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Random XML's marker

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    <marker x="-1707.185546875" y="12.604281425476" z="3.5546875" type="cylinder" size="3" r="255" g="255" b="255" a="170" /> 
    <marker x="158.99987792969" y="-22.182670593262" z=" 1.578125" type="cylinder" size="3" r="255" g="255" b="255" a="170" /> 

How can i get random marker from this?

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I have this:

function randomMarker () 
    local markers = xmlLoadFile("zaladunki.xml") 
    if markers then 
        local childs = xmlNodeGetChildren(markers) 
        for k,v in ipairs (childs) do 
            -- what shud i put here? 

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function randomMarker ( ) 
    local markers = xmlLoadFile ( "zaladunki.xml" ) 
    if ( markers ) then 
        local childs = xmlNodeGetChildren ( markers ) 
        local randomIndex = math.random ( #childs ) 
        local child = childs [ randomIndex ] 
        if ( child ) then 
            -- Do something 

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