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About MTA Gangs, Using PMs, Selling/Buying Houses



Yo !! = )

This is the first time I create such thread regarding MTA ..

My First Question:

- First of all I'm new to MTA, almost 2-3 weeks, I know some things about things about this game, but I can help but noticing some messages on the middle top f the game's screen where some announcements are displayed by "Admin".

Some other announcements about "LVL 2" Gangs and in visiting some sites for registration ..

So here's my question how can I join these gangs in hopes of improving my skills in this game ?

My Second Question:

- Is there anyway in contacting some players "Privately" using the chat "t" is really unhelpful while discussing issues with other players/friends ..

My Third Question:

- I can see some houses on the streets how can I get any of them, Lately I saw an announcement that a "User" was selling his house .. I located that user and he took me there, I saw that the Price was 300k, but he said he got it for "900k" :P :P :P

and he wants 900k for it ..

Feel free to leave some comments, it would be really helpful

Thank You = )

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