlayer] then 
    local money = getPlayerMoney(thePlayer)                                                                       
        outputChatBox(getPlayerName (thePlayer).. "has got :" .. tostring(money), root,0,255,0)               
   TableComand[thePlayer] = true 
   TableTimer[thePlayer] = setTimer(function() TableComand[thePlayer] = false 
addCommandHandler("checkMoney", checkMoney)  

Chaoshas got :108213

[uST]XxJaviNpxX: dime

Chaos: type /checkMoney

Chaos: type /checkMoney

Chaos: type /checkMoney

rulocardenas: oye espera a que se junten muchos

[uST]XxJaviNpxXhas got :406

[uST]XxJaviNpxX: ya

[uST]XxJaviNpxX: pero quiero un arma o algo

look here when i did /checkMoney the timer only works for me

but when the other type /checkMoney the timer won't works for him

i don't want the time only for the player who did it i need to all should wait

example when i type /checkmoney then all must wait 30 secs not only me and not only who did the command

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  EstrategiaGTA said:
Still, I've other idea: why don't you just make the outputChatBox only for the player, not to all? You do this because of spamming, but, if you do it for him only, he will just spam himself.

that's just an example the chatbox it is not my problem

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try, no tested

 XatD = true 
function checkMoney(thePlayer, command) 
if (XatD == true) then 
    local money = getPlayerMoney(thePlayer)                                                                       
        outputChatBox(getPlayerName (thePlayer).. "has got :" .. tostring(money), root,0,255,0)               
   XatD = false 
   setTimer(function() XatD = true 
addCommandHandler("checkMoney", checkMoney) 

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  manawydan said:
try, no tested
 XatD = true 
function checkMoney(thePlayer, command) 
if (XatD == true) then 
    local money = getPlayerMoney(thePlayer)                                                                       
        outputChatBox(getPlayerName (thePlayer).. "has got :" .. tostring(money), root,0,255,0)               
   XatD = false 
   setTimer(function() XatD = true 
addCommandHandler("checkMoney", checkMoney) 

works perfect thanks

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