LiOneLMeSsIShoT Posted July 9, 2013 Share Posted July 9, 2013 when script starts i get a error in cmd window.. ---Script---- Server Side: marcadorTienda = createMarker(2285.8000488281,549.59997558594,6.8000001907349,"cylinder",1.5,0,125,250,153) function mostrarTienda(hitPlayer) triggerClientEvent(hitPlayer,"mostrarTienda",getRootElement(),hitPlayer) end addEventHandler("onMarkerHit",marcadorTienda,mostrarTienda) addEvent ("comproColt-45", true) addEventHandler ("comproColt-45", getRootElement(), function (id, cost,munic) if (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) then outputChatBox ("Congratulations!,You Bought a colt", source, 0, 255, 0, false) takePlayerMoney (source, tonumber (cost)) giveWeapon(source, tonumber (id),tonumber (munic)) else outputChatBox ("No money? Go kill some Zombies", source, 255, 0, 0, false) end end) addEvent ("comproShotgun", true) addEventHandler ("comproShotgun", getRootElement(), function (id, cost,munic) if (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) then outputChatBox ("Congratulations!,You bought a Shotgun", source, 0, 255, 0, false) takePlayerMoney (source, tonumber (cost)) giveWeapon(source, tonumber (id),tonumber (munic)) else outputChatBox ("No money? Go kill some Zombies", source, 255, 0, 0, false) end end) addEvent ("comproTec-9", true) addEventHandler ("comproTec-9", getRootElement(), function (id, cost,munic) if (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) then outputChatBox ("Congratulations!,You bought a Tec-9", source, 0, 255, 0, false) takePlayerMoney (source, tonumber (cost)) giveWeapon(source, tonumber (id),tonumber (munic)) else outputChatBox ("No money? Go kill some Zombies", source, 255, 0, 0, false) end end) addEvent ("comproUZI", true) addEventHandler ("comproUZI", getRootElement(), function (id, cost,munic) if (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) then outputChatBox ("Congratulations!,You bought a UZI", source, 0, 255, 0, false) takePlayerMoney (source, tonumber (cost)) giveWeapon(source, tonumber (id),tonumber (munic)) else outputChatBox ("No money? Go kill some Zombies", source, 255, 0, 0, false) end end) addEvent ("comproMunicionUZI", true) addEventHandler ("comproMunicionUZI", getRootElement(), function (id, cost,munic) local tieneUZI = getPedWeapon(source,5) if (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) and (tieneUZI == 28) then outputChatBox ("Congratulations!,you bought a UZI ammo", source, 0, 255, 0, false) takePlayerMoney (source, tonumber (cost)) giveWeapon(source,tonumber(id),tonumber(munic)) elseif (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) and (tieneUZI ~= 28) then outputChatBox ("Ehm,I think you forgot to buy the UZI First -.-", source, 255, 0, 0, false) elseif (getPlayerMoney (source) < tonumber(cost)) and (tieneUZI == 28) then outputChatBox ("No money? Go kill some zombies", source, 255, 0, 0, false) else outputChatBox ("Ehm,I think you forgot to buy the UZI First -.-", source, 255, 0, 0, false) end end) addEvent ("comproMunicionTec-9", true) addEventHandler ("comproMunicionTec-9", getRootElement(), function (id, cost,munic) local tieneTec-9 = getPedWeapon(source,4) if (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) and (tieneTec-9 == 32) then outputChatBox ("Congratulations!,You bought a Tec-9 Ammo", source, 0, 255, 0, false) takePlayerMoney (source, tonumber (cost)) giveWeapon(source,tonumber(id),tonumber(munic)) elseif (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) and (tieneTec-9 ~= 32) then outputChatBox ("Ehm,I think you forgot to buy the Tec-9 First -.-", source, 255, 0, 0, false) elseif (getPlayerMoney (source) < tonumber(cost)) and (tieneTec-9 == 32) then outputChatBox ("No money? Go kill some zombies", source, 255, 0, 0, false) else outputChatBox ("Ehm,I think you forgot to buy the Tec-9 First -.-", source, 255, 0, 0, false) end end) addEvent ("comproMunicionShotg", true) addEventHandler ("comproMunicionShotg", getRootElement(), function (id, cost,munic) local tieneShotgun = getPedWeapon(source,3) if (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) and (tieneShotgun == 25) then outputChatBox ("Congratulations,You bought a shotgun ammo", source, 0, 255, 0, false) takePlayerMoney (source, tonumber (cost)) giveWeapon(source,tonumber(id),tonumber(munic)) elseif (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) and (tieneShotgun ~= 25) then outputChatBox ("Ehm,I think you forgot to buy the Shotgun First -.-", source, 255, 0, 0, false) elseif (getPlayerMoney (source) < tonumber(cost)) and (tieneShotgun == 25) then outputChatBox ("No money? Go kill some zombies.", source, 255, 0, 0, false) else outputChatBox ("Ehm,I think you forgot to buy the Shotgun First -.-", source, 255, 0, 0, false) end end) addEvent ("comproMunicionColt-45", true) addEventHandler ("comproMunicionColt-45", getRootElement(), function (id, cost,munic) local tieneColt-45 = getPedWeapon(source,2) if (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) and (tieneColt-45 == 22) then outputChatBox ("Congartulations,You bought a Colt ammo", source, 0, 255, 0, false) takePlayerMoney (source, tonumber (cost)) giveWeapon(source,tonumber(id),tonumber(munic)) elseif (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) and (tieneColt-45 ~= 22) then outputChatBox ("Ehm,I think you forgot to buy the Colt First -.-", source, 255, 0, 0, false) elseif (getPlayerMoney (source) < tonumber(cost)) and (tieneColt-45 == 22) then outputChatBox ("No money? Go kill some zombies", source, 255, 0, 0, false) else outputChatBox ("Ehm,I think you forgot to buy the Colt First -.-", source, 255, 0, 0, false) end end) addEventHandler("onResourceStart",getRootElement(), function () outputChatBox("Gunshop by LiOneLMeSsI") end ) Client Side: GUIEditor_Image = {} tiendaDeArmas2 = guiCreateWindow(181,168,456,318,"Gun Shop By:LiOneLMeSsI",false) botonComprarColt-45 = guiCreateButton(15,106,99,26,"Colt($100)",false,tiendaDeArmas2) botonComprarShotgung = guiCreateButton(121,106,99,26,"Shotgungunn($500)",false,tiendaDeArmas2) botonComprarTec-9 = guiCreateButton(226,106,99,26,"Tec-9($650)",false,tiendaDeArmas2) botonComprarUZI = guiCreateButton(330,106,98,26,"UZI($700)",false,tiendaDeArmas2) botonComprarMunicColt-45 = guiCreateButton(11,234,105,26,"Ammo.x17($10)",false,tiendaDeArmas2) botonComprarMunicUZI = guiCreateButton(336,234,105,26,"Ammo.x20($50)",false,tiendaDeArmas2) botonComprarMunicTec-9 = guiCreateButton(228,234,105,26,"Ammo.x30($40)",false,tiendaDeArmas2) botonComprarMunicShotgung = guiCreateButton(120,234,105,26,"Ammo.x17($25)",false,tiendaDeArmas2) municTec-9Img = guiCreateStaticImage(248,154,68,73,"images/53.png",false,tiendaDeArmas2) municUZIImg = guiCreateStaticImage(356,155,62,70,"images/55.png",false,tiendaDeArmas2) municColt-45Img = guiCreateStaticImage(35,157,64,71,"images/51.png",false,tiendaDeArmas2) municShotgungImg = guiCreateStaticImage(141,154,66,72,"images/52.png",false,tiendaDeArmas2) imageColt-45 = guiCreateStaticImage(35,38,63,61,"images/22.png",false,tiendaDeArmas2) imageUZI = guiCreateStaticImage(342,36,64,62,"images/28.png",false,tiendaDeArmas2) imageTec-9 = guiCreateStaticImage(242,34,65,65,"images/32.png",false,tiendaDeArmas2) imageEscopeta = guiCreateStaticImage(138,37,65,62,"images/25.png",false,tiendaDeArmas2) Salir = guiCreateButton(362,279,70,25,"Close",false,tiendaDeArmas2) guiWindowSetMovable(tiendaDeArmas2,false) guiWindowSetSizable(tiendaDeArmas2,false) guiSetVisible(tiendaDeArmas2,false) function mostrarTienda() guiSetVisible (tiendaDeArmas2,true) showCursor(true) end addEvent("mostrarTienda",true) addEventHandler("mostrarTienda",getRootElement(),mostrarTienda) function closeShop2() if guiGetVisible(tiendaDeArmas2) then guiSetVisible(tiendaDeArmas2,false) showCursor(false) end end addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", Salir, closeShop2) function darColt-45() local itemID = 22 local itemCost = 100 local itemMunic = 1 triggerServerEvent ("comproColt-45", getLocalPlayer(), itemID, itemCost,itemMunic) end addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", botonComprarColt-45, darColt-45) function darShotgung() local itemID = 25 local itemCost = 500 local itemMunic = 1 triggerServerEvent ("comproShotgungunn", getLocalPlayer(), itemID, itemCost,itemMunic) end addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", botonComprarShotgung, darShotgung) function darTec-9() local itemID = 32 local itemCost = 600 local itemMunic = 1 triggerServerEvent ("comproTec-9", getLocalPlayer(), itemID, itemCost,itemMunic) end addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", botonComprarTec-9, darTec-9) function darUZI() local itemID = 28 local itemCost = 700 local itemMunic = 1 triggerServerEvent ("comproUZI", getLocalPlayer(), itemID, itemCost,itemMunic) end addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", botonComprarUZI, darUZI) function darMunicUZI() local armaID = 28 local itemCost = 50 local itemMunic = 30 triggerServerEvent ("comproMunicionUZI", getLocalPlayer(), armaID, itemCost,itemMunic) end addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", botonComprarMunicUZI, darMunicUZI) function darMunicTec-9() local armaID = 32 local itemCost = 40 local itemMunic = 30 triggerServerEvent ("comproMunicionTec-9", getLocalPlayer(), armaID, itemCost,itemMunic) end addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", botonComprarMunicTec-9, darMunicTec-9) function darMunicShotgung() local armaID = 25 local itemCost = 25 local itemMunic = 17 triggerServerEvent ("comproMunicionShotgung", getLocalPlayer(), armaID, itemCost,itemMunic) end addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", botonComprarMunicShotgung, darMunicShotgung) function darMunicColt-45() local armaID = 22 local itemCost = 10 local itemMunic = 17 triggerServerEvent ("comproMunicionColt-45", getLocalPlayer(), armaID, itemCost,itemMunic) end addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", botonComprarMunicColt-45, darMunicColt-45) Errors: WARRNING: Loading script failed: shop1\tienda_sv.lua:76: unexpected symbol near '_' I hope you can help me guys And thanks Link to comment
itoko Posted July 9, 2013 Share Posted July 9, 2013 Well, from what you are giving us, i can't find the error you're saying. I think you forgot to give us the right script which is the file "tienda_sv.lua". Link to comment
LiOneLMeSsIShoT Posted July 9, 2013 Author Share Posted July 9, 2013 Well, from what you are giving us, i can't find the error you're saying. I think you forgot to give us the right script which is the file "tienda_sv.lua". You can't find the error? just try to open the script in any local server ..and see the error :( Link to comment
LiOneLMeSsIShoT Posted July 9, 2013 Author Share Posted July 9, 2013 Well, from what you are giving us, i can't find the error you're saying. I think you forgot to give us the right script which is the file "tienda_sv.lua". You can't find the error? just try to open the script in any local server ..and see the error :( read the error again please SCRIPT ERROR: shop1\tienda_sv.lua:76 unexpected symbo1 near '-' Link to comment
itoko Posted July 9, 2013 Share Posted July 9, 2013 My bad, on the error you said "_", and it was actually "-", not exactly the same, so i didn't look at the script. In your script, one of the variables is named tieneTec-9, but the server reads it like tieneTec - 9, like maths you know. So you can replace it by tieneTec_9: marcadorTienda = createMarker(2285.8000488281,549.59997558594,6.8000001907349,"cylinder",1.5,0,125,250,153) function mostrarTienda(hitPlayer) triggerClientEvent(hitPlayer,"mostrarTienda",getRootElement(),hitPlayer) end addEventHandler("onMarkerHit",marcadorTienda,mostrarTienda) addEvent ("comproColt-45", true) addEventHandler ("comproColt-45", getRootElement(), function (id, cost,munic) if (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) then outputChatBox ("Congratulations!,You Bought a colt", source, 0, 255, 0, false) takePlayerMoney (source, tonumber (cost)) giveWeapon(source, tonumber (id),tonumber (munic)) else outputChatBox ("No money? Go kill some Zombies", source, 255, 0, 0, false) end end) addEvent ("comproShotgun", true) addEventHandler ("comproShotgun", getRootElement(), function (id, cost,munic) if (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) then outputChatBox ("Congratulations!,You bought a Shotgun", source, 0, 255, 0, false) takePlayerMoney (source, tonumber (cost)) giveWeapon(source, tonumber (id),tonumber (munic)) else outputChatBox ("No money? Go kill some Zombies", source, 255, 0, 0, false) end end) addEvent ("comproTec-9", true) addEventHandler ("comproTec-9", getRootElement(), function (id, cost,munic) if (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) then outputChatBox ("Congratulations!,You bought a Tec-9", source, 0, 255, 0, false) takePlayerMoney (source, tonumber (cost)) giveWeapon(source, tonumber (id),tonumber (munic)) else outputChatBox ("No money? Go kill some Zombies", source, 255, 0, 0, false) end end) addEvent ("comproUZI", true) addEventHandler ("comproUZI", getRootElement(), function (id, cost,munic) if (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) then outputChatBox ("Congratulations!,You bought a UZI", source, 0, 255, 0, false) takePlayerMoney (source, tonumber (cost)) giveWeapon(source, tonumber (id),tonumber (munic)) else outputChatBox ("No money? Go kill some Zombies", source, 255, 0, 0, false) end end) addEvent ("comproMunicionUZI", true) addEventHandler ("comproMunicionUZI", getRootElement(), function (id, cost,munic) local tieneUZI = getPedWeapon(source,5) if (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) and (tieneUZI == 28) then outputChatBox ("Congratulations!,you bought a UZI ammo", source, 0, 255, 0, false) takePlayerMoney (source, tonumber (cost)) giveWeapon(source,tonumber(id),tonumber(munic)) elseif (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) and (tieneUZI ~= 28) then outputChatBox ("Ehm,I think you forgot to buy the UZI First -.-", source, 255, 0, 0, false) elseif (getPlayerMoney (source) < tonumber(cost)) and (tieneUZI == 28) then outputChatBox ("No money? Go kill some zombies", source, 255, 0, 0, false) else outputChatBox ("Ehm,I think you forgot to buy the UZI First -.-", source, 255, 0, 0, false) end end) addEvent ("comproMunicionTec-9", true) addEventHandler ("comproMunicionTec-9", getRootElement(), function (id, cost,munic) local tieneTec_9 = getPedWeapon(source,4) if (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) and (tieneTec_9 == 32) then outputChatBox ("Congratulations!,You bought a Tec-9 Ammo", source, 0, 255, 0, false) takePlayerMoney (source, tonumber (cost)) giveWeapon(source,tonumber(id),tonumber(munic)) elseif (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) and (tieneTec_9 ~= 32) then outputChatBox ("Ehm,I think you forgot to buy the Tec-9 First -.-", source, 255, 0, 0, false) elseif (getPlayerMoney (source) < tonumber(cost)) and (tieneTec_9 == 32) then outputChatBox ("No money? Go kill some zombies", source, 255, 0, 0, false) else outputChatBox ("Ehm,I think you forgot to buy the Tec-9 First -.-", source, 255, 0, 0, false) end end) addEvent ("comproMunicionShotg", true) addEventHandler ("comproMunicionShotg", getRootElement(), function (id, cost,munic) local tieneShotgun = getPedWeapon(source,3) if (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) and (tieneShotgun == 25) then outputChatBox ("Congratulations,You bought a shotgun ammo", source, 0, 255, 0, false) takePlayerMoney (source, tonumber (cost)) giveWeapon(source,tonumber(id),tonumber(munic)) elseif (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) and (tieneShotgun ~= 25) then outputChatBox ("Ehm,I think you forgot to buy the Shotgun First -.-", source, 255, 0, 0, false) elseif (getPlayerMoney (source) < tonumber(cost)) and (tieneShotgun == 25) then outputChatBox ("No money? Go kill some zombies.", source, 255, 0, 0, false) else outputChatBox ("Ehm,I think you forgot to buy the Shotgun First -.-", source, 255, 0, 0, false) end end) addEvent ("comproMunicionColt-45", true) addEventHandler ("comproMunicionColt-45", getRootElement(), function (id, cost,munic) local tieneColt-45 = getPedWeapon(source,2) if (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) and (tieneColt-45 == 22) then outputChatBox ("Congartulations,You bought a Colt ammo", source, 0, 255, 0, false) takePlayerMoney (source, tonumber (cost)) giveWeapon(source,tonumber(id),tonumber(munic)) elseif (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) and (tieneColt-45 ~= 22) then outputChatBox ("Ehm,I think you forgot to buy the Colt First -.-", source, 255, 0, 0, false) elseif (getPlayerMoney (source) < tonumber(cost)) and (tieneColt-45 == 22) then outputChatBox ("No money? Go kill some zombies", source, 255, 0, 0, false) else outputChatBox ("Ehm,I think you forgot to buy the Colt First -.-", source, 255, 0, 0, false) end end) addEventHandler("onResourceStart",getRootElement(), function () outputChatBox("Gunshop by LiOneLMeSsI") end ) Once again, read the error and you should be able to fix it yourself. Link to comment
LiOneLMeSsIShoT Posted July 9, 2013 Author Share Posted July 9, 2013 My bad, on the error you said "_", and it was actually "-", not exactly the same, so i didn't look at the script.In your script, one of the variables is named tieneTec-9, but the server reads it like tieneTec - 9, like maths you know. So you can replace it by tieneTec_9: marcadorTienda = createMarker(2285.8000488281,549.59997558594,6.8000001907349,"cylinder",1.5,0,125,250,153) function mostrarTienda(hitPlayer) triggerClientEvent(hitPlayer,"mostrarTienda",getRootElement(),hitPlayer) end addEventHandler("onMarkerHit",marcadorTienda,mostrarTienda) addEvent ("comproColt-45", true) addEventHandler ("comproColt-45", getRootElement(), function (id, cost,munic) if (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) then outputChatBox ("Congratulations!,You Bought a colt", source, 0, 255, 0, false) takePlayerMoney (source, tonumber (cost)) giveWeapon(source, tonumber (id),tonumber (munic)) else outputChatBox ("No money? Go kill some Zombies", source, 255, 0, 0, false) end end) addEvent ("comproShotgun", true) addEventHandler ("comproShotgun", getRootElement(), function (id, cost,munic) if (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) then outputChatBox ("Congratulations!,You bought a Shotgun", source, 0, 255, 0, false) takePlayerMoney (source, tonumber (cost)) giveWeapon(source, tonumber (id),tonumber (munic)) else outputChatBox ("No money? Go kill some Zombies", source, 255, 0, 0, false) end end) addEvent ("comproTec-9", true) addEventHandler ("comproTec-9", getRootElement(), function (id, cost,munic) if (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) then outputChatBox ("Congratulations!,You bought a Tec-9", source, 0, 255, 0, false) takePlayerMoney (source, tonumber (cost)) giveWeapon(source, tonumber (id),tonumber (munic)) else outputChatBox ("No money? Go kill some Zombies", source, 255, 0, 0, false) end end) addEvent ("comproUZI", true) addEventHandler ("comproUZI", getRootElement(), function (id, cost,munic) if (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) then outputChatBox ("Congratulations!,You bought a UZI", source, 0, 255, 0, false) takePlayerMoney (source, tonumber (cost)) giveWeapon(source, tonumber (id),tonumber (munic)) else outputChatBox ("No money? Go kill some Zombies", source, 255, 0, 0, false) end end) addEvent ("comproMunicionUZI", true) addEventHandler ("comproMunicionUZI", getRootElement(), function (id, cost,munic) local tieneUZI = getPedWeapon(source,5) if (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) and (tieneUZI == 28) then outputChatBox ("Congratulations!,you bought a UZI ammo", source, 0, 255, 0, false) takePlayerMoney (source, tonumber (cost)) giveWeapon(source,tonumber(id),tonumber(munic)) elseif (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) and (tieneUZI ~= 28) then outputChatBox ("Ehm,I think you forgot to buy the UZI First -.-", source, 255, 0, 0, false) elseif (getPlayerMoney (source) < tonumber(cost)) and (tieneUZI == 28) then outputChatBox ("No money? Go kill some zombies", source, 255, 0, 0, false) else outputChatBox ("Ehm,I think you forgot to buy the UZI First -.-", source, 255, 0, 0, false) end end) addEvent ("comproMunicionTec-9", true) addEventHandler ("comproMunicionTec-9", getRootElement(), function (id, cost,munic) local tieneTec_9 = getPedWeapon(source,4) if (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) and (tieneTec_9 == 32) then outputChatBox ("Congratulations!,You bought a Tec-9 Ammo", source, 0, 255, 0, false) takePlayerMoney (source, tonumber (cost)) giveWeapon(source,tonumber(id),tonumber(munic)) elseif (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) and (tieneTec_9 ~= 32) then outputChatBox ("Ehm,I think you forgot to buy the Tec-9 First -.-", source, 255, 0, 0, false) elseif (getPlayerMoney (source) < tonumber(cost)) and (tieneTec_9 == 32) then outputChatBox ("No money? Go kill some zombies", source, 255, 0, 0, false) else outputChatBox ("Ehm,I think you forgot to buy the Tec-9 First -.-", source, 255, 0, 0, false) end end) addEvent ("comproMunicionShotg", true) addEventHandler ("comproMunicionShotg", getRootElement(), function (id, cost,munic) local tieneShotgun = getPedWeapon(source,3) if (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) and (tieneShotgun == 25) then outputChatBox ("Congratulations,You bought a shotgun ammo", source, 0, 255, 0, false) takePlayerMoney (source, tonumber (cost)) giveWeapon(source,tonumber(id),tonumber(munic)) elseif (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) and (tieneShotgun ~= 25) then outputChatBox ("Ehm,I think you forgot to buy the Shotgun First -.-", source, 255, 0, 0, false) elseif (getPlayerMoney (source) < tonumber(cost)) and (tieneShotgun == 25) then outputChatBox ("No money? Go kill some zombies.", source, 255, 0, 0, false) else outputChatBox ("Ehm,I think you forgot to buy the Shotgun First -.-", source, 255, 0, 0, false) end end) addEvent ("comproMunicionColt-45", true) addEventHandler ("comproMunicionColt-45", getRootElement(), function (id, cost,munic) local tieneColt-45 = getPedWeapon(source,2) if (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) and (tieneColt-45 == 22) then outputChatBox ("Congartulations,You bought a Colt ammo", source, 0, 255, 0, false) takePlayerMoney (source, tonumber (cost)) giveWeapon(source,tonumber(id),tonumber(munic)) elseif (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) and (tieneColt-45 ~= 22) then outputChatBox ("Ehm,I think you forgot to buy the Colt First -.-", source, 255, 0, 0, false) elseif (getPlayerMoney (source) < tonumber(cost)) and (tieneColt-45 == 22) then outputChatBox ("No money? Go kill some zombies", source, 255, 0, 0, false) else outputChatBox ("Ehm,I think you forgot to buy the Colt First -.-", source, 255, 0, 0, false) end end) addEventHandler("onResourceStart",getRootElement(), function () outputChatBox("Gunshop by LiOneLMeSsI") end ) Once again, read the error and you should be able to fix it yourself. AHA!! Understand now gonna try and tell you..thanks Link to comment
LiOneLMeSsIShoT Posted July 9, 2013 Author Share Posted July 9, 2013 My bad, on the error you said "_", and it was actually "-", not exactly the same, so i didn't look at the script.In your script, one of the variables is named tieneTec-9, but the server reads it like tieneTec - 9, like maths you know. So you can replace it by tieneTec_9: marcadorTienda = createMarker(2285.8000488281,549.59997558594,6.8000001907349,"cylinder",1.5,0,125,250,153) function mostrarTienda(hitPlayer) triggerClientEvent(hitPlayer,"mostrarTienda",getRootElement(),hitPlayer) end addEventHandler("onMarkerHit",marcadorTienda,mostrarTienda) addEvent ("comproColt-45", true) addEventHandler ("comproColt-45", getRootElement(), function (id, cost,munic) if (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) then outputChatBox ("Congratulations!,You Bought a colt", source, 0, 255, 0, false) takePlayerMoney (source, tonumber (cost)) giveWeapon(source, tonumber (id),tonumber (munic)) else outputChatBox ("No money? Go kill some Zombies", source, 255, 0, 0, false) end end) addEvent ("comproShotgun", true) addEventHandler ("comproShotgun", getRootElement(), function (id, cost,munic) if (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) then outputChatBox ("Congratulations!,You bought a Shotgun", source, 0, 255, 0, false) takePlayerMoney (source, tonumber (cost)) giveWeapon(source, tonumber (id),tonumber (munic)) else outputChatBox ("No money? Go kill some Zombies", source, 255, 0, 0, false) end end) addEvent ("comproTec-9", true) addEventHandler ("comproTec-9", getRootElement(), function (id, cost,munic) if (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) then outputChatBox ("Congratulations!,You bought a Tec-9", source, 0, 255, 0, false) takePlayerMoney (source, tonumber (cost)) giveWeapon(source, tonumber (id),tonumber (munic)) else outputChatBox ("No money? Go kill some Zombies", source, 255, 0, 0, false) end end) addEvent ("comproUZI", true) addEventHandler ("comproUZI", getRootElement(), function (id, cost,munic) if (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) then outputChatBox ("Congratulations!,You bought a UZI", source, 0, 255, 0, false) takePlayerMoney (source, tonumber (cost)) giveWeapon(source, tonumber (id),tonumber (munic)) else outputChatBox ("No money? Go kill some Zombies", source, 255, 0, 0, false) end end) addEvent ("comproMunicionUZI", true) addEventHandler ("comproMunicionUZI", getRootElement(), function (id, cost,munic) local tieneUZI = getPedWeapon(source,5) if (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) and (tieneUZI == 28) then outputChatBox ("Congratulations!,you bought a UZI ammo", source, 0, 255, 0, false) takePlayerMoney (source, tonumber (cost)) giveWeapon(source,tonumber(id),tonumber(munic)) elseif (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) and (tieneUZI ~= 28) then outputChatBox ("Ehm,I think you forgot to buy the UZI First -.-", source, 255, 0, 0, false) elseif (getPlayerMoney (source) < tonumber(cost)) and (tieneUZI == 28) then outputChatBox ("No money? Go kill some zombies", source, 255, 0, 0, false) else outputChatBox ("Ehm,I think you forgot to buy the UZI First -.-", source, 255, 0, 0, false) end end) addEvent ("comproMunicionTec-9", true) addEventHandler ("comproMunicionTec-9", getRootElement(), function (id, cost,munic) local tieneTec_9 = getPedWeapon(source,4) if (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) and (tieneTec_9 == 32) then outputChatBox ("Congratulations!,You bought a Tec-9 Ammo", source, 0, 255, 0, false) takePlayerMoney (source, tonumber (cost)) giveWeapon(source,tonumber(id),tonumber(munic)) elseif (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) and (tieneTec_9 ~= 32) then outputChatBox ("Ehm,I think you forgot to buy the Tec-9 First -.-", source, 255, 0, 0, false) elseif (getPlayerMoney (source) < tonumber(cost)) and (tieneTec_9 == 32) then outputChatBox ("No money? Go kill some zombies", source, 255, 0, 0, false) else outputChatBox ("Ehm,I think you forgot to buy the Tec-9 First -.-", source, 255, 0, 0, false) end end) addEvent ("comproMunicionShotg", true) addEventHandler ("comproMunicionShotg", getRootElement(), function (id, cost,munic) local tieneShotgun = getPedWeapon(source,3) if (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) and (tieneShotgun == 25) then outputChatBox ("Congratulations,You bought a shotgun ammo", source, 0, 255, 0, false) takePlayerMoney (source, tonumber (cost)) giveWeapon(source,tonumber(id),tonumber(munic)) elseif (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) and (tieneShotgun ~= 25) then outputChatBox ("Ehm,I think you forgot to buy the Shotgun First -.-", source, 255, 0, 0, false) elseif (getPlayerMoney (source) < tonumber(cost)) and (tieneShotgun == 25) then outputChatBox ("No money? Go kill some zombies.", source, 255, 0, 0, false) else outputChatBox ("Ehm,I think you forgot to buy the Shotgun First -.-", source, 255, 0, 0, false) end end) addEvent ("comproMunicionColt-45", true) addEventHandler ("comproMunicionColt-45", getRootElement(), function (id, cost,munic) local tieneColt-45 = getPedWeapon(source,2) if (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) and (tieneColt-45 == 22) then outputChatBox ("Congartulations,You bought a Colt ammo", source, 0, 255, 0, false) takePlayerMoney (source, tonumber (cost)) giveWeapon(source,tonumber(id),tonumber(munic)) elseif (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) and (tieneColt-45 ~= 22) then outputChatBox ("Ehm,I think you forgot to buy the Colt First -.-", source, 255, 0, 0, false) elseif (getPlayerMoney (source) < tonumber(cost)) and (tieneColt-45 == 22) then outputChatBox ("No money? Go kill some zombies", source, 255, 0, 0, false) else outputChatBox ("Ehm,I think you forgot to buy the Colt First -.-", source, 255, 0, 0, false) end end) addEventHandler("onResourceStart",getRootElement(), function () outputChatBox("Gunshop by LiOneLMeSsI") end ) Once again, read the error and you should be able to fix it yourself. AHA!! Understand now gonna try and tell you..thanks look changed it and got another problem but fixed too..everything's fixed now but there's another error but not shown anything in CMD window..with when i buy UZI weapon works..but when i buy the ammo for tells me the message "i think you forgot to buy UZI first" but i bought it already...Another weapons're Working good normal with buy gun and buy ammo..This scripts after i fixed Server Side: marcadorTienda = createMarker(2285.8000488281,549.59997558594,6.8000001907349,"cylinder",1.5,0,125,250,153) function mostrarTienda(hitPlayer) triggerClientEvent(hitPlayer,"mostrarTienda",getRootElement(),hitPlayer) end addEventHandler("onMarkerHit",marcadorTienda,mostrarTienda) addEvent ("comprocolt_45", true) addEventHandler ("comprocolt_45", getRootElement(), function (id, cost,munic) if (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) then outputChatBox ("Congratulations!,You Bought a colt", source, 0, 255, 0, false) takePlayerMoney (source, tonumber (cost)) giveWeapon(source, tonumber (id),tonumber (munic)) else outputChatBox ("No money? Go kill some Zombies", source, 255, 0, 0, false) end end) addEvent ("comproShotgun", true) addEventHandler ("comproShotgun", getRootElement(), function (id, cost,munic) if (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) then outputChatBox ("Congratulations!,You bought a Shotgun", source, 0, 255, 0, false) takePlayerMoney (source, tonumber (cost)) giveWeapon(source, tonumber (id),tonumber (munic)) else outputChatBox ("No money? Go kill some Zombies", source, 255, 0, 0, false) end end) addEvent ("comprotec_9", true) addEventHandler ("comprotec_9", getRootElement(), function (id, cost,munic) if (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) then outputChatBox ("Congratulations!,You bought a tec_9", source, 0, 255, 0, false) takePlayerMoney (source, tonumber (cost)) giveWeapon(source, tonumber (id),tonumber (munic)) else outputChatBox ("No money? Go kill some Zombies", source, 255, 0, 0, false) end end) addEvent ("comproUZI", true) addEventHandler ("comproUZI", getRootElement(), function (id, cost,munic) if (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) then outputChatBox ("Congratulations!,You bought a UZI", source, 0, 255, 0, false) takePlayerMoney (source, tonumber (cost)) giveWeapon(source, tonumber (id),tonumber (munic)) else outputChatBox ("No money? Go kill some Zombies", source, 255, 0, 0, false) end end) addEvent ("comproMunicionUZI", true) addEventHandler ("comproMunicionUZI", getRootElement(), function (id, cost,munic) local tieneUZI = getPedWeapon(source,5) if (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) and (tieneUZI == 28) then outputChatBox ("Congratulations!,you bought a UZI ammo", source, 0, 255, 0, false) takePlayerMoney (source, tonumber (cost)) giveWeapon(source,tonumber(id),tonumber(munic)) elseif (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) and (tieneUZI ~= 28) then outputChatBox ("Ehm,I think you forgot to buy the UZI First -.-", source, 255, 0, 0, false) elseif (getPlayerMoney (source) < tonumber(cost)) and (tieneUZI == 28) then outputChatBox ("No money? Go kill some zombies", source, 255, 0, 0, false) else outputChatBox ("Ehm,I think you forgot to buy the UZI First -.-", source, 255, 0, 0, false) end end) addEvent ("comproMuniciontec_9", true) addEventHandler ("comproMuniciontec_9", getRootElement(), function (id, cost,munic) local tienetec_9 = getPedWeapon(source,4) if (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) and (tienetec_9 == 32) then outputChatBox ("Congratulations!,You bought a tec_9 Ammo", source, 0, 255, 0, false) takePlayerMoney (source, tonumber (cost)) giveWeapon(source,tonumber(id),tonumber(munic)) elseif (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) and (tienetec_9 ~= 32) then outputChatBox ("Ehm,I think you forgot to buy the tec_9 First -.-", source, 255, 0, 0, false) elseif (getPlayerMoney (source) < tonumber(cost)) and (tienetec_9 == 32) then outputChatBox ("No money? Go kill some zombies", source, 255, 0, 0, false) else outputChatBox ("Ehm,I think you forgot to buy the tec_9 First -.-", source, 255, 0, 0, false) end end) addEvent ("comproMunicionShotgun", true) addEventHandler ("comproMunicionShotgun", getRootElement(), function (id, cost,munic) local tieneShotgun = getPedWeapon(source,3) if (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) and (tieneShotgun == 25) then outputChatBox ("Congratulations,You bought a shotgun ammo", source, 0, 255, 0, false) takePlayerMoney (source, tonumber (cost)) giveWeapon(source,tonumber(id),tonumber(munic)) elseif (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) and (tieneShotgun ~= 25) then outputChatBox ("Ehm,I think you forgot to buy the Shotgun First -.-", source, 255, 0, 0, false) elseif (getPlayerMoney (source) < tonumber(cost)) and (tieneShotgun == 25) then outputChatBox ("No money? Go kill some zombies.", source, 255, 0, 0, false) else outputChatBox ("Ehm,I think you forgot to buy the Shotgun First -.-", source, 255, 0, 0, false) end end) addEvent ("comproMunicioncolt_45", true) addEventHandler ("comproMunicioncolt_45", getRootElement(), function (id, cost,munic) local tienecolt_45 = getPedWeapon(source,2) if (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) and (tienecolt_45 == 22) then outputChatBox ("Congartulations,You bought a Colt ammo", source, 0, 255, 0, false) takePlayerMoney (source, tonumber (cost)) giveWeapon(source,tonumber(id),tonumber(munic)) elseif (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(cost)) and (tienecolt_45 ~= 22) then outputChatBox ("Ehm,I think you forgot to buy the Colt First -.-", source, 255, 0, 0, false) elseif (getPlayerMoney (source) < tonumber(cost)) and (tienecolt_45 == 22) then outputChatBox ("No money? Go kill some zombies", source, 255, 0, 0, false) else outputChatBox ("Ehm,I think you forgot to buy the Colt First -.-", source, 255, 0, 0, false) end end) addEventHandler("onResourceStart",getRootElement(), function () outputChatBox("Gunshop by LiOneLMeSsI") end ) Client Side: GUIEditor_Image = {} tiendaDeArmas2 = guiCreateWindow(181,168,456,318,"Gun Shop By:LiOneLMeSsI",false) botonComprarcolt_45 = guiCreateButton(15,106,99,26,"Colt($100)",false,tiendaDeArmas2) botonComprarShotgun = guiCreateButton(121,106,99,26,"Shotgun($500)",false,tiendaDeArmas2) botonComprartec_9 = guiCreateButton(226,106,99,26,"tec_9($650)",false,tiendaDeArmas2) botonComprarUZI = guiCreateButton(330,106,98,26,"UZI($700)",false,tiendaDeArmas2) botonComprarMuniccolt_45 = guiCreateButton(11,234,105,26,"Ammo.x17($10)",false,tiendaDeArmas2) botonComprarMunicUZI = guiCreateButton(336,234,105,26,"Ammo.x20($50)",false,tiendaDeArmas2) botonComprarMunictec_9 = guiCreateButton(228,234,105,26,"Ammo.x30($40)",false,tiendaDeArmas2) botonComprarMunicShotgun = guiCreateButton(120,234,105,26,"Ammo.x17($25)",false,tiendaDeArmas2) munictec_9Img = guiCreateStaticImage(248,154,68,73,"images/53.png",false,tiendaDeArmas2) municUZIImg = guiCreateStaticImage(356,155,62,70,"images/55.png",false,tiendaDeArmas2) municcolt_45Img = guiCreateStaticImage(35,157,64,71,"images/51.png",false,tiendaDeArmas2) municShotgunImg = guiCreateStaticImage(141,154,66,72,"images/52.png",false,tiendaDeArmas2) imagecolt_45 = guiCreateStaticImage(35,38,63,61,"images/22.png",false,tiendaDeArmas2) imageUZI = guiCreateStaticImage(342,36,64,62,"images/28.png",false,tiendaDeArmas2) imagetec_9 = guiCreateStaticImage(242,34,65,65,"images/32.png",false,tiendaDeArmas2) imageEscopeta = guiCreateStaticImage(138,37,65,62,"images/25.png",false,tiendaDeArmas2) Salir = guiCreateButton(362,279,70,25,"Close",false,tiendaDeArmas2) guiWindowSetMovable(tiendaDeArmas2,false) guiWindowSetSizable(tiendaDeArmas2,false) guiSetVisible(tiendaDeArmas2,false) function mostrarTienda() guiSetVisible (tiendaDeArmas2,true) showCursor(true) end addEvent("mostrarTienda",true) addEventHandler("mostrarTienda",getRootElement(),mostrarTienda) function closeShop2() if guiGetVisible(tiendaDeArmas2) then guiSetVisible(tiendaDeArmas2,false) showCursor(false) end end addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", Salir, closeShop2) function darcolt_45() local itemID = 22 local itemCost = 100 local itemMunic = 1 triggerServerEvent ("comprocolt_45", getLocalPlayer(), itemID, itemCost,itemMunic) end addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", botonComprarcolt_45, darcolt_45) function darShotgun() local itemID = 25 local itemCost = 500 local itemMunic = 1 triggerServerEvent ("comproShotgun", getLocalPlayer(), itemID, itemCost,itemMunic) end addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", botonComprarShotgun, darShotgun) function dartec_9() local itemID = 32 local itemCost = 600 local itemMunic = 1 triggerServerEvent ("comprotec_9", getLocalPlayer(), itemID, itemCost,itemMunic) end addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", botonComprartec_9, dartec_9) function darUZI() local itemID = 28 local itemCost = 700 local itemMunic = 1 triggerServerEvent ("comproUZI", getLocalPlayer(), itemID, itemCost,itemMunic) end addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", botonComprarUZI, darUZI) function darMunicUZI() local armaID = 28 local itemCost = 50 local itemMunic = 30 triggerServerEvent ("comproMunicionUZI", getLocalPlayer(), armaID, itemCost,itemMunic) end addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", botonComprarMunicUZI, darMunicUZI) function darMunictec_9() local armaID = 32 local itemCost = 40 local itemMunic = 30 triggerServerEvent ("comproMuniciontec_9", getLocalPlayer(), armaID, itemCost,itemMunic) end addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", botonComprarMunictec_9, darMunictec_9) function darMunicShotgun() local armaID = 25 local itemCost = 25 local itemMunic = 17 triggerServerEvent ("comproMunicionShotgun", getLocalPlayer(), armaID, itemCost,itemMunic) end addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", botonComprarMunicShotgun, darMunicShotgun) function darMuniccolt_45() local armaID = 22 local itemCost = 10 local itemMunic = 17 triggerServerEvent ("comproMunicioncolt_45", getLocalPlayer(), armaID, itemCost,itemMunic) end addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", botonComprarMuniccolt_45, darMuniccolt_45) Please help me with this ....and THanks a lot Link to comment
iPrestege Posted July 9, 2013 Share Posted July 9, 2013 Please post the error and error line? Link to comment
LiOneLMeSsIShoT Posted July 9, 2013 Author Share Posted July 9, 2013 Please post the error and error line? The Error is i can buy the uzi but i can't buy the ammo for it..but another weapons's working correctly... Error From CMD: No Error get from CMD window.. Link to comment
itoko Posted July 9, 2013 Share Posted July 9, 2013 Well, that is wrong: (line 59) local tieneUZI = getPedWeapon(source,5) the slot 5 is for assault rifles, and the UZI is a submachine gun, just change it to 4. local tieneUZI = getPedWeapon(source,4) Here you got the weapons and their slots: Link to comment
LiOneLMeSsIShoT Posted July 9, 2013 Author Share Posted July 9, 2013 Well, that is wrong: (line 59) local tieneUZI = getPedWeapon(source,5) the slot 5 is for assault rifles, and the UZI is a submachine gun, just change it to 4. local tieneUZI = getPedWeapon(source,4) Here you got the weapons and their slots: Woohoo!!! Working Clear Cool Nice Thanks a lot of your nice HELP .. may you add me in skype?: lionelmessishoter .. i want to speak with you Link to comment
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