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Download File(s) On Demand?


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Hello, I've started working on a GUI to make changing vehicles client-side easier and I have a rather big variety of models and textures as of now and the total size of the resource is starting to get rather big.

I'm wondering if there's some kind of way to have the client download a specified file within the resource from the server on demand, for example: If the player selects Infernus 1, it would have to be downloaded first. As such, the client would be able to only download the ones he'd like instead of every single one.

I know there's fetchRemote, but I don't think that is quite what I need. I'm new to this whole downloading stuff within MTA so any kind of help would be greatly appreciated.

If this is not possible, what would be the most efficient way to go about things? Would I need to make a separate resource for every different model and then use call?

Edit: I know of downloadFile, but of course it's not to be released until MTA 1.4 :redhotevil:

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I used fetchRemote for my server and it worked just wonderful.

Would Mr.Castillo perhaps be so kind to provide me with some example? As I said, I'm new to downloading files like this through MTA, am not entirely sure as to how fetchRemtoe works... I have all the files in the one same resource, but with a folder structure, would it be possible to fetch a specific file/folder within that resource using fetchRemote...?


Would that even work? Since the file(s) need to be saved on the Client? In either way, wouldn't fetchRemote be a better approach?

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addCommandHandler ( "downloadfile", 
    function ( ) 
        fetchRemote ( "http://localhost:8080/image.jpg", myCallback, "", false ) 
function myCallback ( responseData, errno ) 
    if ( errno == 0 ) then 
        local file = fileCreate ( "image.jpg" ) 
        if ( file ) then 
            fileWrite ( file, responseData ) 
            fileClose ( file ) 
            outputChatBox ( "image.jpg successfully downloaded and created!" ) 

NOTE: When you use fetchRemote client side, you can't use an external web server.

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