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What does the new versioning system mean...

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this post could be nfsw, i wouldn't read it in an office, at school, a bath or in my parents' bed.

What does the new versioning system mean for players when it comes to updating every month?

I don't find quick updates an annoyance, but I certainly did hear that some people were angry about the quick release of 1.2->1.3(?).

As far as I know, the current updating system involves a CEGUI prompt that pops up when the game has loaded and come to menu. You're given the option to update, or stay on the old version. Yes to update will open a CEGUI download window which downloads the stuff. Then closes MTA, and iirc boots MTA up to update mode or something like that. No means..well I don't really have to explain - do I?

I know that a portion of the community have to wait a little bit for MTA to load up (whether it be changing from Aero to Basic, loading the graphics or running some powerful programs). If said person waits ~1.5min for MTA to load up to the main menu and see an update screen telling them to install a newer version - I'm pretty sure that if I was the said person, I'd be pretty pissed. Waiting for a loading time, waiting for a download to finish, waiting for it to finish installing and then waiting for a load time JUST to play/code your favourite server/resource? I couldn't be fµcking arsed (or assed, as others would argue).

Possible solution: This could be solved by implementing an update check within the loader. You'll be told about it before waiting for the game to load up. This saves the time of the user and keeps the users attention back in the game. It may even download quicker... I don't have enough credentials to actually prove this but I assume it has something to do with RAM and HDD usage whilst a 3D game (namely GTA:SA) is running.

Next up... updating isn't supposed to be those annoying popups our beloved players dread when all they want to do is "PLAY THE FµCKING GAME! GET THE FµCK OUT OF MY FµCKING WAY" they're supposed to be "FUUUUUUUUUCKKKK YESHH! SOMETHING SEXC IS GOING ON HERE." Even if the previous solution was implemented.

Possible solution: Not really problem, it's more of... aesthetics. But it would fix the above problem without the requirement of implementing the above problem. It superior. ( I intended to write "It's superior" but I typo'd "It superior", I decided to keep it). 'Ight, so.. the solution. There are three solutions merging into one at a further time, three seeds connecting to form one tree if a metaphor helps.

  • When the game is being installed, the user is prompted whether they would like to have auto-updates
  • The first time the game has an update after a fresh install (install without inheriting an old configuration) the user is prompted whether they would like to update. If yes, then they will be prompted for auto-updates (if they haven't already modified the variable for this). If no, the next time there is an update this "seed" is regrown (prompted whether like to update, yes: prompted for auto-update, no: regrow seed
  • jeez that was big. when the game is first opened up they are asked (take a part of seed 2 where being asked to update to auto-update). you'll probably need a little coding skill to even understand this horrific topic

Okay since I've gotten that crap out the window I should continue the solution. So after they've said yes to autoupdate, the seeds grow into a fused tree. Now instead of asking whether they should update if there is an update it'll go directly to the updater. This should be implemented during loading though, nobody likes their game restarting half-way through. And just in case, holding shift during the loader period will skip auto-update - for development/troubleshooting purposes. Of course, auto-update can be modified in the settings screen.

I'm sure I had some more solutions... but I can't remember them anymore. I'll update this post later with an edit and a update post. Whilst you're here, what are your opinions about this subject?

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