ztarkito Posted July 15, 2013 Share Posted July 15, 2013 Bueno, he descargado el resource de Ren712, "Shader Flashlight test (shader_flashlight_test)", en fin es una linterna. Ahora viene mi peticion, es que necesito saber o que me digan como podria hacer que la linterna se vuelva algo opcional del cliente. Osea si yo activo mi linterna, solamente vere la mia, pero no la de los demas... porque pido esto? para evitar el lag que se produce cuando hay demaciados usuarios en un mismo lugar usando la linterna. He aqui el codigo: CLIENTE -- ------------------------------- --Shader flashlight test -- --c_shader_light.lua -- --Author: Ren712 -- --Contact: [email protected]-- ------------------------------- local isLightOn = false -- don't mess with the tables local light_shader = {} local flashlight = {} local shader_jaroovka = {} local shader_rays = {} local isFlon = {} -- a list of players with fl turned on (for local client) local isFLen = {} -- a list of players with fl enabled (for local client) local fLInID = {} -- a list fl of inerior ID (for local client) -- Below this line you can edit as You wish local switch_key = 'o' -- define the key that switches the light effect local lightColor = {1,1,0.7,0.7} -- rgba color of the projected light, light rays and the lightbulb local effectRange = 50 -- effect max distance 120 local isFakeBump = false -- apply fake bumps to the light texture local isLightDir=true -- the vertexes oposite to the lightsource will NOT be affected local lightDirAcc = 0.2 -- the accuracy of the above (0.01-1) local maxEffectSwitch=60 -- max distance between camera and player coords form which the effect is switched off local DistFade = {110, 80, 49, 1} -- [0]MaxEffectFade,[1]MinEffectFade,[2]MaxFlashFade,[3]MinFlashFade local objID = 15060 -- the object we are going to replace (interior building shadow in this case) local theTikGap = 0.8 -- here you set how many seconds to wait after switching the flashlight on/off local getLastTick = getTickCount ( )-(theTikGap*1000) local textureCube= dxCreateTexture ( "textures/cubebox.dds") --This part might be useful for some. --local i_hate_grass = dxCreateShader ( "shaders/shader_null.fx" ) --engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture ( i_hate_grass, "txgrass0*" ) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local removeList = { "", -- unnamed "basketball2","skybox_tex", "drvin_screen", -- other "flashlight*","crackedground*", -- other "roughcornerstone*", -- other "muzzle_texture*", -- gunshots "font*","radar*", -- hud "*headlight*", -- vehicles "*shad*", -- shadows "coronastar","coronamoon","coronaringa", -- coronas "lunar", -- moon "tx*", -- grass effect "lod*", -- lod models "cj_w_grad", -- checkpoint texture "*cloud*", -- clouds "*smoke*", -- smoke "sphere_cj", -- nitro heat haze mask "particle*", -- particle skid and maybe others "water*","sw_sand", "coral", -- sea "boatwake*","splash_up","carsplash_*", -- splash "gensplash","wjet4","bubbles", -- splash "blood*", -- blood } --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Updates light positions and rotation of the light direction function renderLight() for index,thisPed in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if light_shader[thisPed] then xx1, yy1, zz1, lxx1, lyy1, lzz1,rl = getCameraMatrix() x1, y1, z1 = getPedBonePosition ( thisPed, 24 ) lx1, ly1, lz1 = getPedBonePosition ( thisPed, 25 ) local yaw = math.atan2(lx1-x1,ly1-y1) local pitch = (math.atan2(lz1-z1, math.sqrt(((lx1-x1) * (lx1-x1)) + ((ly1-y1) * (ly1-y1))))) local roll = 0 local movx=xx1-x1 local movy=yy1-y1 local movz=zz1-z1 dxSetShaderValue ( light_shader[thisPed],"rotate",yaw,roll,pitch) dxSetShaderValue(light_shader[thisPed],"alterPosition",movx,movy,movz) end end end --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function createFlashlightModel(thisPed) if not flashlight[thisPed] then flashlight[thisPed] = createObject(objID,0,0,0,0,0,0,true) exports.bone_attach:attachElementToBone(flashlight[thisPed],thisPed,12,0,0.015,0.2,0,0,0) end end local function destroyFlashlightModel(thisPed) if flashlight[thisPed] then exports.bone_attach:detachElementFromBone(flashlight[thisPed]) destroyElement(flashlight[thisPed]) flashlight[thisPed]=nil end end --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function createWorldLightShader(thisPed) if light_shader[thisPed] then return end light_shader[thisPed] = dxCreateShader ( "shaders/shader_light.fx",1,effectRange,true,"world,object,vehicle,ped") if not light_shader[thisPed] then return end dxSetShaderValue ( light_shader[thisPed],"sCubeTexture", textureCube ) dxSetShaderValue ( light_shader[thisPed],"isLightDir", isLightDir ) dxSetShaderValue ( light_shader[thisPed],"isFakeBump", isFakeBump ) dxSetShaderValue ( light_shader[thisPed],"lightColor",lightColor) dxSetShaderValue ( light_shader[thisPed],"lightDirAcc", lightDirAcc ) dxSetShaderValue ( light_shader[thisPed],"DistFade",DistFade) engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture ( light_shader[thisPed], "*" ) end function destroyWorldLightShader(thisPed) if light_shader[thisPed] then engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture ( light_shader[thisPed], "*" ) destroyElement ( light_shader[thisPed] ) light_shader[thisPed]=nil end end --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function createFlashLightShader(thisPed) if not flashlight[thisPed] then return false end if not shader_jaroovka[thisPed] or shader_rays[thisPed] then shader_jaroovka[thisPed]=dxCreateShader("shaders/shader_jaroovka.fx",0,0,false) shader_rays[thisPed]=dxCreateShader("shaders/flash_light_rays.fx",0,0,false) if not shader_jaroovka[thisPed] or not shader_rays[thisPed] then outputChatBox( "Could not create shader. Please use debugscript 3" ) end engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture ( shader_jaroovka[thisPed],"flashlight_L", flashlight[thisPed] ) engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture ( shader_rays[thisPed], "flashlight_R", flashlight[thisPed] ) dxSetShaderValue (shader_jaroovka[thisPed],"lightColor",lightColor) dxSetShaderValue (shader_rays[thisPed],"lightColor",lightColor) end end function destroyFlashLightShader(thisPed) if shader_jaroovka[thisPed] or shader_rays[thisPed] then destroyElement(shader_jaroovka[thisPed]) destroyElement(shader_rays[thisPed]) shader_jaroovka[thisPed]=nil shader_rays[thisPed]=nil end end --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function playSwitchSound(this_player) pos_x,pos_y,pos_z=getElementPosition (this_player) local flSound = playSound3D("sounds/switch.wav", pos_x, pos_y, pos_z, false) setSoundMaxDistance(flSound,40) setSoundVolume(flSound,0.6) end function flashLightEnable(isEN,this_player) if isEN==true then isFLen[this_player]=isEN else isFLen[this_player]=isEN end end function flashLightSwitch(isON,this_player) if isElementStreamedIn(this_player) and isFLen[this_player] then playSwitchSound(this_player) end if isON then isFlon[this_player]=true else isFlon[this_player]=false end end function whenPlayerQuits(this_player) destroyWorldLightShader(this_player) destroyFlashlightModel(this_player) destroyFlashLightShader(this_player) end --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- streamig in/out the light effect function streamInAndOutFlEffects() for index,this_player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local cam_x, cam_y, cam_z, _, _, _ = getCameraMatrix() local player_x,player_y,player_z = getElementPosition(this_player) --outputChatBox(isFlon[this_player]) local getDist = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(cam_x,cam_y,cam_z,player_x,player_y,player_z) if isElementStreamedIn(this_player) and getDist<=maxEffectSwitch then if (not light_shader[this_player]) and (isFlon[this_player]==true) then createWorldLightShader(this_player) end if light_shader[this_player] and isFlon[this_player]==false then destroyWorldLightShader(this_player) end end if (not isElementStreamedIn(this_player) or getDist>maxEffectSwitch) and light_shader[this_player] and isFlon[this_player]==true then destroyWorldLightShader(this_player) end end end function streamInAndOutFlModel() for index,this_player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if fLInID[this_player]==nil then fLInID[this_player]=0 end if isElementStreamedIn(this_player) and isFLen[this_player]==true and fLInID[this_player]~=getElementInterior(this_player) then triggerServerEvent("onPlayerGetInter",this_player) end if isElementStreamedIn(this_player) and not flashlight[this_player] and isFLen[this_player]==true then createFlashlightModel(this_player) if fLInID[this_player]~=nil then setElementInterior ( flashlight[this_player], fLInID[this_player]) end end if isElementStreamedIn(this_player) and flashlight[this_player] and isFLen[this_player]==false then destroyFlashlightModel(this_player) end if isElementStreamedIn(this_player) and not shader_rays[this_player] and isFlon[this_player]==true then createFlashLightShader(this_player) end if (isElementStreamedIn(this_player) or not isElementStreamedIn(this_player)) and shader_rays[this_player] and isFlon[this_player]==false then destroyFlashLightShader(this_player) end end end function getPlayerInteriorFromServer(this_player,interiorID) if flashlight[this_player] then fLInID[this_player]=interiorID if flashlight[this_player] then setElementInterior ( flashlight[this_player], fLInID[this_player]) end end end --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function toggleLight() if (getTickCount ( ) - getLastTick < theTikGap*1000) then outputChatBox('FlashLight: Wait '..theTikGap..' seconds.',255,0,100) return end if isLightOn==false then isLightOn=true else isLightOn=false end triggerServerEvent("onSwitchLight",getLocalPlayer(),isLightOn) getLastTick = getTickCount ( ) end -- start or stop using flashlight function toggleFlashLight() if flashlight[getLocalPlayer()] then --outputChatBox('You have switched off the flashlight') Link to comment
ztarkito Posted July 16, 2013 Author Share Posted July 16, 2013 Le agradeceria mucho al que me ayudara... En resumen mi pregunta es que si existe la forma de que el script solamente lo pueda ver el que lo activo y no los demas. Pd: Su ayuda seria premiada con una vip en mi servidor. Link to comment
AlvareZ_ Posted July 16, 2013 Share Posted July 16, 2013 No te entendí muy bien, pero por lo que entendí quieres que la linterna se peque a el jugador para siempre podrías usar attachElementToElement Link to comment
ztarkito Posted July 16, 2013 Author Share Posted July 16, 2013 no, eso no, si no que existe alguna forma que uno pueda poner la linterna pero que la pueda ver solamente uno mismo. Osea yo la tendre pero los demas no me veran con ella, asi evitar el lag. Link to comment
BorderLine Posted July 16, 2013 Share Posted July 16, 2013 puedes usar setElementVisibleTo() Link to comment
ztarkito Posted July 16, 2013 Author Share Posted July 16, 2013 puedes usar setElementVisibleTo() Gracias pero no me sirve.. :c un amigo me dijo que esto sirve pero podria usarlo?: getElementDimension Alguien me podria decir como usarlo para poner en una dimension a los que usan la linterna y poner en otra a los que no la usan? Link to comment
BorderLine Posted July 16, 2013 Share Posted July 16, 2013 Eso no te servira, Al momento de cambiar de dimension el player, desapareceran los otros players, el mapeo y quisas cuantas cosas mas Link to comment
ztarkito Posted July 16, 2013 Author Share Posted July 16, 2013 mmm tienes razon... hare lo que tu dices, muchas gracias. Link to comment
ztarkito Posted July 16, 2013 Author Share Posted July 16, 2013 Estube viendo y cree esto, esta bien hecho ? (de seguro me faltan varias cosas) Pd: soy novato en script por si acaso local lplayer = getLocalPlayer() if ( lplayer ) then -- First off make the marker invisible to the whole dimension setElementVisibleTo ( toggleFlashLight, getRootElement ( ), false ) -- Then make the marker visible again, but only to someguy setElementVisibleTo ( toggleFlashLight, lplayer, true ) end Link to comment
AlvareZ_ Posted July 16, 2013 Share Posted July 16, 2013 Estas Mezclando Client-side con Server-Side, intenta esto: -- Client function visible() if getElementType ( localPlayer ) == "player" then triggerServerEvent("mirarlo", localPlayer) end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getRootElement(), visible) -- Server function jugador() setElementVisibleTo ( toggleFlashLight, source, true ) else setElementVisibleTo ( toggleFlashLight, source, false ) end addEvent("mirarlo", true) addEventHandler("mirarlo", getRootElement(), jugador) Link to comment
ztarkito Posted July 16, 2013 Author Share Posted July 16, 2013 muchas gracias alvarez aunque si me queda una duda. no estoy seguro si "toggleFlashLight" es el elemento que quiero que sea invicible. Me pueden confirmar si realmente elegi bien al elemento? Link to comment
AlvareZ_ Posted July 16, 2013 Share Posted July 16, 2013 Hm la verdad que no lo entendi muy bien si el anterior no te anda prueba esto, Agregale eso a tu script -- Client function visible(isON) if getElementType ( localPlayer ) == "player" then if (isON) then triggerServerEvent("mirarlo", localPlayer) end end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getRootElement(), visible) Link to comment
Ren_712 Posted July 22, 2013 Share Posted July 22, 2013 ztarkito -He puesto al día "Flashlight Shader" a v0.8.7. Busque variable "isSynced" y ponerlo a 'false'. A continuación podrá ver efecto de luz sólo de localPlayer. FTW GoogleTranslate Link to comment
ztarkito Posted July 23, 2013 Author Share Posted July 23, 2013 Muchas.. muchas gracias ren 712. Y gracias a todo los demas. Link to comment
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