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is it good ? i dont must test it because am in school :roll::lol:

root = getRootElement () 
function checkTime () 
setTimer ( UpgradeWeather, 1000, 0 ) 
addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, checkTime ) 
function UpgradeWeather ( ) 
local h, m = getTime() 
if h > 20 then 
setWeather ( 9 ) 
elseif h < 6 then 
setWeather ( 11 ) 

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    function ( ) 
        local h, m = getTime() 
            if h > 20 then 
                setWeather ( 9 ) 
    elseif h < 6 then 
                setWeather ( 11 ) 

More easy .

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Addvice for the future :

Dom't use setTimer function with onClientRender event, Makes your server so laggy =)

Client! Not the server.

        local iHour = getTime(); 
        if iHour > 20 and iHour < 6 and not g_bNightTime then 
            setWeather ( 9 ); 
            g_bNightTime = true; 
        elseif iHour > 6 and iHour < 20 and g_bNightTime then 
            setWeather ( 11 ); 
            g_bNightTime = false; 
60000, 0 ); 

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Addvice for the future :

Dom't use setTimer function with onClientRender event, Makes your server so laggy =)

Client! Not the server.

        local iHour = getTime(); 
        if iHour > 20 and iHour < 6 and not g_bNightTime then 
            setWeather ( 9 ); 
            g_bNightTime = true; 
        elseif iHour > 6 and iHour < 20 and g_bNightTime then 
            setWeather ( 11 ); 
            g_bNightTime = false; 
60000, 0 ); 

I Think client render would be better .

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Addvice for the future :

Dom't use setTimer function with onClientRender event, Makes your server so laggy =)

Client! Not the server.

        local iHour = getTime(); 
        if iHour > 20 and iHour < 6 and not g_bNightTime then 
            setWeather ( 9 ); 
            g_bNightTime = true; 
        elseif iHour > 6 and iHour < 20 and g_bNightTime then 
            setWeather ( 11 ); 
            g_bNightTime = false; 
60000, 0 ); 

I Think client render would be better .

Why? It makes no sense..

You don't need to call function every frame.. You can call it only each 1 minute and it's more better.

For example you need to call a "big" function for calculation or doing something "hard", loop tables with 999 indexes and etc.

And you call this function every frame. It makes no sense. I think you understand me.

P.S Think about optimization. Not all people have an awesome hardware.

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Client! Not the server.

        local iHour = getTime(); 
        if iHour > 20 and iHour < 6 and not g_bNightTime then 
            setWeather ( 9 ); 
            g_bNightTime = true; 
        elseif iHour > 6 and iHour < 20 and g_bNightTime then 
            setWeather ( 11 ); 
            g_bNightTime = false; 
60000, 0 ); 

I Think client render would be better .

Why? It makes no sense..

You don't need to call function every frame.. You can call it only each 1 minute and it's more better.

For example you need to call a "big" function for calculation or doing something "hard", loop tables with 999 indexes and etc.

And you call this function every frame. It makes no sense. I think you understand me.

P.S Think about optimization. Not all people have an awesome hardware.

Ah yes i get it thanks .

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