mint3d Posted June 15, 2013 Share Posted June 15, 2013 When i click the login button it just does not login Client; addEventHandler("accounts:login:request", getRootElement(), function () setElementDimension ( getLocalPlayer(), 1 ) setElementInterior( getLocalPlayer(), 0 ) setCameraMatrix( 837.90606689453, -2066.2963867188, 16.712882995605, 0, -10000, 0) fadeCamera(true) guiSetInputEnabled(true) clearChat() LoginScreen_openLoginScreen() end ); --[[ LoginScreen_openLoginScreen( ) - Open the login screen ]]-- local wLogin, lUsername, tUsername, lPassword, tPassword, chkRememberLogin, bLogin, bRegister, updateTimer = nil function LoginScreen_openLoginScreen() local width, height = guiGetScreenSize() --wLogin = guiCreateWindow(0,0, width, height, "valhallaGaming - MTA Roleplay server", true) wLogin = nil --guiWindowSetSizable(wLogin, false) --guiWindowSetMovable(wLogin, false) lUsername = guiCreateLabel(width /6, height /4, 100, 50, "Username:", false, wLogin) guiSetFont(lUsername, "default-bold-small") tUsername = guiCreateEdit(width /4, height /4, 100, 17, "Username", false, wLogin) guiSetFont(tUsername, "default-bold-small") guiEditSetMaxLength(tUsername, 32) addEventHandler("onClientGUIAccepted", tUsername, LoginScreen_validateLogin, false) lPassword = guiCreateLabel(width /6, height /3.5, 100, 50, "Password:", false, wLogin) guiSetFont(lPassword, "default-bold-small") tPassword = guiCreateEdit(width /4, height /3.5, 100, 17, "Password", false, wLogin) guiSetFont(tPassword, "default-bold-small") guiEditSetMasked(tPassword, true) guiEditSetMaxLength(tPassword, 64) addEventHandler("onClientGUIAccepted", tPassword, LoginScreen_validateLogin, false) chkRememberLogin = guiCreateCheckBox(width /5, height /3.2, 175, 17, "Remember My Details", false, false, wLogin) guiSetFont(chkRememberLogin, "default-bold-small") bLogin = guiCreateButton(width /6, height /2.9, 75, 17, "Login", false, wLogin) guiSetFont(bLogin, "default-bold-small") addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", bLogin, LoginScreen_validateLogin, false) bRegister = guiCreateButton(width /4, height /2.9, 75, 17, "Register", false, wLogin) guiSetFont(bRegister, "default-bold-small") addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", bRegister, LoginScreen_startRegister, false) guiSetText(tUsername, tostring( loadSavedData("username", "") )) local tHash = tostring( loadSavedData("hashcode", "") ) guiSetText(tPassword, tHash) if #tHash > 1 then guiCheckBoxSetSelected(chkRememberLogin, true) end addEventHandler( "onClientRender", getRootElement(), LoginScreen_RunFX ) updateTimer = setTimer(LoginScreen_RefreshIMG, 7500, 0) triggerEvent("accounts:options:settings:updated", getLocalPlayer()) end local screenX, screenY = guiGetScreenSize() local alphaAction = 3 local alphaStep = 50 local screenX, screenY = guiGetScreenSize() local alphaAction = 3 local alphaStep = 50 local totalslides = 6 local currentslide = math.random(1, totalslides) function LoginScreen_RunFX() dxDrawRectangle(0, 0, screenX, screenY, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 150), false) dxDrawText( "Welcome at the Valhalla Gaming MTA:Role play server", screenX/2 - 300, screenY/10, 300, 200, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), 2, "default-bold" ) dxDrawText( "Please login to start playing on our server!", screenX/6, screenY/4.9, screenX, screenY, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), 1, "default-bold" ) alphaStep = alphaStep + alphaAction if (alphaStep > 200) or (alphaStep < 50) then alphaAction = alphaAction - alphaAction - alphaAction end -- Left side local startX, startY = screenX/15, screenY/2 local endX = screenX/2.3 - 15 dxDrawText( "News and such.. ", startX, startY, 2000, 2000, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), 1.5, "default-bold" ) startY = startY + 40 dxDrawText( getElementData(resourceRoot, "news:title") or "None \"{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_sad.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"Sad\" />", startX, startY, endX, startY + 30, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), 1.2, "default-bold", "center", "top", true, false ) startY = startY + 16 dxDrawText( getElementData(resourceRoot, "news:sub") or "", startX, startY, endX, startY + 30, tocolor( 255, 255, 255, 200), 1, "default-bold", "center", "top", true, false ) startY = startY + 20 dxDrawText(getElementData(resourceRoot, "news:text") or "", startX, startY, endX, screenY, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), 1, "default-bold", "left", "top", true, true ) -- Right side local startX, startY = screenX/2.3, screenY/5 dxDrawText( "Welcome in this world,", startX, startY, 2000, 2000, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), 1.3, "default-bold" ) startY = startY + 20 dxDrawText( "the valhalla of role play.", startX+150, startY, 2000, 2000, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), 1.5, "default-bold" ) startY = startY + 50 dxDrawText( "Valhalla Gaming MTA Role Play is a role play gaming server using the Multi Theft Auto\nmultiplayer modification for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Originally started in January\nof 2008 as MTA:RP the server has grown to 110,000+ lines of code.\n\nIf you're new here, you should know a few things. First of all, you need an account to\n play at our server. You can get one at our website, [url=][/url] and look at the right side.\nWe are aiming for an as real as possible enviorment to roleplay in, thusfar we have\nsome rules that everyone need to stick to. You can view those rules by going to our\nsite, [url=][/url] or pressing F1 ingame.\n\nIf you require any assistance in our server, hit F2 and ask your question straight away. Also\nthere it's possible to report another player if he or she doesn't follow the rules.\n\nWe hope that you have a good time at our server.\n\n- Valhalla Gaming MTA Team", startX, startY, screenX-startX, screenY-startY, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), 1, "default-bold" ) -- Upper right dxDrawImage(screenX - 140, 10, 131, 120, "img/valhalla1.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, alphaStep), false) dxDrawText("Version "..scriptVersion, screenX - 130, 130, 20, 120, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 150 ), 1, "default-bold" ) -- Banner down dxDrawImage(startX, 500, 542, 214, "banners/".. tostring(currentslide) ..".png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 200), false) end function LoginScreen_RefreshIMG() currentslide = currentslide + 1 if currentslide > totalslides then currentslide = 1 end end function LoginScreen_startRegister() LoginScreen_showWarningMessage( "You can register an account\nat [url=][/url]! ) end --[[ LoginScreen_closeLoginScreen() - Close the loginscreen ]] function LoginScreen_closeLoginScreen() destroyElement(lUsername) destroyElement(tUsername) destroyElement(lPassword) destroyElement(tPassword) destroyElement(chkRememberLogin) destroyElement(bLogin) destroyElement(bRegister) --destroyElement(wLogin) killTimer(updateTimer) removeEventHandler( "onClientRender", getRootElement(), LoginScreen_RunFX ) end --[[ LoginScreen_validateLogin() - Used to validate and send the contents of the login screen ]]-- function LoginScreen_validateLogin() local username = guiGetText(tUsername) local password = guiGetText(tPassword) guiSetText(tPassword, "") appendSavedData("hashcode", "") if (string.len(username)<3) then outputChatBox("Your username is too short. You must enter 3 or more characters.", 255, 0, 0) else local saveInfo = guiCheckBoxGetSelected(chkRememberLogin) triggerServerEvent("accounts:login:attempt", getLocalPlayer(), username, password, saveInfo) if (saveInfo) then appendSavedData("username", tostring(username)) else appendSavedData("username", "") end end end local warningBox, warningMessage, warningOk = nil function LoginScreen_showWarningMessage( message ) if (isElement(warningBox)) then destroyElement(warningBox) end local x, y = guiGetScreenSize() warningBox = guiCreateWindow( x*.5-150, y*.5-65, 300, 120, "Attention!", false ) guiWindowSetSizable( warningBox, false ) warningMessage = guiCreateLabel( 40, 30, 220, 60, message, false, warningBox ) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign( warningMessage, "center", true ) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign( warningMessage, "center" ) warningOk = guiCreateButton( 130, 90, 70, 20, "Ok", false, warningBox ) addEventHandler( "onClientGUIClick", warningOk, function() destroyElement(warningBox) end ) guiBringToFront( warningBox ) end addEventHandler("accounts:login:attempt", getRootElement(), function (statusCode, additionalData) if (statusCode == 0) then LoginScreen_closeLoginScreen() if (isElement(warningBox)) then destroyElement(warningBox) end -- Succesful login for _, theValue in ipairs(additionalData) do setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), theValue[1], theValue[2], false) end local newAccountHash = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "account:newAccountHash") appendSavedData("hashcode", newAccountHash or "") local characterList = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "account:characters") if #characterList == 0 then newCharacter_init() else Characters_showSelection() end elseif (statusCode > 0) and (statusCode < 5) then LoginScreen_showWarningMessage( additionalData ) elseif (statusCode == 5) then LoginScreen_showWarningMessage( additionalData ) -- TODO: show make app screen? end end ) Server; local mysql = exports.mysql local salt = "vgrpkeyscotland" addEventHandler("accounts:login:request", getRootElement(), function () local seamless = getElementData(client, "account:seamless:validated") if seamless == true then outputChatBox("-- Migrated your session after a system restart", client, 0, 200, 0) setElementData(client, "account:seamless:validated", false, false, true) triggerClientEvent(client, "accounts:options", client) triggerClientEvent(client, "item:updateclient", client) return end triggerClientEvent(client, "accounts:login:request", client) end ); addEventHandler("accounts:login:attempt", getRootElement(), function (username, password, wantsLoginHash) local accountCheckQueryStr, accountData,newAccountHash,safeusername,safepassword = nil local cpypassword = password if (string.len(cpypassword) ~= 64) then password = md5(salt .. password) safeusername = mysql:escape_string(username) safepassword = mysql:escape_string(password) accountCheckQueryStr = "SELECT `id`,`username`,`banned`,`appstate`,`admin`,`adminduty`,`adminreports`,`hiddenadmin`,`adminjail`,`adminjail_time`,`adminjail_by`,`adminjail_reason`, `monitored` FROM `accounts` WHERE `username`='" .. safeusername .. "' AND `password`='" .. safepassword .. "'" else safeusername = mysql:escape_string(username) safepassword = mysql:escape_string(password) accountCheckQueryStr = "SELECT `id`,`username`,`banned`,`appstate`,`admin`,`adminduty`,`adminreports`,`hiddenadmin`,`adminjail`,`adminjail_time`,`adminjail_by`,`adminjail_reason`, `monitored` FROM `accounts` WHERE `username`='" .. safeusername .. "' AND `loginhash`='" .. safepassword .. "'" end local accountCheckQuery = mysql:query(accountCheckQueryStr) if (mysql:num_rows(accountCheckQuery) > 0) then accountData = mysql:fetch_assoc(accountCheckQuery) mysql:free_result(accountCheckQuery) -- Create a new safety hash, also used for autologin local newAccountHash = Login_calculateAutoLoginHash(safeusername) setElementDataEx(client, "account:seamlesshash", newAccountHash, false, true) if not (wantsLoginHash) then newAccountHash = "" end -- Check the account isn't already logged in local found = false for _, thePlayer in ipairs(exports.pool:getPoolElementsByType("player")) do local playerAccountID = tonumber(getElementData(thePlayer, "account:id")) if (playerAccountID) then if (playerAccountID == tonumber(accountData["id"])) and (thePlayer ~= client) then triggerClientEvent(client, "accounts:login:attempt", client, 1, "Account is already logged in." ) return false end end end -- Check if the account ain't banned if (tonumber(accountData["banned"]) == 1) then triggerClientEvent(client, "accounts:login:attempt", client, 2, "Account is disabled." ) return end -- Check the application state if (tonumber(accountData["appstate"]) == 0) then triggerClientEvent(client, "accounts:login:attempt", client, 5, "You need to send in an application to play on this server." ) return elseif (tonumber(accountData["appstate"]) == 1) then triggerClientEvent(client, "accounts:login:attempt", client, 4, "Your application is still pending." ) return elseif (tonumber(accountData["appstate"]) == 2) then triggerClientEvent(client, "accounts:login:attempt", client, 3, "Your application has been denied, you can remake one at [url=][/url]. ) return end local forceAppCheckQuery = mysql:query("SELECT `username`,`appstate` FROM `accounts` WHERE `ip`='" .. mysql:escape_string(getPlayerIP(client)) .. "' OR `mtaserial`='" .. mysql:escape_string(getPlayerSerial(client)) .. "'") if forceAppCheckQuery then while true do local forceAppRow = mysql:fetch_assoc(forceAppQuery) if not forceAppRow then break end if (tonumber(forceAppRow["appstate"]) == 1) then triggerClientEvent(client, "accounts:login:attempt", client, 4, "Your application is still pending on account "..forceAppRow["username"].."." ) mysql:free_result(forceAppCheckQuery) return elseif (tonumber(forceAppRow["appstate"]) == 2) then triggerClientEvent(client, "accounts:login:attempt", client, 3, "Your application has been denied on account "..forceAppRow["username"]..", you can remake one at [url=][/url]. ) mysql:free_result(forceAppCheckQuery) return end end end mysql:free_result(forceAppCheckQuery) -- Start the magic setElementDataEx(client, "account:loggedin", true, true) setElementDataEx(client, "account:id", tonumber(accountData["id"]), true) setElementDataEx(client, "account:username", accountData["username"], false) setElementDataEx(client, "adminreports", accountData["adminreports"], false) setElementDataEx(client, "hiddenadmin", accountData["hiddenadmin"], false) if (tonumber(accountData["admin"]) >= 0) then setElementDataEx(client, "adminlevel", tonumber(accountData["admin"]), false) setElementDataEx(client, "account:gmlevel", 0, false) setElementDataEx(client, "adminduty", accountData["adminduty"], false) setElementDataEx(client, "account:gmduty", false, true) else setElementDataEx(client, "adminlevel", 0, false) local GMlevel = -tonumber(accountData["admin"]) setElementDataEx(client, "account:gmlevel", GMlevel, false) if (tonumber(accountData["adminduty"]) == 1) then setElementDataEx(client, "account:gmduty", true, true) else setElementDataEx(client, "account:gmduty", false, true) end end if tonumber(accountData["adminjail"]) == 1 then setElementDataEx(client, "adminjailed", true, false) else setElementDataEx(client, "adminjailed", false, false) end setElementDataEx(client, "jailtime", tonumber(accountData["adminjail_time"]), false) setElementDataEx(client, "jailadmin", accountData["adminjail_by"], false) setElementDataEx(client, "jailreason", accountData["adminjail_reason"], false) if accountData["monitored"] ~= "" then setElementDataEx(client, "admin:monitor", accountData["monitored"], false) end local dataTable = { } table.insert(dataTable, { "account:newAccountHash", newAccountHash } ) table.insert(dataTable, { "account:characters", characterList( client ) } ) triggerClientEvent(client, "accounts:login:attempt", client, 0, dataTable ) local loginmethodstr = "manually" if (string.len(cpypassword) == 64) then loginmethodstr = "Autologin - "..cpypassword end exports.logs:dbLog("ac"..tostring(accountData["id"]), 27, "ac"..tostring(accountData["id"]), "Connected from "..getPlayerIP(client) .. " - "..getPlayerSerial(client) .. " (".. loginmethodstr ..")" ) mysql:query_free("UPDATE `accounts` SET `ip`='" .. mysql:escape_string(getPlayerIP(client)) .. "', `mtaserial`='" .. mysql:escape_string(getPlayerSerial(client)) .. "' WHERE `id`='".. mysql:escape_string(tostring(accountData["id"])) .."'") triggerEvent( "social:account", client, tonumber( ) ) else mysql:free_result(accountCheckQuery) triggerClientEvent(client, "accounts:login:attempt", client, 1, "No combination found of the \nentered username/password." ) end end ); function Login_calculateAutoLoginHash(username) local finalhash = "" local chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789" for i = 1, 64 do local rand = math.random(#chars) finalhash = finalhash .. chars:sub(rand, rand) end mysql:query_free("UPDATE `accounts` SET `loginhash`='".. finalhash .."' WHERE `username`='".. mysql:escape_string(username) .."'") return finalhash end function quitPlayer(quitReason, reason) local accountID = tonumber(getElementData(source, "account:id")) if accountID then local affected = { "ac"..tostring(accountID) } local dbID = getElementData(source,"dbid") if dbID then table.insert(affected, "ch"..tostring(dbID)) end exports.logs:dbLog("ac"..tostring(accountID), 27, affected, "Disconnected ("..quitReason or "Unknown reason"..") (Name: "..getPlayerName(source)..")" ) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit",getRootElement(), quitPlayer) Link to comment
Castillo Posted June 15, 2013 Share Posted June 15, 2013 We don't give support with leaked scripts. Topic locked. Link to comment
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