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Is it possible to hide an element without destroying it?

I have a script that when you enter a marker in a vehicle you receive money, but when you exit the vehicle the marker get's destroyed, and you have to start again at the first marker instead of the one you last hit.

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Is it possible to hide an element without destroying it?

I have a script that when you enter a marker in a vehicle you receive money, but when you exit the vehicle the marker get's destroyed, and you have to start again at the first marker instead of the one you last hit.

You can change the dimension of the element :


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I tried changing the dimension, but it still set the marker back to the first xyz id

addEventHandler("onClientVehicleExit", getRootElement(), 
    if isElement(theCheckkKpointt) then 
        setElementDimension (thCheckkKpointt, 1) 
    if isElement(TTtheBbBlip) then 
        setElementDimension(TTtheBbBlip, 1) 

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didn't work

addEventHandler("onClientVehicleExit", getRootElement(), 
local thePlayer = getPlayerFromName ( "thePlayer" ) 
if ( thePlayer ) then 
    x, y, z = getElementPosition ( thePlayer ) 
    theCheckkKpointt (name, size, x, y, z ) 
    setElementVisibleTo ( theCheckkKpointt, getRootElement ( ), false ) 
    setElementVisibleTo ( theCheckkKpointt, thePlayer, true ) 

Edited by Guest
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