aCtiion7 Posted August 24, 2013 Share Posted August 24, 2013 Client : --***********************************-- --***********************************-- -- Jail System -- -- By Al3grab -- -- Client Side -- --***********************************-- --***********************************-- -- 1.0 Made At 3/9/2011 | 12:15 PM -- -- 2.0 Made At 3/2/2012 | 06:15 PM -- -- 2.1 Made At 22/5/2012 | 4:00 PM -- lp = getLocalPlayer() rRoot = getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()) setElementData(lp,"jailed",false) ------ addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",rRoot,function() triggerServerEvent("getDataz",lp,lp) outputDebugString("Jail System v2.1 By Al3grab | Started") end ) desz = {} addEvent("sendDataz",true) addEventHandler("sendDataz",root,function(jTable,tTable) ------ jWin = guiCreateWindow(460,172,445,416,"Jail System v2.1 | By Al3grab",false) --- Center Window --- local screenW,screenH=guiGetScreenSize() local windowW,windowH=guiGetSize(jWin,false) local x,y = (screenW-windowW)/2,(screenH-windowH)/2 guiSetPosition(jWin,x,y,false) ----- Center Window ----- guiSetVisible(jWin,false) guiWindowSetSizable(jWin,false) ------------------------- jBut = guiCreateButton(247,338,167,31,"Jail Him",false,jWin) tGrid = guiCreateGridList(240,184,190,144,false,jWin) guiGridListSetSelectionMode(tGrid,0) ------- -- sEdit = guiCreateEdit(14,380,217,23,"Search ..",false,jWin) -- -------- local timeC = guiGridListAddColumn( tGrid, "Time", 0.85 ) if timeC then for k,v in ipairs ( tTable ) do local time = v[1] local des = v[2] local row = guiGridListAddRow ( tGrid ) desz[row] = des guiGridListSetItemText ( tGrid, row, timeC, time.." "..des, false, true ) end local row = guiGridListAddRow ( tGrid ) guiGridListSetItemText ( tGrid, row, timeC,"Other ..", false, true ) end -------- jGrid = guiCreateGridList(240,31,190,144,false,jWin) guiGridListSetSelectionMode(jGrid,0) -------- local jailC = guiGridListAddColumn( jGrid, "Jail", 0.85 ) for k,v in ipairs ( jTable ) do local name = v[1] local row = guiGridListAddRow ( jGrid ) guiGridListSetItemText ( jGrid, row, jailC, name, false, false ) end jcBut = guiCreateButton(246,378,172,24,"Close",false,jWin) function jailShow () guiSetVisible(jWin,not guiGetVisible ( jWin ) ) showCursor(guiGetVisible ( jWin ) ) guiSetInputEnabled(guiGetVisible ( jWin ) ) destroyElement(pList) -- Players List pList = guiCreateGridList(14,31,218,338,false,jWin) column = guiGridListAddColumn( pList, "Player", 0.85 ) if ( column ) then for id, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do row = guiGridListAddRow ( pList ) guiGridListSetItemText ( pList, row, column, getPlayerName ( player ), false, false ) end end -- Players List end addEvent("jailShow",true) addEventHandler("jailShow",root,jailShow) function changeText(button,state,x,y) selectedRow, selectedCol = guiGridListGetSelectedItem( pList ) sPlayer = guiGridListGetItemText( pList, selectedRow, selectedCol ) local thePlr = getPlayerFromName(sPlayer) if thePlr then local isJailed = getElementData(thePlr,"jailed") if isJailed == false then guiSetText(jBut,"Jail Him") elseif isJailed == true then guiSetText(jBut,"Release Him") end end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root,changeText) function onClick (button, state, absoluteX, absoluteY) selectedRow, selectedCol = guiGridListGetSelectedItem( pList ) sPlayer = guiGridListGetItemText( pList, selectedRow, selectedCol ) jail = guiGridListGetItemText ( jGrid, guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( jGrid ), 1 ) time = guiGridListGetItemText ( tGrid, guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( tGrid ), 1 ) timeDes = tostring(desz[guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( tGrid )]) if ( source == jBut ) then if guiGetText(jBut) == "Jail Him" then if time ~= "Other .." then triggerServerEvent("JailHimx",lp,sPlayer,jail,time,timeDes) else createTimeSelect(sPlayer,jail) end elseif guiGetText(jBut) == "Release Him" then triggerServerEvent("unJailHim",lp,sPlayer) end ---------- elseif ( source == jcBut ) then guiSetVisible (jWin, false) showCursor (false) guiSetInputEnabled(false) end end addEventHandler( "onClientGUIClick", root, onClick ) ------------ end ) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerDamage",root,function(at) if getElementData(source,"jailed") == true then if at then cancelEvent() end end end ) ------- addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root,function() if source == sEdit then guiSetText(sEdit,"") --[[ else guiSetText(sEdit,"Search ..") --]] end end ) addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged",root,function() if source == sEdit then ------ guiGridListClear(pList) for k,v in ipairs ( getElementsByType("player") ) do local name = string.lower(getPlayerName(v)) if name then if string.find (name,string.lower(guiGetText(sEdit)) ) then row = guiGridListAddRow ( pList ) guiGridListSetItemText ( pList, row, column, getPlayerName ( v ), false, false ) end end end end ------ end ) ------ function createTimeSelect(theJailed,theJail) if not tostring(theJailed) then outputChatBox("** #FFFF00Please Select a Player !",255,0,0,true) return end if not tostring(theJail) then outputChatBox("** #FFFF00Please Select a Jail !",255,0,0,true) return end if isElement(TimeSelect_Window) then return end TimeSelect_Window = guiCreateWindow(550,397,270,125,"Enter Time",false) -- local screenW,screenH=guiGetScreenSize() local windowW,windowH=guiGetSize(TimeSelect_Window,false) local x,y = (screenW-windowW)/2,(screenH-windowH)/2 guiSetPosition(TimeSelect_Window,x,y,false) -- -- guiSetVisible(jWin,false) -- TimeSelect_Edit = guiCreateEdit(15,37,89,26,"",false,TimeSelect_Window) TimeSelect_Label = guiCreateLabel(110,41,10,15,"in",false,TimeSelect_Window) TimeSelect_Grid = guiCreateGridList(126,31,130,95,false,TimeSelect_Window) guiGridListSetSelectionMode(TimeSelect_Grid,2) --- column = guiGridListAddColumn( TimeSelect_Grid, "", 0.80 ) r1 = guiGridListAddRow(TimeSelect_Grid) r2 = guiGridListAddRow(TimeSelect_Grid) r3 = guiGridListAddRow(TimeSelect_Grid) guiGridListSetItemText ( TimeSelect_Grid , r1, column, "Hours", false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText ( TimeSelect_Grid , r2, column,"Minutes", false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText ( TimeSelect_Grid , r3, column, "Seconds", false, false ) TimeSelect_Button = guiCreateButton(14,72,91,40,"OK",false,TimeSelect_Window) -- function onOk() if source == TimeSelect_Button then -- removeEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root,onOk) -- ---------------- theTime = guiGetText(TimeSelect_Edit) timeType = guiGridListGetItemText ( TimeSelect_Grid, guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( TimeSelect_Grid ) ) -- destroyElement(TimeSelect_Window) jailShow () -- if tonumber(theTime) then if tostring(timeType) then triggerServerEvent("JailHimx",lp,theJailed,theJail,theTime.." "..timeType,timeType,true) else outputChatBox("** #FFFF00Please Select , Hours or Minutes or Seconds !",255,0,0,true) end else outputChatBox("** #FFFF00Please Enter a Number !",255,0,0,true) end ---------------- end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root,onOk) end Server : --***********************************-- --***********************************-- -- Jail System -- -- By Al3grab -- -- Server Side -- --***********************************-- --***********************************-- Command = get("command") -- getTheCommand rRoot = getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()) ------ function getData(to) local file = xmlLoadFile("data.xml") jTable = {} tTable = {} if file then for k,v in ipairs (xmlNodeGetChildren(xmlFindChild(file,"Jails",0)))do local name = xmlNodeGetAttribute(v,"name") local posX,posY,posZ = xmlNodeGetAttribute(v,"posX"),xmlNodeGetAttribute(v,"posY"),xmlNodeGetAttribute(v,"posZ") local int = xmlNodeGetAttribute(v,"int") local dim = xmlNodeGetAttribute(v,"dim") table.insert(jTable, {name,posX,posY,posZ,int,dim}) end for k,v in ipairs (xmlNodeGetChildren(xmlFindChild(file,"time",0)))do local times = xmlNodeGetAttribute(v,"times") for i =1,50 do local iTime = gettok ( times, i, string.byte(',') ) if iTime then -- if tonumber(iTime) > 59.5 then iTime = math.floor(iTime / 60) iTimeDes = "Minutes" if iTime > 59.5 then iTime = math.floor(iTime / 60) iTimeDes = "Hours" end else iTimeDes = "Seconds" end table.insert(tTable,{iTime,iTimeDes}) end end end end triggerClientEvent(to,"sendDataz",to,jTable,tTable) -- sending to client event end addEvent("getDataz",true) addEventHandler("getDataz",root,getData) addCommandHandler ( Command, -- Adding The Command Handler function ( player, cmd ) if hasObjectPermissionTo ( player, "function.banPlayer" ) then triggerClientEvent(player,"jailShow",player) else outputChatBox(" Access Denied ",player,255,0,0) end end ) anims = { "F_smklean_loop", "M_smklean_loop", "M_smkstnd_loop", "M_smk_drag", "M_smk_in", "M_smk_loop", "M_smk_out", "M_smk_tap" , } function removeVehicle(thePlayer) if isPedInVehicle(thePlayer) then destroyElement(getPedOccupiedVehicle(thePlayer)) end end function JailHim(jailed,theJails,time,timeDes,showWho,timeReady) thePlayer = getPlayerFromName(jailed) if not thePlayer then outputChatBox("** #FFFF00Please Select a Player !",source,255,0,0,true) return end removePedFromVehicle(thePlayer) for k,v in ipairs ( jTable ) do if theJails == v[1] then theJail = v end end if theJail then if tostring(time) then if timeReady == true then theTimex = tonumber(time) else theTimex = gettok ( time, 1, string.byte(timeDes) ) end if timeDes == "Hours" then theTimex = math.floor(theTimex*60*60*1000) elseif timeDes == "Minutes" then theTimex = math.floor(theTimex*60*1000) elseif timeDes == "Seconds" then theTimex = math.floor(theTimex*1000) end startJailTimer ( thePlayer , theTimex ) local x,y,z = theJail[2],theJail[3],theJail[4] local int = theJail[5] local dim = theJail[6] setElementInterior ( thePlayer, int ) setElementDimension ( thePlayer, dim ) setElementPosition (thePlayer,x,y,z ) setElementData(thePlayer,"jailed",true) setElementData(rRoot,""..getPlayerSerial(thePlayer).."-j",true) toggleControl(thePlayer,"fire",false) if showWho ~= true then outputChatBox("** #FFFF00You Jailed [ "..getPlayerName(thePlayer).." #FFFF00] at "..theJail[1].." For "..time,source,255,0,0,true) outputChatBox("** #FFFF00You Have Been Jailed By [ "..getPlayerName(source).." #FFFF00] at "..theJail[1].." For "..time,thePlayer,255,0,0,true) end outputChatBox("** #FFFF00[ "..getPlayerName(thePlayer).." #FFFF00] Has Been Jailed For "..time,root,255,0,0,true) local randomAnim setPedAnimation(thePlayer,"SMOKING",anims[math.random(#anims)],theTimex/2) else outputChatBox("** #FFFF00Please Select Time !",source,255,0,0,true) end else outputChatBox("** #FFFF00Please Select a Jail !",source,255,0,0,true) end end addEvent("JailHimx",true) addEventHandler("JailHimx",root,JailHim) function unJailHim(jailed,showWho) thePlayer = getPlayerFromName(jailed) if not thePlayer then outputChatBox("** #FFFF00Please Select a Player !",source,255,0,0,true) return end --if getElementData(thePlayer,"jailed") == true then setElementInterior ( thePlayer, 0) setElementDimension ( thePlayer, 0 ) setElementPosition ( thePlayer, 1552.9108886719, -1675.5844726563, 16.1953125) setElementData(thePlayer,"jailed",false) setElementData(rRoot,""..getPlayerSerial(thePlayer).."-j",false) if showWho ~= true then outputChatBox("** #FFFF00You Released [ "..getPlayerName(thePlayer).." #FFFF00]",source,255,0,0,true) outputChatBox("** #FFFF00You Have Been Released by [ "..getPlayerName(source).." #FFFF00]",thePlayer,255,0,0,true) end outputChatBox("** #FFFF00[ "..getPlayerName(thePlayer).." #FFFF00] Has Been Released ",root,255,0,0,true) setPedAnimation(thePlayer) stopJailTimer(Player) toggleControl(thePlayer,"fire",true) -- setTimer(killPed,1500,1,thePlayer) --else -- outputChatBox("The Player is Not Jailed !",source,255,0,0,true) --end end addEvent("unJailHim",true)-- unJail addEventHandler("unJailHim",root,unJailHim) addEvent("onJailEnd",true) addEventHandler("onJailEnd",root,function(player) unJailHim(getPlayerName(player),true) end ) addEventHandler("onPlayerSpawn",root, -- Check If He Is Jailed [ OnSpawn ] function() if getElementData(source,"jailed") == true then randomJail = jTable[math.random(#jTable)] if randomJail then x,y,z = randomJail[2],randomJail[3],randomJail[4] int = randomJail[5] dim = randomJail[6] setElementInterior ( source, int ) setElementDimension(source,dim) setElementPosition (source,x,y,z ) end end end) addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",root, -- Check If He Is Jailed - By Serial [ OnJoin ] function() if getElementData(rRoot,""..getPlayerSerial(source).."-j") == true then randomJail = jTable[math.random(#jTable)] if randomJail then x,y,z = randomJail[2],randomJail[3],randomJail[4] int = randomJail[5] dim = randomJail[6] setElementInterior ( source, int ) setElementDimension(source,dim) setElementPosition (source,x,y,z ) -- time = getElementData(rRoot,""..getPlayerSerial(source).."-t",time) or 5 * 1000 startJailTimer(source,time) setElementData(source,"jailed",true) end end end ) ---- function startJailTimer(Player,theTime) -- to start mission timer .. if Player then TimerDisplay = textCreateDisplay() m,s,cs = msToTimeStr(theTime) fullTime = m..":"..s TimerText = textCreateTextItem ( "Time Left : "..tostring(fullTime).."", 0.39, 0.7 ,"medium",0,255,0,255,2.0,"left","center",255) textDisplayAddText ( TimerDisplay, TimerText ) textDisplayAddObserver ( TimerDisplay, Player ) sortTimerShit(Player,TimerText,theTime) end end --Robbed from JailTimerr resource , and it was robbed from arc_ function msToTimeStr(ms) if not ms then return '' end if ms < 0 then return "0","00","00" end local centiseconds = tostring(math.floor(math.fmod(ms, 1000)/10)) if #centiseconds == 1 then centiseconds = '0' .. centiseconds end local s = math.floor(ms / 1000) local seconds = tostring(math.fmod(s, 60)) if #seconds == 1 then seconds = '0' .. seconds end local minutes = tostring(math.floor(s / 60)) return minutes, seconds, centiseconds end function sortTimerShit(plr,timer,time) -- to sort timer's shit .. if timer and time then if isTimer(timerShitTimer) then killTimer(timerShitTimer) end timerShitTimer = setTimer(function(plr) time = time - 70 m,s,cs = msToTimeStr(time) fullTime = m..":"..s textItemSetText(timer,"Time Left : "..tostring(fullTime).."") if plr then setElementData(rRoot,""..getPlayerSerial(plr).."-t",time) end if ( tonumber(m) <= 0 and tonumber(s) <= 0 and tonumber(cs) <= 0 ) then onTimerFinish(plr,timer) end end , 50 , 0 ,plr ) end end Link to comment
فاّرس Posted August 24, 2013 Share Posted August 24, 2013 الحين وش نوع سيرفرك؟ يعني اف1 الفري روم ولا كيف؟ + استخدم الداتا, setElementData -- اذا انسجن تحط له داتا # getElementData -- تجيب الداتا # Link to comment
aCtiion7 Posted August 24, 2013 Author Share Posted August 24, 2013 الحين وش نوع سيرفرك؟يعني اف1 الفري روم ولا كيف؟ + استخدم الداتا, setElementData -- اذا انسجن تحط له داتا # getElementData -- تجيب الداتا # فري رومَ , ممكن تحط لي مثال؟ , Link to comment
SaRy,#DanGer Posted August 24, 2013 Share Posted August 24, 2013 (edited) مثال getElementData function addPlayerCustomTag ( thePlayer, command, newTag ) --Let's make sure the newTag param has been entered... if ( newTag ) then --Grab their current playername for saving. local sPlayerNickname = getPlayerName ( thePlayer ) --Create their new nickname with their tag local sNewPlayerNickname = newTag .. " " .. sPlayerNickname --Let's first load the element data, see if it's there already --The reason for this is that if a player were to do /addtag twice, --the tag would be prepended a second time local sOldNick = getElementData( thePlayer, "tempdata.originalnick" ) if ( sOldNick == false ) then --Save their orignal nickname in their element data setElementData ( thePlayer, "tempdata.originalnick", sPlayerNickname ) end --Set their new nickname globally setPlayerName ( thePlayer, sNewPlayerNickname ) --Tell them it's done outputChatBox ( "Your new nickname has been set, to put it back to its original state you can use /deltag", thePlayer ) else --The newTag param was not entered, give an error message outputChatBox ( "/addtag - Incorrect syntax, Correct: /addtag ", thePlayer ) end end addCommandHandler ( "addtag", addPlayerCustomTag ) function removePlayerCustomTag ( thePlayer, command ) --We first need to check that they have already used /addtag, let's do that now local sOldNick = getElementData( thePlayer, "tempdata.originalnick" ) if ( sOldNick ) then --Great, they have a tag added, let's reset them --First we will want to reset the element data back to its default (that being false) setElementData ( thePlayer, "tempdata.originalnick", false ) --Now set the client name back setClientName ( thePlayer, sOldNick ) --Notify them outputChatBox ( "Your old nickname has been set", thePlayer ) end end addCommandHandler ( "deltag", removePlayerCustomTag ) مثال setElementData function joinTime ( ) setElementData ( source, "joinTime", getTickCount() ) -- Store the current tick count in the player's data with the key 'joinTime' end -- Make our 'joinTime' function be called when a player joins addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), joinTime ) function showJoinTime ( source, commandName, playerName ) if ( playerName ) then -- see if a player was specified thePlayer = getPlayerFromName ( playerName ) -- get the player element for the specified player if ( thePlayer ) then -- if one was found... local timeOnline = (getTickCount() - getElementData ( thePlayer, "joinTime" )) / 1000 -- calculates the time since join outputChatBox ( getPlayerName ( thePlayer ).." joined "..timeOnline.." seconds ago", source ) -- output the player's join time else outputChatBox ( "Couldn't find '" .. playerName .. "'", source ) -- display an error end else -- display when the player who used the function joined and inform how to see other people's join time local timeOnline = (getTickCount() - getElementData ( source, "joinTime" )) / 1000 -- calculate the time since join outputChatBox ( "You joined " ..timeOnline.." seconds ago", source ) outputChatBox ( "Use 'join_time ' to see other people's join time", source ) end end -- Add a console command joinTime, that takes an optional parameter of a player's name addCommandHandler ( "joinTime", showJoinTime ) Edited August 24, 2013 by Guest Link to comment
SaRy,#DanGer Posted August 24, 2013 Share Posted August 24, 2013 الحين وش نوع سيرفرك؟يعني اف1 الفري روم ولا كيف؟ + استخدم الداتا, setElementData -- اذا انسجن تحط له داتا # getElementData -- تجيب الداتا # فري رومَ , ممكن تحط لي مثال؟ , قصده ادا انت خال نوعيه السيرفر play الفري روم تقدر تبنده اسمه freerome Link to comment
aCtiion7 Posted August 24, 2013 Author Share Posted August 24, 2013 function addPlayerCustomTag ( thePlayer, command, newTag ) --Let's make sure the newTag param has been entered... if ( newTag ) then --Grab their current playername for saving. local sPlayerNickname = getPlayerName ( thePlayer ) --Create their new nickname with their tag local sNewPlayerNickname = newTag .. " " .. sPlayerNickname --Let's first load the element data, see if it's there already --The reason for this is that if a player were to do /addtag twice, --the tag would be prepended a second time local sOldNick = getElementData( thePlayer, "tempdata.originalnick" ) if ( sOldNick == false ) then --Save their orignal nickname in their element data setElementData ( thePlayer, "tempdata.originalnick", sPlayerNickname ) end --Set their new nickname globally setPlayerName ( thePlayer, sNewPlayerNickname ) --Tell them it's done outputChatBox ( "Your new nickname has been set, to put it back to its original state you can use /deltag", thePlayer ) else --The newTag param was not entered, give an error message outputChatBox ( "/addtag - Incorrect syntax, Correct: /addtag ", thePlayer ) end end addCommandHandler ( "addtag", addPlayerCustomTag ) function removePlayerCustomTag ( thePlayer, command ) --We first need to check that they have already used /addtag, let's do that now local sOldNick = getElementData( thePlayer, "tempdata.originalnick" ) if ( sOldNick ) then --Great, they have a tag added, let's reset them --First we will want to reset the element data back to its default (that being false) setElementData ( thePlayer, "tempdata.originalnick", false ) --Now set the client name back setClientName ( thePlayer, sOldNick ) --Notify them outputChatBox ( "Your old nickname has been set", thePlayer ) end end addCommandHandler ( "deltag", removePlayerCustomTag ) function joinTime ( ) setElementData ( source, "joinTime", getTickCount() ) -- Store the current tick count in the player's data with the key 'joinTime' end -- Make our 'joinTime' function be called when a player joins addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), joinTime ) function showJoinTime ( source, commandName, playerName ) if ( playerName ) then -- see if a player was specified thePlayer = getPlayerFromName ( playerName ) -- get the player element for the specified player if ( thePlayer ) then -- if one was found... local timeOnline = (getTickCount() - getElementData ( thePlayer, "joinTime" )) / 1000 -- calculates the time since join outputChatBox ( getPlayerName ( thePlayer ).." joined "..timeOnline.." seconds ago", source ) -- output the player's join time else outputChatBox ( "Couldn't find '" .. playerName .. "'", source ) -- display an error end else -- display when the player who used the function joined and inform how to see other people's join time local timeOnline = (getTickCount() - getElementData ( source, "joinTime" )) / 1000 -- calculate the time since join outputChatBox ( "You joined " ..timeOnline.." seconds ago", source ) outputChatBox ( "Use 'join_time ' to see other people's join time", source ) end end -- Add a console command joinTime, that takes an optional parameter of a player's name addCommandHandler ( "joinTime", showJoinTime ) آنا أبي اغلق لفري رومَ أذآ انسجن لاعب + الاكوأد ذي لشنو !؟ Link to comment
./BlackBird# Posted August 24, 2013 Share Posted August 24, 2013 ضيف سطر جديد في سيرفر تحت سطر 114 و حط فيه triggerEvent("onPlayerJail",thePlayer) و حط ذا في اول سطر addEvent("onPlayerJail",true) افتح فري روم افتح ملف fr_server.lua اكتب في اخر سطر addEventHandler("onPlayerJail",root, function () triggerClientEvent(source,"PlayerJail",source) end ) addEventHandler("onJailEnd",root, function () triggerClientEvent(source,"PlayerUnJail",source) end ) ضيف في fr_client.lua اول السطر addEvent("PlayerJail",true) addEvent("PlayerUnJail",true) addEventHandler("PlayerJail",root, function () unbindKey('f1', 'down', toggleFRWindow) end ) addEventHandler("PlayerUnJail",root, function () bindKey('f1', 'down', toggleFRWindow) end ) و ضيف سطر جديد تحت سطر 1577 و حط فيه if not getElementData(rRoot,""..getPlayerSerial(localPlayer).."-j") then و ضيف اند سطر 1579 Link to comment
aCtiion7 Posted August 24, 2013 Author Share Posted August 24, 2013 ضيف سطر جديد في سيرفر تحت سطر 114و حط فيه triggerEvent("onPlayerJail",thePlayer) و حط ذا في اول سطر addEvent("onPlayerJail",true) افتح فري روم افتح ملف fr_server.lua اكتب في اخر سطر addEventHandler("onPlayerJail",root, function () triggerClientEvent(source,"PlayerJail",source) end ) addEventHandler("onJailEnd",root, function () triggerClientEvent(source,"PlayerUnJail",source) end ) ضيف في fr_client.lua اول السطر addEvent("PlayerJail",true) addEvent("PlayerUnJail",true) addEventHandler("PlayerJail",root, function () unbindKey('f1', 'down', toggleFRWindow) end ) addEventHandler("PlayerUnJail",root, function () bindKey('f1', 'down', toggleFRWindow) end ) و ضيف سطر جديد تحت سطر 1577 و حط فيه if not getElementData(rRoot,""..getPlayerSerial(localPlayer).."-j") then و ضيف اند سطر 1579 جربتَ طريقتك ماضبطت معيَ . Link to comment
aCtiion7 Posted August 24, 2013 Author Share Posted August 24, 2013 اطرح ملفاتك وبين وين عدلت لفري رومَ خأص ض3 + مايبي لهآ شي أطرح لي لكود وبحطه ف كوديَ , واذا ضبط ألف شكر لكَـ Link to comment
فاّرس Posted August 24, 2013 Share Posted August 24, 2013 مدري وين كود السجن , بعطيك مثال للداتا , -- Server Side # Data = true addCommandHandler('Check', function(player) if Data then setElementData(player,'Data','Cannot') outputChatBox('You Cannot Open Freeroam window now !',player) Data = false else setElementData(player,'Data','Can') outputChatBox('You Can Open Freeroam window now !',player) Data = true end end ) fr_client.lua وفي ملف تقريبا في سطر 1598, function toggleFRWindow() if getElementData(g_Me,'Data') == 'Cannot' then return false end if isWindowOpen(wndMain) then showCursor(false) hideAllWindows() colorPicker.closeSelect() else showCursor(true) showAllWindows() end end Link to comment
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