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[REL]Event Panel


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So as the name says it is an event panel. Only admins can use it and use /em to open the panel. Hope everyone like it.Haven't tested with other player as my ports aren't open so if you got any problem or want to add something new to it or wanted to request a new script you can leave a comment.If you want to edit it just ask me before. By the way, haven't complied it so Enjoy!!!!


This version has :

Ability to create new event.

Ability to create event vehicles.

Ability to freeze/unfreeze event players.

Ability to freeze/unfreeze event vehicles.

Ability to enable/disable weapons.

Ability to health/armour pickup and destroy them.

Ability to return event players to their original position.

Ability to lock/unlock event vehicles.

Ability to enable/disable vehicle damage.

Ability to enable/disable event vehicle collision.

Ability to fix event vehicles.

Ability to destroy event vehicles.

Ability to get list of players in the event.

Ability to freeze/unfreeze/kick/give jetpack/remove jetpack player by selecting him from the event player list.


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