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My own scipt start to flood


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I just made a script where you can lock or unlock your own car by click on the vehicle and choose to lock or unlock it.

The script is working fine, except that if a player clicks on the vehicle more times it will run the script as many times he clicked on the car.


function car_click ( button, buttons, player ) 
car = getElementType(source) 
if(car == "vehicle") then 
if(buttons == "up") then 
    triggerClientEvent ( "onCar", getRootElement(), source,player) 
addEventHandler ( "onElementClicked",getRootElement() ,car_click ) 


addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()),  
function () 
car_info = guiCreateWindow ( 200, 200, 200, 200,"Car Menu", false ) 
lock = guiCreateButton ( 5, 30, 170, 30, "Unlock Car", false, car_info ) 
lock1 = guiCreateButton ( 5, 61, 170, 30, "Lock Car", false, car_info ) 
guiSetVisible(car_info, false) 
function car_window ( car,player ) 
local playerID = getElementData(player, "ID") 
local carID = getElementData(car, "ID") 
local own = getElementData(car, "owner") 
local kx,ky,kz = getElementPosition(car) 
local px,py,pz = getElementPosition(player) 
local dst = getDistanceBetweenPoints2D ( px, py, kx, ky ) 
if(dst < 5) then 
if (player ~= localPlayer) then return end 
guiSetVisible(car_info, true) 
if(own == playerID)then 
function open(button, state) 
setVehicleLocked ( car, false ) 
outputChatBox("Vehicle succesfully unlocked!",player) 
guiSetVisible(car_info, false) 
function close(button, state) 
setVehicleLocked ( car, true ) 
outputChatBox("Vehicle succesfully locked!!",player) 
guiSetVisible(car_info, false) 
addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", lock, open, true ) 
addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", lock1, close, true ) 
outputChatBox("This isn't your car!",player) 
addEvent( "onCar", true ) 
addEventHandler( "onCar", getRootElement(), car_window ) 

I can't figure it out, how to solve this.

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Ok, thanks for the advice :)

Any idea about how to stop doing that multiple locking/unlocking?

I just did, you scripted that, then it won't be hard to add these few lines.

else it isn't your script. ("motax: I just made a script")

Good luck

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Client and Server function

  • This function returns amount of time that your system has been running in milliseconds. By comparing two values of getTickCount, you can determine how much time has passed (in milliseconds) between two events. This could be used to determine how efficient your code is, or to time how long a player takes to complete a task.


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Client and Server function

  • This function returns amount of time that your system has been running in milliseconds. By comparing two values of getTickCount, you can determine how much time has passed (in milliseconds) between two events. This could be used to determine how efficient your code is, or to time how long a player takes to complete a task.


Nevermind, I'm an idiot...

now i get it..:D

and thank you! :)

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A sample how you can do it:

local tickCount = 0 
    if getTickCount() - tickCount >= 1000 then 
        tickCount = getTickCount() 

After you write the command /hey, it will show "hey" in the chat box, if you write it again within the 1000 millisecond(1sec), it won't be visible in the chat box. After this amount of time has past, you can show it again.

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else it isn't your script. ("motax: I just made a script")

I wrote this because many forum users are abusing my attention or steal scripts, sorry for that but that was just for assurance.

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