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    <item name="Item 1" cash="100" score="0" /> 
    <item name="Item 2" cash="100" score="0" /> 

That's my XML file and how i can download all of these items and put them in girdlist? I know about triggering but i don't really know how XML function works. If someone be nice and can tell me how it works i will be happy.

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set file as a client-side file. suppose your file is towary.xml

in the meta file, put this.

 >     src="towary.xml" />> 

an put a client-side script to load your items into a grid-list

 >     ="client.lua" type="client" />     src="towary.xml" />> 

this is the client-side script. (client.lua)

-- this is your grid list. 
local gridList = guiCreateGridList (0.4, 0.4, 0.35, 0.3, true);  
-- I´ll add a column for the cash, another for the name and the score. 
local nameColumn = guiGridListAddColumn (gridList, "name", .333); -- name column 
local cashColumn = guiGridListAddColumn (gridList, "cash", .333);    -- cash column 
local scoreColumn = guiGridListAddColumn (gridList, "score", .333);  -- score column 
-- this will load the items. 
addEventHandler ("onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement (getThisResource ()), 
     function ()  
          local file = xmlLoadFile ("towary.xml"); -- open file. 
          assert (file, "Fail to load towary.xml"); -- error if file could not be opened. 
          local children = xmlNodeGetChildren (file); -- get children nodes. 
          for _,child in ipairs (children) do  -- for each node... 
                if string.lower (xmlNodeGetName (child)) == "item" then   -- be sure it´s a item 
                       -- get item data. 
                       local attrs = xmlNodeGetAttributes (child); 
                       local name,cash,score = attrs.name, attrs.cash, attrs.score; 
                       -- check if all attributes are set. 
                       -- output an error if some attribute is not set. 
                       if not name then 
                             outputDebugString ("name attribute not set for item", 2); 
                       if not cash then  
                            outputDebugString ("cash attribute not set for item", 2); 
                       if not score then  
                            outputDebugString ("score attribute not set for item", 2);  
                       if cash and score and name then -- is a valid item ?  
                              -- add new item to gridlist. 
                             local itemRow = guiGridListAddRow (gridList); 
                             guiGridListSetItemText (gridList, itemRow, nameColumn, name, false, false); 
                             guiGridListSetItemText (gridList, itemRow, cashColumn, cash, false, true); 
                             guiGridListSetItemText (gridList, itemRow, scoreColumn, score, false, true);  
          xmlUnloadFile (file);  -- close file 

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you need to reduce the relative size of the columns.


instead of

local nameColumn = guiGridListAddColumn (gridList, "name", .333); -- name column 
local cashColumn = guiGridListAddColumn (gridList, "cash", .333);    -- cash column 
local scoreColumn = guiGridListAddColumn (gridList, "score", .333);  -- score column 

try this...

local nameColumn = guiGridListAddColumn (gridList, "name", .233); -- name column 
local cashColumn = guiGridListAddColumn (gridList, "cash", .233);    -- cash column 
local scoreColumn = guiGridListAddColumn (gridList, "score", .233);  -- score column 

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you can´t do that directly, but you can use a little trick, leaving spaces at left and right side. I guess.

use this function, instead of guiGridListSetItemText

function guiGridListSetItemTextAligned(gridList, rowIndex, colIndex, text, section, number, colSize) 
    local gridListWidth = guiGetSize (gridList, false); 
    local gridListColumnWidth = colSize * gridListWidth;  
    local textWidth = dxGetTextWidth (text); -- font must be default. 
    local spaceWidth = dxGetTextWidth (" ");  
    local numSpaces = math.floor ((gridListColumnWidth-textWidth)/2)/spaceWidth); 
    local spaces = string.rep (" ", numSpaces); 
    local alignedText = spaces .. text .. spaces; 
   guiGridListSetItemText (gridList, rowIndex, colIndex, alignedText, section, number); 
-- i have not test it. 

instead of...

       guiGridListSetItemText (gridList, itemRow, nameColumn, name, false, false); 
       guiGridListSetItemText (gridList, itemRow, cashColumn, cash, false, true); 
       guiGridListSetItemText (gridList, itemRow, scoreColumn, score, false, true); 

do this...

       guiGridListSetItemTextAligned (gridList,itemRow,nameColumn,name,false,false, .233); 
       guiGridListSetItemTextAligned (gridList,itemRow,cashColumn,cash,false,true,.233); 
       guiGridListSetItemTextAligned (gridList,itemRow,scoreColumn,score,false,true,.233); 

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