wesleywillems17 Posted June 8, 2013 Share Posted June 8, 2013 Hallo, Ik ben bijna klaar met mijn eigen server. Maar ik heb nu dus een script dat er voor zorgt dat binnen een aantal meter van het voertuig muziek hoorbaar is. Nu heb ik een een kopie van in mijn resource en heb ik dus een kleine aanpassing nodig zodat de muziek zich blijft herhalen. Normaal zou dit gegaan vervelen steeds de zelfde muziek, maar het gaat zich om een sirene. Ik heb een kopie van de script hier onder geplakt. Zou iemand mij hier mee kunnen helpen? Bestand: sVehRadio3D.lua g_VehicleList = {} local radioStreams = 0 local defaultRadio = "URL" addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() for i,veh in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle")) do g_VehicleList[veh] = { } g_VehicleList[veh].radio = false g_VehicleList[veh].radioStation = defaultRadio g_VehicleList[veh].volume = 50.0 end end ) addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", root, function() for i,veh in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle")) do if g_VehicleList[veh] ~= nil then if g_VehicleList[veh].radio == true then triggerClientEvent(source, "onServerToggleRadio", root, true, g_VehicleList[veh].radioStation, veh, g_VehicleList[veh].volume) end end end end ) addEventHandler("onVehicleExplode", root, function() if g_VehicleList[source] ~= nil then if g_VehicleList[source].radio == true then triggerClientEvent("onServerToggleRadio", root, false, nil, source) g_VehicleList[source].radio = false destroyElement(g_VehicleList[source].radioMarker) killTimer(g_VehicleList[source].idleTimer) if radioStreams ~= 0 then radioStreams = radioStreams - 1 end end end end ) addEventHandler("onElementDestroy", root, function() if g_VehicleList[source] ~= nil then if g_VehicleList[source].radio == true then triggerClientEvent("onServerToggleRadio", root, false, nil, source) g_VehicleList[source].radio = false destroyElement(g_VehicleList[source].radioMarker) killTimer(g_VehicleList[source].idleTimer) if radioStreams ~= 0 then radioStreams = radioStreams - 1 end end end end ) addEvent("onPlayerToggleRadio", true) addEventHandler("onPlayerToggleRadio", root, function() if source and getElementType(source) == "player" then if ( isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) ), aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) ) then toggleRadio(source) else outputChatBox ( "You can't use this command, Only admin can", p, 255, 0, 0 ) end end end ) function toggleRadio(player) local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(player) if veh then local occupants = getVehicleOccupants(veh) local seats = getVehicleMaxPassengers(veh) local playerSeat = getPedOccupiedVehicleSeat(player) if playerSeat ~= 0 and playerSeat ~= 1 then outputChatBox("You can't switch the radio.", player, 255, 255, 255) return end if g_VehicleList[veh] == nil then g_VehicleList[veh] = { } g_VehicleList[veh].radio = false g_VehicleList[veh].radioStation = defaultRadio g_VehicleList[veh].volume = 50.0 end if g_VehicleList[veh].radio == false then if not get("toggleAntifloodTick") or not get("streamLimit") or not get("radioEnabledIdleTime") then return end local settingToggleAntifloodTick = get("toggleAntifloodTick") local settingStreamLimit = get("streamLimit") local idleTime = get("radioEnabledIdleTime") if g_VehicleList[veh].lastTick and (getTickCount() - g_VehicleList[veh].lastTick) <= settingToggleAntifloodTick then return end if radioStreams >= settingStreamLimit then outputChatBox("The limit of streams has reached (" .. settingStreamLimit .. ")", player, 255, 255, 255) return end local x, y, z = getElementPosition(veh) g_VehicleList[veh].radio = true g_VehicleList[veh].lastTick = getTickCount() g_VehicleList[veh].turnedOnBy = getPlayerName(player) g_VehicleList[veh].radioMarker = createMarker(x, y, z, "corona", 0.05, 255, 0, 0) attachElements(g_VehicleList[veh].radioMarker, veh) g_VehicleList[veh].idleTimer = setTimer(radioIdleTimer, idleTime, 0, veh) radioStreams = radioStreams + 1 outputServerLog(getPlayerName(player) .. " has turned the radio on in his vehicle (streams: " .. radioStreams .. ")") for seat = 0, seats do local occupant = occupants[seat] if occupant and getElementType(occupant) == "player" then triggerClientEvent("onServerToggleRadio", root, true, g_VehicleList[veh].radioStation, veh, g_VehicleList[veh].volume) local r, g, b = getPlayerNametagColor(player) colorHex = string.format("%02X%02X%02X", r, g, b) outputChatBox("#" .. colorHex .. "" .. getPlayerName(player) .. " #FFFFFFhas just turned the radio on.", occupant, 0, 0, 0, true) end end else g_VehicleList[veh].radio = false destroyElement(g_VehicleList[veh].radioMarker) killTimer(g_VehicleList[veh].idleTimer) radioStreams = radioStreams - 1 outputServerLog(getPlayerName(player) .. " has turned the radio off in his vehicle (streams: " .. radioStreams .. ")") for seat = 0, seats do local occupant = occupants[seat] if occupant and getElementType(occupant) == "player" then triggerClientEvent("onServerToggleRadio", root, false, nil, veh, g_VehicleList[veh].volume) local r, g, b = getPlayerNametagColor(player) colorHex = string.format("%02X%02X%02X", r, g, b) outputChatBox("#" .. colorHex .. "" .. getPlayerName(player) .. " #FFFFFFhas just turned the radio off.", occupant, 0, 0, 0, true) end end end end end function radioIdleTimer(veh) if not get("radioIdlePlayerDistanceCheck") then return end local settingDist = get("radioIdlePlayerDistanceCheck") if veh then if g_VehicleList[veh] ~= nil then if g_VehicleList[veh].radio == true then local playerInRange = false local vx, vy, vz = getElementPosition(veh) for i,player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local px, py, pz = getElementPosition(player) local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(vx, vy, vz, px, py, pz) if distance ~= false and distance < settingDist then playerInRange = true end end if playerInRange == false then triggerClientEvent("onServerToggleRadio", root, false, nil, veh) g_VehicleList[veh].radio = false destroyElement(g_VehicleList[veh].radioMarker) killTimer(g_VehicleList[veh].idleTimer) if radioStreams ~= 0 then radioStreams = radioStreams - 1 end outputServerLog("An " .. getVehicleName(veh) .. "'s radio has been idled (streams: " .. radioStreams .. ")") end end end end end addEvent("onPlayerRadioVolumeChange", true) addEventHandler("onPlayerRadioVolumeChange", root, function(currentVol, volumeUp) local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(source) if veh then local playerSeat = getPedOccupiedVehicleSeat(source) if playerSeat == 0 or playerSeat == 1 then if volumeUp == true then g_VehicleList[veh].volume = currentVol + 0.20 if g_VehicleList[veh].volume >= 50.00 then g_VehicleList[veh].volume = 50.00 end else g_VehicleList[veh].volume = currentVol - 0.20 if g_VehicleList[veh].volume <= 50.00 then g_VehicleList[veh].volume = 50.00 end end triggerClientEvent("onServerVolumeChangeAccept", root, veh, g_VehicleList[veh].volume) end end end ) function cmdChangeRadioURL(source, commandName, url) if not url then outputChatBox("Usage: /setradio newurl", source, 255, 255, 255) return end local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(source) if veh then local occupants = getVehicleOccupants(veh) local seats = getVehicleMaxPassengers(veh) if g_VehicleList[veh] == nil then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(veh) g_VehicleList[veh] = { } g_VehicleList[veh].radio = true g_VehicleList[veh].lastTick = getTickCount() g_VehicleList[veh].radioStation = defaultRadio g_VehicleList[veh].volume = 50.0 g_VehicleList[veh].radioMarker = createMarker(x, y, z, "corona", 0.1, 255, 0, 0) attachElements(g_VehicleList[veh].radioMarker, veh) g_VehicleList[veh].idleTimer = setTimer(radioIdleTimer, idleTime, 0, veh) end local playerSeat = getPedOccupiedVehicleSeat(source) if playerSeat ~= 0 and playerSeat ~= 1 then outputChatBox("You can't switch the radio station URL.", source, 255, 255, 255) return end for seat = 0, seats do local occupant = occupants[seat] if occupant and getElementType(occupant) == "player" then g_VehicleList[veh].radioStation = url g_VehicleList[veh].changedBy = getPlayerName(source) if g_VehicleList[veh].radio == true then triggerClientEvent("onServerRadioURLChange", root, g_VehicleList[veh].radioStation, veh, g_VehicleList[veh].volume) end local r, g, b = getPlayerNametagColor(source) colorHex = string.format("%02X%02X%02X", r, g, b) outputChatBox("#" .. colorHex .. "" .. getPlayerName(source) .. " #FFFFFFhas changed the radio station.", occupant, 0, 0, 0, true) outputConsole(getPlayerName(source) .. " has changed the radio station on his vehicle to: " .. url, occupant) end end outputServerLog(getPlayerName(source) .. " has changed the radio station on his vehicle to: " .. url) end end function cmdDumpVehRadioInfo(source, commandName) for i,veh in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle")) do if g_VehicleList[veh] ~= nil then if g_VehicleList[veh].radio == true then local strOut if g_VehicleList[veh].changedBy ~= nil then strOut = "Vehicle: " .. getVehicleName(veh) .. ", URL = " .. g_VehicleList[veh].radioStation .. ", Turned on by: " .. g_VehicleList[veh].turnedOnBy .. ", URL changed by: " .. g_VehicleList[veh].changedBy else strOut = "Vehicle: " .. getVehicleName(veh) .. ", URL = " .. g_VehicleList[veh].radioStation .. ", Turned on by: " .. g_VehicleList[veh].turnedOnBy end if getElementType(source) == "console" then outputServerLog(strOut) elseif getElementType(source) == "player" then outputChatBox(strOut, source, 255, 255, 255) end end end end end addCommandHandler("setradio", cmdChangeRadioURL) addCommandHandler("dumpradio", cmdDumpVehRadioInfo) Bestand: cVehRadio3D.lua radioSound = { } addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() bindKey("n", "down", clientToggleRadio) bindKey("mouse_wheel_up", "down", volumeUp) bindKey("mouse_wheel_down", "down", volumeDown) end ) addEventHandler("onClientVehicleEnter", root, function(thePlayer, seat) if thePlayer == getLocalPlayer() then local msg = "" if radioSound[source] == nil then outputChatBox(msg, 255, 255, 255) else if radioSound[source].soundElement == nil then outputChatBox(msg, 255, 255, 255) end end end end ) addEventHandler("onClientSoundStream", root, function(success, length, streamName) if streamName then local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(getLocalPlayer()) if veh then if radioSound[veh] == nil then return end if radioSound[veh].soundElement == source then outputChatBox("#FFFFFFRadio stream: #22AA22 " .. streamName, 0, 0, 0, true) end end end end ) addEventHandler("onClientSoundChangedMeta", root, function(streamTitle) if streamTitle then local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(getLocalPlayer()) if veh then if radioSound[veh] == nil then return end if radioSound[veh].soundElement == source then outputChatBox("#FFFFFFRadio meta: #AA2222 " .. streamTitle, 0, 0, 0, true) end end end end ) addEvent("onServerToggleRadio", true) addEventHandler("onServerToggleRadio", getLocalPlayer(), function(toggle, url, veh, volume) if not isElement(veh) then if radioSound[veh] ~= nil then stopSound(radioSound[veh].soundElement) radioSound[veh].soundElement = nil end return end if toggle == true then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(veh) if radioSound[veh] ~= nil then stopSound(radioSound[veh].soundElement) local sound = playSound3D(url, x, y, z) if volume ~= nil then setSoundVolume(sound, volume) end setSoundMinDistance(sound, 0.1) setSoundMaxDistance(sound, 100.0) attachElements(sound, veh) radioSound[veh] = { } radioSound[veh].soundElement = sound else local sound = playSound3D(url, x, y, z) if volume ~= nil then setSoundVolume(sound, volume) end setSoundMinDistance(sound, 0.1) setSoundMaxDistance(sound, 100.0) attachElements(sound, veh) radioSound[veh] = { } radioSound[veh].soundElement = sound end else if radioSound[veh] ~= nil then stopSound(radioSound[veh].soundElement) radioSound[veh].soundElement = nil end end end ) addEvent("onServerRadioURLChange", true) addEventHandler("onServerRadioURLChange", getLocalPlayer(), function(newurl, veh, volume) if radioSound[veh] ~= nil then stopSound(radioSound[veh].soundElement) local x, y, z = getElementPosition(veh) local sound = playSound3D(newurl, x, y, z) if volume ~= nil then setSoundVolume(sound, volume) end setSoundMinDistance(radioSound, 0.1) setSoundMaxDistance(radioSound, 100.0) attachElements(sound, veh) radioSound[veh] = { } radioSound[veh].soundElement = sound end end ) addEvent("onServerVolumeChangeAccept", true) addEventHandler("onServerVolumeChangeAccept", getLocalPlayer(), function(veh, newVolume) if veh then if radioSound[veh] ~= nil then setSoundVolume(radioSound[veh].soundElement, newVolume) end end end ) function clientToggleRadio() triggerServerEvent("onPlayerToggleRadio", getLocalPlayer()) end function volumeUp() local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(getLocalPlayer()) if veh then if radioSound[veh] ~= nil then local volume = getSoundVolume(radioSound[veh].soundElement) if volume ~= false then triggerServerEvent("onPlayerRadioVolumeChange", getLocalPlayer(), volume, true) end end end end function volumeDown() local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(getLocalPlayer()) if veh then if radioSound[veh] ~= nil then local volume = getSoundVolume(radioSound[veh].soundElement) if volume ~= false then triggerServerEvent("onPlayerRadioVolumeChange", getLocalPlayer(), volume, false) end end end end Groetjes wesley Link to comment
Moderators IIYAMA Posted June 9, 2013 Moderators Share Posted June 9, 2013 lees de syntax ff door, element playSound3D ( string soundPath, float x, float y, float z, [ bool looped = false ] ) local sound = playSound3D(newurl, x, y, z) -- 1 x local sound = playSound3D(newurl, x, y, z,true)-- herhalend tot het geluid word verwijderd. Link to comment
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