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NEW! Cops and Robber map


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Hey all me and my friend have been making a new version of CnR that's much MUCH better than the previous one.

This map works for any race gamemode server! Its fully scripted for that purpose.


1- Time limit for ghostmode so the police cars don't bumb into each other at the start.

2- Arrow on top of the police car that points to the robbers car

3- A meter that shows the distance of the robbers car to your car

4- A stat system that gets saved automatically onto the server it shows wins and loses

5- shop menu you get money everytime you win or lose on the map and you can buy different things that improve your gameplay. The shop menu slides to the left just like how the toptimes do

6- Music streamed from a webserver (No music downloading for faster map starting). The song will be played fast.

7- It shows closest person to robber.

This map runs on any Race gamemode so it works perfectly just like [shooter] or [DM] etc.

Here is a picture of what it looks like:


Made by #ProGear and [DenR]Danny


Police: The Cops have to team up and destroy the Robber's car. They can buy different kinds of weapons from the shop by pressing 'i'.

Robber: The robber has to stay alive for 5 min until the timer runs out. The robber is randomly picked from the server. He can also buy things from the maps private shop with ''i''. The only difference between the cops and the robbers shop is that the robber has a exploding barrel and the police have got a stinger.

Download link: http://www.2shared.com/file/lBFu7fcE/cnrV2.html


https://mega.co.nz/#!6EQkWbSS!BNEeVGAzY ... eXhhOnFUbQ

Gameplay of the map


If there are any questions you may want to ask tell me

Skype: crysis.mta


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