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English mafa...


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It came to my attention that the number of ill-translated resources is rising.

As the son of a nation that's not particularly famous for its will to learn foreign languages (or at least we think of us that way, but anyways) I find it astonishing that others can read the wiki (which is mainly English) learn Lua (also mainly English) and configure servers, BUT either can't write in proper English or can't find anyone who can.

To nicely sum it up:

If You can't speak English:

a):learn (given that you have time for learning)

b):get a (good) dictionary (no, Google Translate is NOT one of them) either physical or digital

c):find someone (preferably with a paper proving his/her skills) to translate your stuff

d):translate it yourself then find someone to correct it

This way you:

seem more professional

more intelligent

can write decent documentation

can learn more

(can watch movies with British accent, which makes even the most hated characters enjoyable, not to mention RHCP lyrics, but that's just my inner fanboy speaking, hush inner fanboy, you had your daily shot)

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