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[HELP] Animals never die

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Was for the animal dies, his body disappears and inside open inventory with meat. But it`s dont work!!

The animal die, but create another body (died) and the animal is still alive, nor spawns raw meats.






animals = { 
function spawnDayZAnimals() 
  for i, animal in ipairs(animals) do 
    local x, y, z = animal[1], animal[2], animal[3] 
    ped = createPed(math.random(12, 14), x, y, z) 
    setElementData(ped, "animal", true) 
function destroyDeadAnimalAndRespawn(ped, pedCol, x, y, z) 
  ped = createPed(math.random(12, 14), x, y, z) 
  setElementData(ped, "animal", true) 
function createDeadAnimal() 
  local x, y, z = getElementPosition(source) 
  local skin = getElementModel(source) 
  local ped = createPed(skin, x, y, z) 
  local pedCol = createColSphere(x, y, z, 1.5) 
  setElementData(pedCol, "parent", ped) 
  setElementData(pedCol, "playername", "Animal") 
  setElementData(pedCol, "deadman", true) 
  setElementData(pedCol, "MAX_Slots", 
  setElementData(pedCol, "deadreason", "Este animal foi morto por volta de " .. hours .. ":" .. minutes .. " horas.") 
  if getElementModel(source) == 12 then 
    setElementData(pedCol, "Raw Meat", 
  elseif getElementModel(source) == 13 then 
    setElementData(pedCol, "Raw Meat", 4) 
  elseif getElementModel(source) == 14 then 
    setElementData(pedCol, "Raw Meat", 2) 
  setTimer(destroyDeadAnimalAndRespawn, 1800000, 1, ped, pedCol, x, y, z) 
addEvent("createDeadAnimal", true) 
addEventHandler("createDeadAnimal", getRootElement(), createDeadAnimal) 


snipertxd = engineLoadTXD ("mods/bear.txd"); 
engineImportTXD (snipertxd, 12); 
sniperdff = engineLoadDFF ("mods/bear.dff", 12); 
engineReplaceModel (sniperdff, 12); 
snipertxd = engineLoadTXD ("mods/fox.txd"); 
engineImportTXD (snipertxd, 13); 
sniperdff = engineLoadDFF ("mods/fox.dff", 13); 
engineReplaceModel (sniperdff, 13); 
snipertxd = engineLoadTXD ("mods/wolf.txd"); 
engineImportTXD (snipertxd, 14); 
sniperdff = engineLoadDFF ("mods/wolf.dff", 14); 
engineReplaceModel (sniperdff, 14); 
function animalDamage(attacker,weapon) 
if attacker == getLocalPlayer() then 
    if getElementData(source,"animal") then 
        if weapon and weapon > 1 then 
addEventHandler ( "onClientPedDamage",getRootElement(),animalDamage) 

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I don't really understand the problem, could you try to explain yourself better? the animals never die? is that it?

You pick up the weapon and killed the animal... if like a ped, you kill him and he is lying (dead), and inside it has an inventory respawn raw meat.

But you kill him and instead of him dying, it creates a dead body and the living should disappear, but continues (second image).

And do not respawn raw meat.

First Image - The animals still alive.

Second Image - The animal still alive and under the dead body.

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I don't really understand the problem, could you try to explain yourself better? the animals never die? is that it?

You pick up the weapon and killed the animal... if like a ped, you kill him and he is lying (dead), and inside it has an inventory respawn raw meat.

But you kill him and instead of him dying, it creates a dead body and the living should disappear, but continues (second image).

And do not respawn raw meat.

First Image - The animals still alive.

Second Image - The animal still alive and under the dead body.

why dont you download the official Animals script?

because i think you edited this one

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