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Preventing a Player From Spawning


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I'm trying to create a welcome screen for my server, it's going fairly well. I know how to do all of the GUI and that stuff with ease, however, the logic behind spawning the player and preventing him from spawning is what confuses me.

Since our server uses the Race Gamemode as a basis, how would I go about to prevent the player from automatically spawning when he joins our server? And when a specific button is clicked, they would be put into Race?

As I said, I know how to do all of the GUI related stuff but not the actual spawning - it confuses me greatly and I would rather not touch the race gamemode if at all possible. But if needed, well, then it's needed :P

I just need some pointers on what to use, and if I need to edit the Race Gamemode - what in particular should I edit?

Any answers are much appreciated...!

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