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Car Respawns after someone takes it?


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i want to edit respawn script when vehicle explodes that it respawns after 5 secs

function respawnVehicle( vehicle ) 
    spawnVehicle ( vehicle, getElementData( vehicle, "posX" ), getElementData( vehicle, "posY" ), getElementData( vehicle, "posZ" ), getElementData( vehicle, "rotX" ), getElementData( vehicle, "rotY" ), getElementData( vehicle, "rotZ" ) ) 
function onVehicleSpawn () 
    local x,y,z = getElementPosition (source) 
    setElementData (source,"posX",x) 
    setElementData (source,"posY",y) 
    setElementData (source,"posZ",z) 
addEventHandler ("onVehicleExplode",getRootElement(),onVehicleSpawn) 
function onVehicleExplode () 
    setTimer( respawnVehicle, 5000, 1, source ) 
addEventHandler("onVehicleExplode", getRootElement(), onVehicleExplode) 

i want to change the script so that vehicle respawns after someone takes it

can you help me?

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i have downloaded respawn script from community and there in description of script said that we can edit script as much as we want but that we need to keep credit of him (it's in meta)

so i didnt touch meta but i would like just to edit this script because he gave permission and i didn't touch credits

btw if u didn't understand what i asked to edit i will try to explain in here(sorry for my english)

' u make some map in editor with for an example 10 infernuses. someone gets in that infernus and drives around and leaves the car and there are only 9 infernuses'

so i want that when someone takes infernus that i respawns(copy) again into there where it was

sorry for my english it really sucks

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i don't know correctly i was searching for a lot of community scripts in there and i download them much this few days cuz im doing testings in my local server so i have auto care enabled in one program it cleans all my browsing data downloads etc but i think i writed respawn in search tab

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What you mean by takes it | = enter the vehicle?


example what i meant(maybe you will now understand)


i open map editor and make bridge on ls airport

i place infernus under the bridge

and save map and launch it in my own freeroam gamemode.

then there will be a bridge with an infernus under it

so when i get in infernus and drive around under bridge will be no car(infernus in this case)

but i want

that i can take infernus and when i go away after 5 seconds car re copies itself under bridge again because that's where i created it

so that car always re copies itself in there if it changes position but the player who took the car can still drive that car and there will be new infernus under the bridge

but in this script i don't want that it specificly detects infernuses i just said it for an example i want that it detects all cars and recopies them if someone took it

sorry again for my english

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