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Ride of the Century #1 & #2 (New - 20.05.2013)

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Today I once cut a new video showing the event (more or less) "Ride of the Century".

In Ride of the Century is a lot of motorcyclists and other fast enough driving 2 wheels (sometimes small 4-wheel) gather in one spot and hit the town.

Among them are also risky moves, tricks, some speed and dangerous situations such as a police pursuit or the like.

This increases the respect from other drivers.

This Event is actually everyone is invited. The more the merrier they say.

However, the authorities warn that it is very risky to drive a car or motorcycle on the road with ~ 100 others.

Accidents, eg by risky maneuvers or other errors.

This video is not recommended for imitation. It serves merely to get an idea of how it might look on the streets in America.

These videos were filmed in St. Louis, Missouri with GoPro's.

Edited by Guest
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