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[HELP] SQL Connection Issue!


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Hello all. Im working on a Roleplay Server for MTA. Everything is going alright. Ive setup XAMPP, Edited the mysql resource to the connection info, But im getting this error...

[2013-08-24 21:32:08] ERROR: mysql\connection.lua:16: attempt to call global 'mysql_connect' (a nil value)

[2013-08-24 21:32:08] ERROR: mysql\connection.lua:62: attempt to call global 'mysql_ping' (a nil value)

[2013-08-24 21:32:08] ERROR: call: failed to call 'mysql:query' [string "?"]

[2013-08-24 21:32:08] ERROR: mysql\connection.lua:62: attempt to call global 'mysql_ping' (a nil value)

[2013-08-24 21:32:08] ERROR: call: failed to call 'mysql:query' [string "?"]

[2013-08-24 21:32:08] ERROR: mysql\connection.lua:62: attempt to call global 'mysql_ping' (a nil value)

[2013-08-24 21:32:08] ERROR: call: failed to call 'mysql:query' [string "?"]

[2013-08-24 21:32:08] ERROR: mysql\connection.lua:62: attempt to call global 'mysql_ping' (a nil value)

[2013-08-24 21:32:08] ERROR: call: failed to call 'mysql:query' [string "?"]

[2013-08-24 21:32:09] ERROR: mysql\connection.lua:62: attempt to call global 'mysql_ping' (a nil value)

[2013-08-24 21:32:09] ERROR: call: failed to call 'mysql:query' [string "?"]

[2013-08-24 21:32:09] ERROR: mysql\connection.lua:62: attempt to call global 'mysql_ping' (a nil value)

[2013-08-24 21:32:09] ERROR: call: failed to call 'mysql:query' [string "?"]

[2013-08-24 21:32:09] ERROR: mysql\connection.lua:62: attempt to call global 'mysql_ping' (a nil value)

[2013-08-24 21:32:09] ERROR: call: failed to call 'mysql:query_fetch_assoc' [string "?"]

[2013-08-24 21:32:09] ERROR: mysql\connection.lua:62: attempt to call global 'mysql_ping' (a nil value)

[2013-08-24 21:32:09] ERROR: call: failed to call 'mysql:query' [string "?"]

[2013-08-24 21:32:09] Please wait...

[2013-08-24 21:32:09] ERROR: mysql\connection.lua:62: attempt to call global 'mysql_ping' (a nil value)

[2013-08-24 21:32:09] ERROR: call: failed to call 'mysql:query' [string "?"]

[2013-08-24 21:32:09] ERROR: mysql\connection.lua:62: attempt to call global 'mysql_ping' (a nil value)

[2013-08-24 21:32:09] ERROR: call: failed to call 'mysql:query_free' [string "?"]

[2013-08-24 21:32:09] ERROR: mysql\connection.lua:62: attempt to call global 'mysql_ping' (a nil value)

[2013-08-24 21:32:09] ERROR: call: failed to call 'mysql:query' [string "?"]

heres the SQL connection.lua

-- connection settings 
local hostname = "localhost" 
local username = "root" 
local password =  "" 
local database = "mta" 
local port = tonumber( get( "port" ) ) or 3306 

Says the Error is in Line 62.. here it is..

function ping() 
    if (mysql_ping(MySQLConnection) == false) then 
        if (mysql_ping(MySQLConnection) == false) then 
            return false 
        return true 
    return true 

Any help is appriciated! Thanks in advance!

Would it be the mysql module? Or.. MTA EXE or MTA's new DLL's?

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If you got 64 bits.

Go redownload the mta_mysql + lib_mysql and sha all .dll

Then put it in modules folder,


Then, if you started server do /loadmodule sha.dll and then /loadmodule mta_mysql.dll /loadmodule lib_mysql.dll It should work then

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