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onClient events


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Let me elaborate better: I have a script that detects if a player has entered a colshape client-side and push him back, there is a protected base inside the colshape so the shape acts as a shield. Then I proceed to outputChatBox("You're being watched!", 255, 0, 0), but this message is sent to everyone in the server as if the detection would count towards people that enters a colshape and is *close* to the localplayer, the message should be sent only to the person who is trying to enter a base, not everyone around (this is why I chose a client-side event, instead of a server-side).

It starts:

addEventHandler("onClientColShapeHit", getRootElement(), 
    function(hitElement, matchingDimension) 

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That's because onClientColShapeHit is triggered by all elements ( even remote players ), so you must check if the hit element is the local player, like this:

function onColShapeHit ( hitElement ) 
    if ( hitElement == localPlayer ) then 
        -- Your code here 

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That's because onClientColShapeHit is triggered by all elements ( even remote players ), so you must check if the hit element is the local player, like this:
function onColShapeHit ( hitElement ) 
    if ( hitElement == localPlayer ) then 
        -- Your code here 

It works almost perfectly, but I need to check vehicles being controlled or thrown at the colshape, I really needed to know if the event is triggered for the localPlayer so I'd know if they were in a car, or the vehicle thrown at the base was controlled by them.

If there isn't a way to tell by who the event was started, I might go for your idea... thanks!

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You mean that you want to know who's owner is the vehicle that entered on the colshape?

Yes but not only that, I need to detect: local player entering a colshape, vehicle in which localplayer is driving entering a colshape, and a thrown-out car which was thrown by localplayer. If I don't filter for localplayer everything client-side is shared among all logged players, which is not intended.

Edit: Would this work out?

addEventHandler("onClientPlayerDamage", getLocalPlayer(), myFunction) 

getLocalPlayer() instead of getRootElement()? I saw this in a DayZ mode, so I take it works only for that client?

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-- Only check your self. 
 addEventHandler("onClientPlayerDamage", getLocalPlayer(), myFunction)  
 addEventHandler("onClientPlayerDamage", localPlayer, myFunction) -- the same. localPlayer = getLocalPlayer() 
--Yes getLocalPlayer()/localPlayer is only client.  
-- Check every single player. 
 addEventHandler("onClientPlayerDamage", getRootElement(), myFunction)  
 addEventHandler("onClientPlayerDamage", root, myFunction)  -- the same. root = getRootElement() 

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-- Only check your self. 
 addEventHandler("onClientPlayerDamage", getLocalPlayer(), myFunction)  
 addEventHandler("onClientPlayerDamage", localPlayer, myFunction) -- the same. localPlayer = getLocalPlayer() 
--Yes getLocalPlayer()/localPlayer is only client.  
-- Check every single player. 
 addEventHandler("onClientPlayerDamage", getRootElement(), myFunction)  
 addEventHandler("onClientPlayerDamage", root, myFunction)  -- the same. root = getRootElement() 

Thanks, that settles it.

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